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The world beyond an Aneros

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Hi, long time aneros user, but haven’t posted much…I wanted to share my thoughts on how the aneros enlightened me to a world beyond known pleasure, and see if anyone shares the thoughts. First aneros use was over 10 yrs ago, some great results…but I found myself trying to identify the aneros to the pleasure, like a cause and effect…..I then learned that was not correct, and I was spinning my wheels. The aneros, IMO doesn’t cause Super O’s, or dry O’s, or whatever else someone self-defines. It goes way deeper within yourself and your brain power to unleash orgasmic bliss. I once read someone referred the aneros to a set of training wheels, and that is very accurate.
I began researching and practicing ancient Taoist and Tantric exercises, and philosophies related to MMO, chakras and sexual energy. I figured the aneros would take a back seat for a while. It began as a hobby, but then became reality to me. The key was understanding about an orgasm, and the distinct difference of the two separate events between orgasm and ejaculation. This was done through various edging practices, which were difficult at first, but opened my mind tremendously. As I learned to feel what my body and mind defined as orgasm, I was able to control it and move the energy throughout my body and remain in an orgasmic state for long periods (30 minutes or more). A good bit of the same principles apply, especially with the PC muscles, relaxation, and breath control. This entire practice took almost a year for me, so I’m sure it’s different for everyone. So, is this the Super O? Again, aneros was not used during these states of bliss. I credit the aneros for enlightening me, but now understand that it is merely a stepping stone to something much bigger.
I still use my aneros on occasion, but don’t get caught up in the models, size, movements…..I understand it’s a small component of the much bigger picture. I enjoy the prostate massage along with the energy balancing, and when aroused, yes…..long multiple orgasm occur…..both with or without the aneros. The only drawback is it takes a while to come out of it, and the after effects just keep rolling wave after wave.
So, being long winded here, but do other long time users see this the same way I do?

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The aneros, IMO doesn’t cause Super O’s, or dry O’s, or whatever else someone self-defines. It goes way deeper within yourself and your brain power to unleash orgasmic bliss. I once read someone referred the aneros to a set of training wheels, and that is very accurate.

I also agree, it was @B Mayfield who called these devices 'Tantric training wheels'. @SteelColdiron also broached this mental aspect in his thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State.

I credit the aneros for enlightening me, but now understand that it is merely a stepping stone to something much bigger.

While I haven't yet achieved the ability to have Super-O's without an Aneros present as you have, I have developed the capacity to induce small dry-O's Anerosless in a relaxed, meditative state. This by itself is an enlightening awareness.

The only drawback is it takes a while to come out of it, and the after effects just keep rolling wave after wave. So, being long winded here, but do other long time users see this the same way I do?

I don't see the gradual change out of the altered mind state of orgasm as a "drawback". I think of it as just the natural unfolding of the process, with the body unconstrained by arbitrary time blocks. IMHO, the Aneros journey introduces us to a very real alternate pathway to orgasmic pleasures. This alternate path can then lead one to investigate even more pathways, just as you have identified. Whether we have the time, energy or curiosity to explore those other paths is greatly dependent on our current life obligations, commitments and attitudes. I think each of us develops our own unique understanding of these effects, for some of us they have caused life changing, behavior altering and consciousness expanding awareness we might never have experienced without those 'Tantric training wheels'.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Dbtrying Wow! Where have you been all these years? Your insight is intriguing and provocative and right on-the money! Please don't stop posting! We all can learn a great deal from your experiences!

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Thanks Rumel for the input, yeah, maybe drawback is not the right choice of words.....I think so much effort goes into the process to get to the state of mind we seek, i probably rush myself out of it.....but it makes me contemplate how taking this approach becomes more of a way of life versus an event. Also, I’m not sure if I’m having super O’s, but I try not to label things....I do know it makes me feel great, and creates a more balanced environment......I too face the normal day in and day out rigors, work, teenage I try and carve out me time as well.

GB, I’ve been around, but I didn’t focus my time with the aneros, so I lurked more often. I felt at times , the more entrenched I got with the aneros, the more I was forming road blocks, but also acknowledged its purpose....which is nice. I trie to look beyond the aneros, which is where I learned a good bit....but it all ties together....

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I’m with GB, you’ve struck several chords that resonate with me and I’m sure with others. I’ve gotten to the point where I can visualize my build up and orgasms in my mind. By that I mean I see my prostate as a object that changes in color and energy. I really attribute it to being metaphysical. This brought on not only by the Aneros but through meditation. Please continue to share your thoughts!

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Hi Kevin, I too use visualization, usually it comes on by its own forms of shapes and colors. In an almost trance like state, as the orgasm builds, the shapes seem to look like purple clouds....I have no idea why....I also use binaural beats a good bit. I try to build a synchronization of the sound and sights. I try not to overload my senses, since it can be distracting as well. The perfect timing has resulted with my heartbeat in sync with my prostate and the beats.....that’s when you have to really relax and let go....trying to control it, just doesn’t work. I am working on meditation, I’m by no means an expert in any of this....but meditation seems to be helpful in many ways, just not for MMO, or non ejactulatory I am always trying to find some time to work on that.

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Kevin, this was a well thought out post. I hope you continue to share with us.

I also have been exploring variations on the Super O.

I started by attempting to edge a Super O. My O's are somewhat predictable and I can reliably identify the physical markers that lead to an O. By not allowing certain muscles to contract, and by not automatically holding my breath as an O approached, I was able to extend the energy build up to pretty high levels. It was a fun experience that I have repeated a few times.

Next, I wanted to push the "Do Nothing" concept. I used what I learned from my edging exploration, and combined it with meditation techniques from my Yoga practice. I wanted to focus on body and mind relaxation, and energy movement. My experiment with the Eupho started out very subtlety. Without any muscle activation, I had just enough sensation to pinpoint where the device was making contact, and focus my mind on it. It took a long time for significant energy to develop. I was still totally relaxed, avoiding intentional muscle manipulation. As the energy increased, I began moving it around. The energy gradually built up, and traveled freely, without directing it. Apparently I succeeded in "opening" the pathways. This total "energy immersion" was a somewhat new sensation. The energy continued to build and flow. I eventually reached a level that I have not experienced before and was at a bit of a loss on how to control it. It was intense. A total body, total mind involvement. It didn't seem to have an obvious end. I really am at a loss to describe it. I had to employ every relaxation technique I know to get it to stop. I had after shocks for a good part of the day.

I've been messing with Aneros for nearly ten years with great results. This session was an eye opener.

There is more to be learned.

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@Xileh , sounds like you have tapped into some tantric practices in regards to controlling the energy source....along with opening the chakras.....I have been working with many of the teqniches for the last year or so as mentioned above. I find it so interesting, and how it parallels with the aneros, and how it’s separate as well. It is amazing what your brain and body are capable of when in a total state of relaxation. I too found edging to be a big factor in being able to identify the energy that builds, additionally the aneros, can cross paths with your ability to feel an orgasm like no other. I now think of orgasm in a very different light, I guess that’s part of rewiring....but I no longer use porn, or other sexual stimulation.....and just let the energy take over. I look at it in 3 ways, I call the holy trinity....(just a pun to myself...haha) 1-is the ability to define sexual energy and let it move on its own, 2-combine 1 with the aneros, which takes it to another , but different level.....and 3- combine 1 and 2 with atraditional ejaculatory orgasm ....when all 3 are combined, it can be mind bending. Very true that practicing meditation, yoga, and any form of self enlightenment makes this work....somwhen time allows, I try to work on that as well. I totally understand about how your mind tries to pull you back into that orgasmic state.....I mentioned that above, as sometimes I don’t allow myself enough recovery.....but it’s always a work in practice. Check out SivaSakti online for some good tips on tantric and Taoist exercises.....I personally found them helpful. Keep posting, I will try and do the same

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I agree with your trinity, except, ejaculatory orgasm.

I have started practicing enforced male chastity, being locked for one to two weeks at a time. During those periods, the prostate energy levels are higher than anything I have ever experienced. Actually, more than I want. Next to the brain, the prostate seems to be the generator of highest energy. Being teased, and denied ejaculation, seems to really amp up the Aneros session intensity.

I admit, I don’t fully understand where I am at the moment, but I am convinced, more exploration is warranted.

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I haven’t experimented with chastity, it would be difficult with my girlfriend....although she does Fully support my journey, and she is a very spiritual person. I find the sexual energy does increase steadily as I learn more about how to harness it, so it’s kind of self perpetuating. I too really don’t know where I’m at, but I like where it’s going.

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@Dbtrying Yes! Your post is spot on.

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@MO_Bosco , thanks....I think it’s been a work in progress, but I try and make it more of a helps with stress...Just wish I had done more of this at a younger age....but can’t change that, just enjoy the journey of discovery.....

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