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The Wall

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I'm writing this at an unsociable hour which is usually ill-advised, but strangely relevant to my topic which is: The Wall.

recently I've discovered the effects of my lifestyle interefere a LOT with my aneros use. And it makes me cranky. My boss is starting to think that I spend my evenings fuelling a coke habit, but he thinks that of everybody. The truth is, factors such as diet and stress levels kill libido. I'm not talking about getting's more to do with the conditions that have to be in place to have a great session. There have been times when I haven't been entirely sure that I'm in the mood - I've started sessions from nothing and they surpised the hell out of me.

I notice a lot of people on here talking about the wall which got me to thinking about energy levels because in the western world we talk about having low energy or having energy levels drained, while in the east you're more likely to hear about chi, and various different cultures have different names for this energy too.

I think a big key to accessing our stores of energy is to do with breath - I recently listened to a recording by kelly howell on kundalini which suggested a couple of different breathing techniques which I don't really utilise much in my aneros sessions, but I'll definitely experiment with in the future. I'm certain it will correspond in part with KSMO (which I haven't explored yet). I've noticed that ocean breath, the expelling of air from the lungs with a smooth continous 'Kaaa' sound (supposedly mimicking the sound of the ocean) tightens/increases the intensity of feeling with each breath when I am in a session.

The other things which I've found have a huge negative impact on energy is computer usage. Not to draw you away from this great forum, but if, like me, you stare at a screen for a large percentage of your day, it really saps the energy levels and any later aneros session will be duly effected!

Caffeine - I love coffee and while it can amp up your energy levels, it can also bring your levels crashing back down again...right in time for a romantic night in with your aneros...oh damn it.

I've had to become wary (to a degree) with food as well. I'm fairly impulsive when it comes to my diet, if it looks good to me I'll go for it, but eating donuts out of a bag (that was me yesterday), or indeed eating any food which is going to leave you bloated, sluggish or constipated before you start a session is a concern.

One more thing which can severly effect a session is your own emotional state. If i've had a rough day at work, or had a fight with someone, it can take a while to shake that off. Some people switch states very easily, but if I'm upset or stressed about something, it can take a long while to disassociate from those feelings.

The session itself can be a mental roadblock. I've approached a fair few sessions with a cold, clinical style (and I notice a lot of people on here describing their preparation rituals for having a great session). I only realise afterwards that I've been a fool and concentrated too much on the event, instead of just lying back to enjoy the scenery. Preparation is useful, but can sometimes detract from the goal, which is pleasure.

The wall, as I see it, is nothing more than a combination of these things, a combination comprised of psychological and physiological factors.

A lot of my sessions have been non-starters for some or all of the reasons I've mentioned, and now that I find myself masturbating a lot less, and using the aneros a lot more - maybe...just maybe, I'll be able to take some of my own advice!

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Thanks for the observations. Much appreciated.


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Fantastic observations magma1984!!!

Thank you for posting them.

Love is Peace

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Dude, have you considered starting a blog?

I think your observational and writing skills are great. You articulate your thoughts well, so that it is easy to identify with your experiences. Why have you allowed yourself to become a long-time lurker?

Two cents,

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I'd stay as far away as possible from sugars unless they are natural ones like grapes or other fruit sugars.
Red Bull taste awesome but it's the same as crack and cigarettes in the some nutrients.
Go cold turkey for and get away from thses kinds of things and check out Zane's Diet here in the forums.
Good Health definitely absolutely changes your experience!!

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that's interesting tiphereth - considering I also exist on a lethally high sugar level - I'm actually surprised I have any good experiences with the aneros, but it definitely explains the duds which I routinely have. As far as Zaneblue's diet is concerned, I was considering tagging that on to the end, so you read my mind! I just haven't been on it long enough to see it make a difference (and as you can see, I'm still letting my food vices control me)...but I'll definitely report on it as my diet changes over the next couple of months...or maybe after christmas (oh man! why?)

flipflyer - well, thankyou for the compliment - I guess when I read posts from newbies just asking questions to the forum, I think...why the hell didn't I do that when I started a few months back? They contribute to this forum more than I did, and they've only just started on their journey!
As for going from a long time lurker to a blogwriter, that might be a bit like an evolutionary chart with the guys in the middle missing!

Love_is, handlebar - as always gents, thanks for reading 😉

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While I agree, and have been practicing for well over a year now what Tiphereth says about staying away from pure refined sugars and stimulants...
It's very much a personal choice for each person.
And often a very difficult one, as it seems a lot of people, including myself have or have had emotional ties to food and flavors that are difficult to kick.
But just like Tiphereth says, good health does indeed change your experience. And ultimately, as I had a very extreme diet change going vegan. I've found that foods and flavors that you like are a learned habit/experience. Meaning you can find wonderful new healthy foods and flavors that replace the junk you used to eat. And actually enjoy it once you've been accustomed to it for a while.

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Yeah, I'll go along with that assessment - my body is very much reliant on refined sugars and has been for a long time, but there have been times where I have periodically been forced to give them up (like if I'm in a different country/culture for extended periods) and while it's hard at first...I do miss them!...after a little while that addiction is kicked and, as you say, foods take on a whole new flavour.

You're a vegan? That is an extreme change! Well, I started out life as a veggie and part of that diet still stays with me, so I'm grateful for that. I'm pretty sure I could go up coffee though...that's a different story 😥 !!

I once detoxed for a week and then had a coffee with four sugars in it, I don't think I slept until I had counted all the blades of grass in my back yard 😯

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Hi magma1984,

...after a little while that addiction is kicked and, as you say, foods take on a whole new flavour.

That's actually a whole other related point that I didn't think to bring up. If you eat a typical western omnivore diet. Most pre-cooked/canned/boxed/processed foods that are not made specifically to be healthy, all have high fructose corn syrup in them. Even if they are not meant to be a sweet flavored food. From crackers, to bread, to canned soup and pasta mixes, dried box mixes, tomato pasta sauce, the list goes on and on. And the thing is, this stuff is like crack. It alters the flavor of the food and gets you addicted to how it tastes. So when you do actually eat something that is natural and healthy. You end up thinking it tastes like crap! And that's not even considering all of the health issues with ingesting large amounts of pure refined sugars. There is a very popular book that talks about this called "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty". You can also just do a search on the internet for the terms "refined sugars health problems", that will bring up all kinds of articles to read about it.

Yep, I went vegan and stopped eating pure refined sugars and salts as much as possible at the same time. It was a major change. I had to relearn how to cook my meals all over again. I became an avid label reader of food products. And have to exclusively shop at a health food store to buy the healthy foods I need to live. On the other hand. Eating and living this way has made me much more environmentally aware of the impact my choice of foods that I buy, and the packaging it comes in, has on our eco-system. It awakens your sensitivity to how your choices effect the world around you. Much like the Aneros awakens your prostrate.

I'm pretty sure I could go up coffee though...that's a different story 😥 !!

You can only change as you are willing to. I was ready to make the change, so it worked for me. It's the same thing with caffeine and other stimulants like it. Stimulants take away much more energy and health from your body than they give back in energy. But you don't realize it when you're a daily user of it. And you won't let it go until you're ready and you realize it's not good for you. But also that your own natural body, provided with healthy whole foods, can provide all the energy you need for the day.

I once detoxed for a week and then had a coffee with four sugars in it, I don't think I slept until I had counted all the blades of grass in my back yard 😯

Which is exactly the reason I have been stimulant free for over two years. Besides the fact that it makes me almost manic, and definitely anxious. Someone inevitably has to scrape me off the ceiling and gag my mouth shut.(Exaggerated joke. But you get the point.) Let alone trying to get to sleep at night. 😆 Since then, I've only ever considered taking them in an extreme emergency of needing to stay awake. Which thankfully has not happened yet.

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Sage advice yet again Love_is, I am very seriously considering a diet overhaul (and before christmas too). Interestingly, I have taken two to three month trips to countries where the staple diet consists of predominantly fish, steak, rice, pulses, and a hell of a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. I actually put on weight while I was over there because I wasn't in control of my portions and I didn't want to offend my host a lot of the time, but I came back home a changed man.

I have heard exactly what you mentioned about processed foods - pretty much everything contains refined sugars and salts! But your comments on stimulants make perfect sense and were news to me, so thanks for that! 😉

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I think it was on the HIH web site I read that hot and spicey foods can have an effect on Prostatitis in a detrimental way, so I am sure healthy eating in general will help prostate health.

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As someone who has years of experience with prostatitis, I can tell you first hand that ones diet can have a large impact on prostate health. Some foods have already been mentioned here. High levels of sugar, fats, high consumption of red meat can indeed be a problem. Caffeine in addition to amping you up can cause constriction in the blood vessels that supply the prostate. The thing to remember about the prostate is that the circulation is not what it is in other organs and glands. For instance, there are not even a handful of antibiotics that have any efficacy in treating infections of the prostate. Caffeine, spicy foods and yes alcohol can all have an impact on prostate health.

In addition to these factors, it is felt by some that our consumption of trace amounts of heavy metals, (pollutants in our food supply as a result of bio-accumulation) may the source of prostate problems. There are some that are looking to the use of therapeutic chelation to remove build up of these materials . The data on all of this is pretty sketchy at the present time but it bears keeping on eye on it for the future.

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I've had prostatitis and BPH since my early 20's, and been seeing a urologist annually since about 30, and mine was caused by beating my butt on a tractor seat for 12-15 hours a day, and drinking almost no water, plus not stopping for bathroom breaks because it lowers productivity, or so my dad used to say. He followed the same rules, and he's 82, but he suddenly drops what he's doing, grabs himself, and runs off to take a leak every couple of hours. The concensus from the doctors from back then, BPH was caused primarily from not enough water, not enough bathroom breaks, and beating up your buttox on a seat for long stretches at a time. Farmers, truck drivers and taxi drivers had the greatest incidents of BPH and prostatitis.

magma1984 wrote:
I once detoxed for a week and then had a coffee with four sugars in it, I don't think I slept until I had counted all the blades of grass in my back yard

Amen, brother! I can't handle caffeine, either. A tall glass of iced tea, and I'm up 'til 3 AM screaming about why is one of the ceiling tiles not oriented the same as the rest!

I personally am not all that concerned with white sugar as with corn sweeteners, highly refined starches, hydrogenated- and soybean oils. I'm convinced that these four culprits are the major lynchpins in the obesity problems in our society. I've been finding more and more articles on the dangers of high fructose corn syrup, and the long term effects of estrogen in soybean products in our diet, as well as the dangers of hydrogenated oils in our diet, not to mention the gastrointestinal complications of processed flour. It used to be that obesity was a sign of wealth, but with food stamps and plethora of cheap and convenient processed foods, the lower income strata of our society is grossly overweight. My wife works in a supermarket, and people with food stamps fill their carts with pop, junk food, candy, and highly processed dinners, and almost all of it contains at least one of the four. Unfortunately, we have problems being able to afford fresh fruit, and I'm ever so grateful that I make maple syrup every year. We've always tried to eat the most whole wheat bread that we can afford, and make our own high-fiber bread whenever we can. And we use butter instead of margarine, and this year, we'll be having real whipped cream on our pies for Thanksgiving. But I draw the line on red meat. We don't eat a lot, but done right it's very tasty and good for you. Dairy used to have something in it called alpha-lipoic acid, that helped the body burn off fat instead of storing it, plus it helped to control blood sugar levels to help prevent and control diabetes.

As an aside, I just got an email about some ancient grain called Salvia hispanica - L. It's supposed to be a better source of Omega 3, fiber, antioxidants, and so forth. It makes me wonder if this was the mysterious Biblical manna. What do any of you know about this?

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Hello Badger,

Thank you for expressing your opinions and beliefs here. I'm not going to try and change your beliefs. But you should be aware that pure refined white sugar is not all that much different in it's composition, and how it effects the body as other other pure refined sugars from different sources, such as high fructose corn syrup. They are all pure sugars with no nutrients in it. But I do agree very much with you about the other highly processed foods.

Maple syrup is a fantastic plant based sweetener! That's great that you are able to make it. It's pretty much my primary sweetener I use, and I am fortunately able to buy it locally to support the people that make it in my area.

I agree with the major problem of low income people buying crap foods and being obese because of it. I think part of the problem is education, and the FDA allowing companies to manufacturer this garbage and highly advertise it. But you are certainly correct about the higher cost of eating healthier whole foods. When I switched to living and eating as a vegan and removed pure refined sugars and salts from my diet, my grocery bill went up another $100.00 to $150.00 USD per month(Just to feed myself). I'm definitely considered low income. But I choose to make the ethical investment in my health and the products I buy. Not everyone is willing to do that. Particularly if the end results of their choices doesn't effect them in their wallet or their quality of living.

That's my 2 cents. 🙂

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Oops, I forgot to answer your last question. I've never heard of Salvia hispanica - L. But you can do an internet search for that name, and it brings up a number of articles to read. It seems it is also called Chia Seed. I doubt it has anything to do with biblical history, as it's origins are Central and South America. As long as it has no poisons or stimulants in it, and you can eat it in a relatively un-processed form, which appears to be the case. Then give it a try if you can afford it. Keep in mind though, that freshly ground flax seeds sit in the same category as far as nutrients they provide. And they are very inexpensive.

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From what I've been reading, there is a big difference between white sugar and high fructose corn sweetener (hfcs). There's a distinct difference in taste; it has an aftertaste (pop), and flavors don't last as long (gum), plus it is not satisfying (you don't feel full, so you consume more). I've come across a few websites citing the danger to the body. Apparently, the body processes hfcs differently than refined sugar. Google hfcs and check out some websites.

Refined sugar is just the juice from either beets or cane, with the molasses cooked out. Maple sugar is very similar, it's just overcooked syrup that the sugar is precipitated out. There is a distinct difference between beet and cane sugar. Cane sugar will dissolve better and easier than beet sugar, and is better for chocolates and other such confections.

I know honey is one of the best sweeteners, period. It's good for allergies (try to buy local, unfiltered/minimally filtered honey), it's soothing for the throat, even treating MRSA. It doesn't spoil easily, it seems I read that some was found in the Pharaoh's tombs, and was still good.

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Hello Badger,

Some of that stuff I did not know. Thanks for posting it. I read one of the articles about high fructose corn syrup. It does appear to be worse than pure refined cane or beet sugar. But I still don't feel like that makes pure refined cane or beet sugar healthy for you. It just makes it less dangerous than high fructose corn syrup, but still dangerous. The thing that I believe is healthier about sweeteners like Maple syrup, honey, and molasses. Is that they still have nutrients in them. They are not refined till they are 100% pure sugar. And do not get bleached to make them white, and/or have anti-caking chemicals in them.

Although ultimately, my choice is to not have a high intake of even healthy plant based sweeteners in my diet. I feel that moderation and variety in my diet is important to observe and practice. It's bad enough I have a tendency to eat way to much bread, even if it is made with completely natural ingredients.

I respect your right to speak and believe what you think is right for you on this subject. But I think we will have to agree to disagree. 🙂

Love is Peace.

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wow, i didn't expect this thread to turn in to a lengthy discussion on healthy eating and prostatitis...but i'm glad it did, because too few are aware of the dangers...or are struggling to kick the addictions (me) 😥

as an update....I gave up coffee for one day. The first thing my colleague asks me in the morning: 'coffee?' and goes off to make it before i've even answered. And I don't think anything of it until I bring the cup up to my mouth and think....damnit! I decided to go for water instead. Anyway....before long, I have a migraine and I can't concentrate on anything, but maybe that's because I don't have caffeine and sugar running my body 😉

I spend the day rushing to and from the bathroom either to wretch for a while or cry about not having a nice warm shot of caffeine to keep me company. After a lot of nausea and empty convulsions, I start throwing up at the end of the day, presumably my bodies reaction to not getting what it wants.

This won't be the case for many giving up their food and drink vices, but I am a serious user - I have actually had to cut down from about eight cups a day. I should also add that I have consumed no sugar either.

Here comes day number two, and I still feel pretty weak, cold turkey is pretty harsh! 😥

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Wow magma1984! Good for you! Literally! 😀
Stick with it man! Your mind/body's natural desire is to be healthy. It just doesn't know it yet!
I'm very proud of you to see that you have made this decision. It's a really big step. And here you are doing it. 😀

Had I been in your shoes, I would have waited till my day(s) off from work to go cold turkey. Especially considering how violently your body has reacted to it not getting the junk it is used to ingesting. Once all the withdrawal symptoms are over, you will feel much more healthier. And also you will feel free in not having to be tied to needing coffee and sugar to get you throughout your day.

My past experiences with caffeine withdrawal, is that exactly two days from my last ingestion of it, I get a very large headache for the majority of the day. And pain relievers do nothing to make it go away. It's almost like a delayed alcohol hangover. I'm happy not to have that anymore.

Love is Peace

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