The importance of V...
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The importance of Vocalisation

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I've just returned from a business trip on which I was hoping for some epic sessions free of distractions, in the end the opposite happened.

I couldn't relax knowing my fellow workers were down the hall and within earshot. Its then I realised the importance of vocalisation in aiding me to achieve a Super-O. The ability to scream the place down and fully let go, or is it just me?

You can read about what happened on my return from this business trip on my Aneros forum blog - 'Nice Sounding Guy's Blog'.   

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Nice Sounding Guy

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Vocalisations are one way we let go and work ourselves into the frenzy of an orgasm. Stifling noise has many effects. It is frustrating. It hinders the build up. And the nagging fact that someone might hear us is a distraction from our current pleasure. A session filled with these micro distractions is a major hindrance.

The same goes for sex with a partner. One of my most liberating experiences in life was moving into a place where I can make as much sexual noise as I want, when I want. Freedom of screech.

Speaking of which, you made a funny mistake, @nice-sounding-guy when you wrote “the IMPOTENCE of vocalisation.” It is an unintentional but clever Elmer Fuddism (sounds like something he would say), worthy of a title for a research paper or article on the subject...

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Thanks for spotting my typo (bloody auto-correct) I've rectified it, I'm sure my head was still in a spin when I typed the post.

I agree with your comments, you can't beat a good primeval grunt!

I feel sorry for people who live in condos with thin walls.



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i lived in an appartment building for 2 years recently, surrounded on all sides by apartments. Above and below they could surely hear my sexual antics, though not very well. But mainly the place next door could hear everything, because I could hear them. Fortunately there is no way of knowing who your neighbor is three stories up in the building next door. And in the end I didn’t care. I avoided relations with neighbors for fear of then having tamper down the decibels of my sexuality. 

Now though, in a house far from others, I can really let go. I thought I was loud before but now I scream bloody murder, especially under the sneaky hands of my lover... 


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When there are reasons why I can‘t be loud, it sometimes already helped me a bit to envision making those sounds like an actor in a silent movie or breathe them out without giving them a voice, but after all shamelessly giving my orgasms a voice is the best I can do to find my ultimate bliss. I‘m most thankful for being blessed with enough privacy to do so. 

Ah but most of all
For crying out loud
For that I love you

If you want to sing out, sing out! 

If you want to be free, be free!



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I find uninhibited vocalizing to be critical in getting the absolute most out of my aneros sessions. While being purposefully silent I find uncontrollable panting and heavy breathing an almost acceptable substitute, at least judging by my near continuous orgasms!

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