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The Nipples: Hit A Wall

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Hi, I have seemed to have hit a wall with nipple play so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone can offer some advice or tips etc.

My current situation at the moment is that I don't have an Aneros, or anything else but my fingers. I say this because I think if I had an Aneros maybe the more direct prostate contact would get things rolling faster than just nipple touching. So I'm aware that I'm at some sort of disadvantage, at least that's what I think.

So with nipple play I'm kind of stuck, blocked from really any sensation in the prostate other than just the faintest feeling when I start. I assume I should try to focus on that as best I can? It's just so fleeting. I don't know if my nipples have gotten more sensitive over the couple years I've been with Aneros and all. Perhaps my mind is more attuned to them and that's what makes this work. Problem is my mind is busy. Every time I lie down to touch, thoughts like: If I just do this maybe it will get better, or Why is this not working?

I know you're not supposed to think that way. Expectation is the vibe killer. I've done well enough when I had Aneros(s) to know that that saying is important and true. But without one right now I feel like the good stuff is just cut off. In the past when I worked the nipples, I could sustain the tingles, or feel the swell, but that was with regular Aneros sessions.

With my nipples now, I can usually achieve an erection if I focus, my body may contort, and my hips and ass may feel more substantial.. but not for long. Yet the prostate sleeps on me, or I on it. I practice nipple play on a fairly regular basis, but not for very long because of frustration, or sheer boredom.

My hope is that I can work on tuning my nipples to work with my prostate, (and for their own pleasures alone,) so that when I get back to the Aneros I have improved something during this stasis, and get more out of my sessions.

Anyone have something they could suggest for me to try, or just a bit about how you advanced your nipple game?

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It's always a good idea to explore sensations and have an open mind in navigating pleasure. If you're hitting enough walls that overthinking and expectations are driving you into them, it may be worth investigating in and out of sessions what triggers those flashes of emotion or thought. The triggers may even lie underneath what you may be running into.

I'm a firm believer that because orgasms are between mind and body, a bit of it is mental/spiritual in a sense. There may be a deep dive you'll need to do to explore what truths lie within you.

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I had a time last year where I wasn't able to use my Aneros for about 3 weeks, and in that time really delved into Aless.  I think that's your situation here?  I tried to keep my routine as similar as possible to help me stay in that groove, and was looking for the familiar signposts I felt with the Aneros inserted.  I got a few CDs to play during, music as well as hypnosis, bought some books to read as well, and started a kegel routine.  And just like an Anerosession, I kept my penis out of my sessions.  Oh, and semen retention.  I found a lot of pleasure to be had (and still do) though I'm not a master at Aless.  As far as nipples specifically, they definitely help amplify my arousal but I do have to be aroused in the first place.  I try to hold off on touching my nipples as long as I can, generally until I can feel my prostate pulsing and my erection building.  If I try to kickstart those feelings using my nipples I find that I won't make it as far.  If I don't feel that then the chances are it's not going to happen for me that night; I try not to get that worked up about it, the net day will usually be better.  Even right now, I feel like I could do Aless for a bit before bed, if I'm not too tired, but if I don't, it's OK because I have tomorrow to play. 

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Very true about the mind and body connection. I often shoot down the messages my body sends, with the impulsive, hollow thoughts of my hyper mind. But when I do slip into a calm, almost trance like state (rare) the results a nice and real. I guess I should be meditating. Of course that's going to be a big part of this. but yea, for that deep dive maybe meditation would help.

In terms of triggers, that's tough since they seem to come out of nowhere.. maybe it comes from trying to relax, like I'm afraid to give up cognitive control. I'm not sure.


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Yea, my situation is I've been Aless for over 5 months. You bring up some really good points like using semen retention: I know for me it can add an advantage, though usually only slightly. I mean I'm prone to more erections, but I don't feel (or notice,) an overall arousal, but then again I may not be able to sense it.

Being aroused in the first place is a fine piece of advice, it's just that like I said, I may not be aware of when I'm actually aroused, if that's possible. It's not always like that, and plus when I was using an Aneros, the thought of the session would make me somewhat excitable and aroused for a time, but now Aless 5 months later is a hard position to be in. In the end I think I'll be more inclined to use semen retention, and tap into my feelings to see what arousal might be had.

About not touching your nipples until the prostate pulses etc, is good advice too. You see after I wrote my post I took a shower, fingered myself and stuff, then layed on my bed to touch. I circled my nipples and chest extensively and by the time I hit my nipples I think I was actually kind of aroused because I felt my prostate tingle and swell a little. Nothing major, but it was nice.

Anyways, point is maybe I am making some progress, however slowly. I think I should tease lots before I go all in. I'll pay closer attention to these aspects. Always tomorrow indeed.


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How big are your nipples? Mine stretch from my toes to my head... no but really, maybe turn nipple play into a full body experience?

if you are specifically looking for a nipple prostate connection, and don’t have your toys, maybe your prostate needs prior stimulation. I know that is the case for me: the more my prostate has been directly stimulated (even through aless) the more that connection is present for the following hours and days. Without a toy you can do this through aless. Why, may I ask, are you abstaining from toys though? 

if you want nipple sensitivity heightened, why not add nipple clips into the game? They can really boost sensation for days at a time. If you use them, make sure to read about nipple clips so you are 100% safe (ie short times, hygienic clips etc).

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How do you directly contact prostate through Aless, isn't Aless where nothings inserted? Or I guess outer contact equates to inner contact, as long as you can feel the effects?

The truth is I'm not abstaining, I actually went through a period where I thought this whole journey wasn't for me, and so I threw away my Aneros... sad days. Turns out all of this type of thing is deeply ingrained in me and a part of me. So I'll probably try the Aneros again at some point.

I'd like to try nipple clips, if they work. I'm sure I could find some good ones at my sex shop.



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Posted by: @galaxy_four  Or I guess outer contact equates to inner contact, as long as you can feel the effects?

Yes this. Aless for me is bringing awareness to the prostate through muscle movement and concentration. Things are rubbed around a bit through kegels, and my prostate takes on an oversized place in my consciousness. 

In any case if you are looking for the nipple prostate connection, it helps to have your prostate wired hot. That said non prostate nipple orgasms are very much a thing. Many women have them. I have had plenty of nipple and breast orgasms with no apparent prostate connection, alone, but more often with a partner being rough... 

before buying clips, try clean clothespins. Personally I only have clothespins. Keep your finger on the trigger before fully letting go. Know that the real pain is when the blood rushes back after removal, so don’t leave them too long at first. Again, read up on it on the web. If you like them, they can be applied all over. It’s my cheapest and most versatile sex toy!

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So kegels are worth doing, during sessions, and exercise?

What does wired hot mean, like a strong connection?

Oh I'm definitely getting clothespins if I can find them. Do you suggest wood or plastic?

Sorry so many questions. I'm mainly looking for the nipple- prostate connection, but would like to see what a nipple orgasm is like too. It's just it seems like its harder to achieve for me, since my nipples aren't that sensitive. But the clothespins increase sensitivity?


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Wired hot isn’t actually a term. I just said it because it sounded nice, like hot-wire. What I meant by it was that sensation after you’ve been using toys where you are hyper aware of your prostate. Some call it butt buzz.  Some talk about their prostate whispering to them, but for me all of it is just a certain sensitivity in the prostate and an awareness of it.  As far as I understand, throughout life we are taught to ignore the signals the prostate sends us, so that we aren’t overwhelmed every time that we go to the bathroom or that we walk. Re-wiring is, amongst other things, bringing attention to the signals.  There is a certain amount of practice involved in being aware of these signals. 


One user recently described coming back to prostate play after a hiatus and not being able to feel as much. Another user in the same situation recently described that he was able to fall back into it almost immediately. So we are all different, but it is very possible that by not stimulating your prostate for a time, you lose awareness of it. 


The way the nipple prostate connection works for me and for others as described by them on this forum is as follows. You touch your nipples until you feel a ping in your prostate. You explore those pathways until you regularly feel a connection between your nipples in your prostate. Mind you, this can be done with any part of the body in connection to the prostate (or the vulva of a woman, I believe, or between any parts of the body— I have found many connections in mine). However the key here is having an active awareness of one’s prostate. Perhaps someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but aside from a few people who seem to have extremely sensitive breasts, like one user @wuerstchen (whose posts I encourage you to look up), a very active prostate awareness is essential to make this connection. 


As far as nipple sensitivity, while I think clips and clothespins could help, I also think that having a global sexuality overhaul is important. It is important to be aroused, just as it is in prostate play, and it is important to understand how to amplify micro sensations in the mind.  Most of this has to be done in the brain. As far as I know the skin on my body doesn’t have more nerves than it did it 5 or 10 years ago. But nowadays a finger drawn across it can provoke orgasmic pleasure, if I allow my mind to be receptive in that way.  So heightening nipple sensitivity through clamps or other mean will help, and it also can open up other realms of pleasure based on pain and submission.  But don’t expect miracles, just baby steps that will lead you to higher and higher awareness. 


Consider another example: Millions of women are not able to achieve orgasms, even though they have a small button that is seemingly designed for just that.  It is not that their button is broken. Simply they haven’t had a chance to learn how to use it (thank you, patriarchy). 


So follow curiosity, spend lots of time, go slowly, don’t stick to your nipples, and reconsider using aneros again! Some people do kegels, I don’t. But you most certainly can, and plenty of threads here describe them. I do lots of aless and my favorite technique by far is:


Clothespin type isn’t important. If you want lighter clamps, try different hair clips for long hair. They have teeth but also very low pressure. Don’t use heavy duty black paper clamps. Yet...

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It's interesting to think of these signals as always being present, and it's up to the individual to be aware of them. That's what it sounds like at least, which makes me think of how bogged down I must be with expectation. In stead of just riding the sensations out to where they take me.

But wait! a thought, and another, and so on until I talk myself into stopping. Happens a lot. Maybe I should set a timer and stick with it until it goes off. Of course that might be a bad idea..

So you feel a ping in the prostate, then you keep that up? Because what happens to me is I start a session and my nipples are at the most sensitive state, I rub and try all things but soon they loose their spark and I don't feel any ping anymore. I'm wondering if I should ease off at that point and touch elsewhere on my body or just lie there and breath? I guess I have to experiment.

I've read some of wuesrstchen's threads, but I may have to revisit them with fresh eyes.

In terms of amplifying micro-sensations, I read here in the past someone compared it to the gain dial on a microphone or something, and you have to turn up the gain to catch the quiet sounds. Something like that. It stuck with me and I think it makes lots of sense when you look at the brain and body as an instrument.

I think the pins/clamps will be a good tool for me. I can see my self getting aroused by whatever amount of pain is to be had by them. It might make the difference between aroused and not. Also I'll have to have a sexual overhaul as you stated, and figure out what makes me aroused because so far it's been very random, and I don't know if it's genuine or just thinking about sexual stuff because I'm bored.

"(thank you, patriarchy)"

If I understand correctly, you mean because men have taught women that their pleasure/orgasms aren't as important as theirs, and comes 2nd?

I'll keep at it, and try to open my mind more, utilizing my whole body. I think I need to improve my lifestyle in general, like more exercising wouldn't hurt, ha.

Ok, I'll get some basic pins. Damn... you mean people can actually build up to those black clamps?


*Edit: and yes I will come back to Aneros use at some point, because for me that's just the easiest way to connect me to my prostate.




This post was modified 4 years ago by organism_x

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There is something to be said for skin sensitivity and how it is *sometimes* highest at the beginning of stimulation, like an itch that’s been scratched until it doesn’t itch anymore. If you don’t feel anything anymore there’s no point in insisting, rather you can try out other parts of your body. I definitely think you should not focus solely on your nipples.  Maybe for a long time you won’t feel anything in your prostate but you can look for other wonderful sensations. I enjoy being caressed and caressing myself and others, even without orgasms in view. It is just a pleasure to revel in the sensations created by skin being stimulated. This isn’t something that came overnight, rather it is the result of years of “practice”. I have had two long term partners in the last few years who went from having sensitivity and receptivity to touch, to becoming practically skin-orgasmic, after months of nightly caressing. It is easier with a partner, I do admit, because there is an element of surprise, as well as much more accessible arousal, but it’s completely possible all alone.


That gain passage your talking about was written by me, or at least I have used that metaphor before..! Here is what I wrote:


“After saying "amplifying" and "micro" I just came up with an analogy (maybe someone else has used this here before?). It is like gain in sound engineering.  This sort of prostate play is like someone who sings really softly in the microphone. If you turn the gain really high, you will hear every detail of their voice, all the airiness and breath, including sounds their mouth makes. If suddenly they were to shout in the mic, it would be aggressive and loud, and deteriorate the sound. (If you don't know what gain is check out ASMR vids on youtube. They turn the gain up really high on their mics to capture low volumes sounds.)


So you want to turn up your gain for physical sensation. If you do, then simple acts such as touching your hand can go from being un-noteworthy or pleasant, to being enlightening and even orgasmic. But if you are just trying to raise the input volume (applying more pressure more directly) then you won't have access to all those micro-sensations. Just as when you sing loudly, you can no longer hear the breathiness or subtle sounds of the mouth.”



With regards to patriarchy... Yes, men have repressed female sexuality for ages in western culture, in many ways. Naturally in sex there is the problem that men ejaculate quickly, and often far too soon, triggering the refractory period before the woman has come. But also society teaches men to embrace their sexuality and for women to embrace chastity. Of course this is full of contradictions, because men are also taught to suppress their emotions, and women to express them.


The sexuality that men are taught is based on domination in every aspect. Collectively men dominate women by essentially dictating how they ought to be, morally and physically, from a young age, through media, school, family, church, etc (I.e. the patriarchy).  Individually men are taught to seduce and conquer women, but aren’t actually taught what to do once in bed because you need to be empathetic and emotionally open to be a good lover.  (The lack of emotional openness and vulnerability is probably one of the great hindrances to new prostate play explorers.)


Women on the other hand, have incredible abilities to express their emotions, but have to deal with the huge burden of image, both physical and what people think of them. They have to be pretty, but not too pretty because then they are considered sluts. They must be chaste but also must put out to certain men, or else they are a tease. Their sexuality is much less researched and much less encouraged. What results is a society filled with women who have incredible sexual potential because they have incredible emotional potential, but their sexuality has been repressed from a young age, thus many don’t even know how to have an orgasm consistently in their mid-20s.


(And I am not even talking about a terrifyingly large part of the world that actually physically represses women’s sexuality through excision.)


So in the end the heterosexual world is a sexual disaster from a pleasure standpoint. You have men who have no desire for an emotionally complex sexual experience, and who thus have a penile centric conception of sex, that ends quickly and with their pleasure. And on the other hand you have women who have never even had more than a few beautiful sexual experiences with a partner or even alone. On top of that many women have had horrible sexual experiences and many have been raped.  


Monogamy complicates the question, as does insistence on finding a partner quickly and for life... But I think my rant has gone on long enough.


Yeah those black clips are heavy duty. I’ve never used them...

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@BlackLotus A good Kegel regime will spur on your a less game. I haven’t had a super o,but have no problems achieving prostate o. There are many Kegel apps you can download free. Work through them. You need one that included reverse levels too. 
Try not to rely too much on nipples,or it gets to where nothing happens without them. A few seconds on,ten seconds off. They do become longer lasting with time. I remember at the start they were dead in a few minutes,but they last much longer now.


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I'll do my best to try other parts than the nipples. I have to be patient I know. I know the nipples aren't all there is, it's just their the most accessible. I don't have a partner, so I'm alone in the caressing department.

That's funny you were the guy that gave the gain analogy. That's a good one.

There's so many paradoxes, faults, and hidden gems in sexual dynamics, it's good to consider how it works so one could liberate them self, in a sense.



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Thanks. It's encouraging to know I'm not the only one to have struggled with "dead nipple" syndrome. I try to branch out and and use the nipples more sparingly.

Kegels too, if I can remember to do them.


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      I know how you feel. I’ve been using Aneros products since the beginning. I’ll occasionally take a break, and when I resume using them I notice I’m not as wired as I was before I stopped. But after a few (or several) sessions, I notice the feelings come back, usually better than before. As for my nipples, I really work on general relaxing before I start, usually with meditation, soft  music and/or a good cup of Sleepytime tea ( at night ).  My nipple technique always starts the same way.  I start by  going VERY SLOWLY around the areolea of one or both breasts without touching the nipple. I feel them getting harder and more sensitive. After a minute or three I really get turned on and want more. I pinch the nipple between my thumb and one finger, which feels awesome!! Then I roll my nipple firmly between, then I pull it upwards away from my body. These 3 motions of various amounts of pressure and movements can take me to amazing heights to the point of many orgasms. Let me know or if you want any more tips. FYI, you don’t need the aneros inside you to have nipple orgasms. Butt they feel incredible together.

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Yea, I guess if you don't use it you lose it as they say. I have a helix trident now and some of the feelings have come back but its been tough getting to where I was. Before, I mostly used the mgx trident and that one seems to have worked the best for me.

I've definitely used those nipple techniques before, but I think my problem is not being relaxed enough i.e. over-thinking. Nipple stuff really gets me deeper while using the aneros, though.


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I too love nipple stimulation, and I too would love to figure out how to climax from it. I have read pretty much everything I can find on people that have the ability. I have tried every technique under the sun. I get highly aroused, sometimes precum, and contractions start occurring in various places in my genitals, but I wouldn't call it an orgasm. As I can see in various posts on the Internet, there are a lot of people that hit a point of frustration of not being able to climax from them. The people that seem to be able to do it seemed to just have figured it out without thought or analysis, just through serendipity, but I'm not sure what makes them different. Some describe a "nipple orgasm" as something that seems to be a different event than what a male has experienced through penile stimulation, and that there is somehow no refractory period, and this orgasm doesn't necessarily entail ejaculation, even though it gives some sort of release. This concept of a "dry orgasm" is hard to understand, and no one seems to be able to explain what is going on during one of those. Is this "dry orgasm" entail the same pleasureful contractions that occur during a traditionally penile induced orgasm, but for some reason semen isn't pumped out of the seminal vesicles / prostate, etc?

When I stimulate my nipples, the first 5-10 minutes are very pleasurful, but that wanes after not reaching some sort of climax, but I do continue in hopes of having some sort of epiphany. I'm guessing if it happens once, it would shed light on how to get into that state. My wife will stimulate my nipples as sort of a foreplay before sex, and that gives me a very hard erection and a lot of precum, and a lot of pleasure, but haven't achieved a climax (with or without intent) without penile stimulation. Also feels great when she does it during sex.

The reoccurring theme from those that have demonstrated or claimed to have done it seems to be light touches and to just focus on and "enjoy the sensations." I do try to throw analysis out the door and do that, but I've still never gotten past a state of being highly aroused and some jerky contractions in the genital area that are slightly pleasureful, but brings on the component of frustration of them going on and on without a feeling of release. I'm not sure of those contractions are what people are describing as a "dry orgasm," or if that's a precursor to an orgasm, or I'm just different and they don't experience that.

The people that are able to do this do not seem to answer if semen retention and some abstaining for days is one of their keys. Also, there doesn't seem to be a kegeling theme as to what they are doing or at least they don't mention it. I'm not sure if doing so is a hindrance, or if you should go more into it in a completely muscular relaxed state. I haven't found someone who has tried and tried, and suddenly figured something out that got them over the top. Arousal I'm sure plays a major role, but I'm not sure if erotica, fantasy or if there's any other mental fuel going on from start to finish for those that can bring themselves to an orgasm and ejaculate.

Wuerstchen seems to be the biggest nipple orgasm ambassador out there, and he has his own guide to try to help others figure out how to climax this way. I haven't found anyone that has reported using that guide and developing the ability to orgasm from it. He seems to have figured it out through serendipity and a lot of his writings are hard to completely relate to if you haven't experienced whatever it is that he is experiencing. He has a lot of videos demonstating his ability. He often talks about a connection to his prostate, and penis, but I'm not sure in what combination and what "sensations" that are contributing to his orgasm. He talks about a sensation he feels in his prostate when he touches his nipples, and often refers to it as a "throb", though that may not may not actually be a physical thing as in the prostate. He also rests his penis on leg, and somehow that frenulum to leg contact makes a contribution to the buildup of his handsfree nipple orgasm, although when asked, he plays that down that it's very minor. It is mentioned in his guide. He doesn't seem to be able to do it without that requirement though, and frequently readjusts the position of the penis as he leads up to orgasm, so I'm not sure what sensation he is following there. He also has a constant jerking / twitching in his body, and it appears that there is tension on his scrotum, so I'm not sure if that plays any role. He doesn't seem to think so when I've asked him. "Breast projection" and feeling the size of his breast seems to be arousing to him somehow. I'm not sure how to relate to that one. You will see various kegel like contractions during his sessions, but he hasn't seemed to voice that those are intentional or contribute to him reaching orgasm. He also talks about it being some sort of emotional thing, and I also have a hard time relating to what he's talking about with that. His description of what happens phyically during a nipple orgasm is that there is some persistent sensation that occurs in the nipples, his body tenses up, induces heavy breathing, and there may or may not be an ejaculation. It seems a mystery to him why there is ejaculation or not, but I have also seen him insinuate that it is something he can control. He does mention that he has gynecomastia which is an increased amount of breast tissue due to an imbalance of hormones. So there may be a small anatomical difference to those who can "easily" achieve an orgasm from nipple stimulation.

Another one I've found is zeitihrbereit I reached out to him to see if he had any guide or tips on how he does it. His reply, "Hi! Thank you! Sorry, I can't give you any tips. I did not read any guide or something, I just realized, that I like very much, if I touch my nipples. It gives me erection right away, my penis is pulsating. It's like some connection between my cock and my nipples. And it gives me orgasm that I never felt before. maybe try it again, and again."

One more that was incredible to watch was although since he was not verified, Pornhub took his videos away as they did with all unverfied accounts. He ejaculated a gigantic amount of semen when he did through nipple stimulation. I do remember on one of his videos his response to when someone asked was just something like, "just enjoy every sensation."

From the female side, is notable. Watching does look like an orgasm. In the comments when asked how she does it, she says, "That can't be taught luv"

There is also the Aneros wiki which has a section on nipple stimulation That appears to be written by Darwin, not sure if that's just tips collected from nipple stimulation posts or if he can have a full orgasm and ejaculate from nipple stimulation.

If there's anyone out there that has the ability to orgasm from nipple stimulation, I would love to hear if any descriptions, mental approach, and techniques you might be able to provide. I always feel like I'm close to possibly doing it, which I see as a reoccurring theme in a lot of places where I've found people talking about it. It seems the people that can do it are very far and few, and even farther and fewer is people who can describe it.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by rivulets

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@rivulets  Im sort of on the same journey as you though I do seem to have what I would call "orgasms" ( intense events in my groin"  from my suddenly activated nipples but I would like to be able to go further and ejaculate.

It would be helpful if someone who has made that journey could share it even just as encouragement.



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@badmonsta @rivulets

Are you on the prostate journey as well? I had much pleasure from my nipples and chest and neck for years, but it wasn’t until I discovered prostate orgasms that I understood the mechanisms that allowed me to have nipple orgasms. 

if you are on a prostate journey I have good advice. If you aren’t, my advice is to embark on your prostate journey. I still have other advice, but I think it is easier to rewire your nipples after or along with your prostate.

if people don’t give good answers as to what it feels like or their techniques it is because these orgasms are very personal and mysterious, just like prostate orgasms.


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Posted by: @organism_x

I actually went through a period where I thought this whole journey wasn't for me, and so I threw away my Aneros... sad days. Turns out all of this type of thing is deeply ingrained in me and a part of me. So I'll probably try the Aneros again at some point.

Did you consider any inner conflicts holding you back from enjoyment? “This whole journey wasn’t for me” sounds a bit like that and made me ask this question. You must not feel urged to answer this question here, but please think about it and take account of the following. Your subconsciousness is a mighty opponent meant in a good way, because it’s your protector, but thus it can become a severe obstacle. If you can’t convince your subconsciousness that you really want that prostate fun and that it will do yourself no harm, no matter if physically or perhaps concerning your mental health including your self-acceptance in your social environment, it will remain its watchdog behaviour and try to hinder you from further success with similar sublime techniques like your weaker self hinders you from doing more sports or from eating healthier food. 

I speak from experience, because my first encounters with my Aneros tool have been so overwhelming that I was frightened I could hurt myself or collapse or become insane. Only soothing my subconsciousness by telling it again and again “I will do myself no harm” helped me to finally let go and let my second brain - how I now name my gland - take over and give me all the joy that makes my days. 

Only my 2 cts here, never mind, only an idea that may be deliberated or not. 

Cheers, Mart

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@divine_o  My nipples became active as you suggested after my prostate became rewired although I think I have a long way to go on that journey.   After an experiment edging last night It seems that the penis competes with the nipples and that I should avoid touching it  too much when trying to rewire my nipples more.   Wish I hadnt spent my load today,  missing the buzz sitting diddling at my computer. lol


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Consider a toy like the Womanizer. It doesn't have to be that one,  but that type of "clit sucking" device could be s special treat. Special treat for the wife and me!

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