Three firsts for me
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Three firsts for me

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Had another great session today during which three different things happened:

1. I had a calm seas during urination. I occasionally like urine play and I usually have a absorbent bed pad laid down. I had to urinate and did not want to make a trip to the bathroom. It's sort of hard to disregard the training and wet the bed and that keeps a very pleasant tension as you try to start the flow. I relaxed into it and let the stream go. During this I was suspended in a very pleasant calm seas orgasm. The pulsation after the flow stopped pushed me just a bit further. I cleaned up from that and continued my session leading to the second happening. 

2. I had a Super-O while fantasizing about a Trans person at work. I've considered myself hetero my whole life but something happened last week that made me ponder. This person is Asian and I'm not sure if they are male to female or female to male. They (their preferred pronoun) have breasts and a very soft gentle face but also some male characteristics, male figure and legs. They came up last week and asked us what we were doing. We were preparing a section of conveyor belt. When they approached I was overcome with butterflies! I wanted to fuck and be fucked by them. I used that fantasy during this session and it propelled me into a brutally pleasant Super-O. 

3. I'm not usually into pain at all but I had recently gotten a set of vacuum caps to use on my nipples. They can provide very intense suction and can be painful if left attached too long or too strong. This time I applied one and the pain resolved to pleasure and launched me into another Super-O!

That's it for now. Overall a great and interesting session. 

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I often experience a suspended prostate orgasm while going pee. Usually at night before bed, after using THC - it's as though I can't get the flow of urine started, then I have to really relax. As the urine flow starts, I feel my prostate is constricting slightly. With that, I get semi-erect, and I get a prostate orgasm - usually several, relax - urine flow resumes triggering another prostate orgasm until drained.

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I find that since I started my aneros journey, I will often get a nice gentle pleasure from urinating...especially when I first wake up in the morning and my bladder is full...the urethra goes through the prostate so it makes sense that the pressure from urination pushes on the prostate a bit.  If you're used to 'listening' for this sensation it is easy to recognize it.   Also, one of my fantasies on my bucket list involves a mtf trans person...As a bi man...its the best of both worlds! Nice dick and ass but also a set of tits to play with! 🙂

Reddog152, Ggringo, Reddog152 and 3 people reacted
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So far the only undeniable hands free orgasm of any kind, has been a piss/cum at same time. Just like a T.O it shot 3 1/2' in the air and higher each contraction. The contractions lasted for 7sec , the liquid would start at dribble and work up like a fountain. I was gob smacked, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and feeling, I kept saying in my mind " I'm cumming and peeing at the same time, thats so hot" I was really getting turned on more and more watching this . Every time I thought it the pleasure grew. This stuff was clear and a little cloudy in spots, very oily and sticky, tasted like sugar water with a hint of cum, pinch of salt. Good thing I put a hosp. rubber mat down, caus I would guess 2-3 cups of this stuff. Who'd a thought erotic pee/cum.   

Pablito1963, Reddog152, Pablito1963 and 3 people reacted
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This sound like a game of firsts lol 🙂

I get you on the trans woman thing,there’s a trans woman in my company. HR like to reach out to all communities and all that. Pretty sure this isn’t appropriate for the work environment but she is one of the good ones,you’d never know unless you’re told,she’s quite hot lol. It’s funny,some of the guys drool over her and when someone gives them the info,you see em crumble as they’re afraid everyone thinks they’re queer ha ha. 

Reddog152, Ggringo, Reddog152 and 3 people reacted
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