The Evolution of Or...
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The Evolution of Orgasm

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This promises to be more of a story than anything else, but it really outlines my experience of how orgasms work. So, if you're all ready, I shall begin!

When I was a teenager I had an abnormally high sex drive. There is of course no way I can really know what is abnormal in the context of teenage boys and their sex drives, but let's just say that watching porn until the sun came up and I had to go to school was the norm for me. In an average school day I'm surprised I functioned on any level!

My sexual journey began, and the internet was a fairly new thing back then, i was part of the new generation, videos weren't streaming, pictures took minutes not seconds to load up, but it was a crazy new testing ground for exploring sexuality and taboos. I went through a lot of my teenage life experiencing long hours of sustained pleasure to help me through...well, the pains of teenage life!

At the time of losing my virginity, I noticed something drastically wrong with my equipment. My foreskin didn't actually all. It was uncomfortable to do it in a flaccid state and nigh on impossible when erect. So, what should have been a memorable experience for a great reason...turned out to be memorable for the worst reason! Attempting penetration was actually extremely painful.

So, an embarassing doctors visit and a lot of googling later, and I decided simply to keep my foreskin retracted as much as possible and gently stretch it over time (not really a wise course of action but I preferred it over corrective surgery). Strangely enough though, it worked, and I was able to masturbate normally. How I had managed to masturbate through my entire teenage life without actually stimulating the glans (the head of the penis) directly, is an impossible question to answer. I still remember the puzzled expression on my doctor's face! I just thought it was normal, but I had cheated myself of fully experiencing the plethora of sensations that come with direct penile stimulation. It took a long time before I could even touch the glans because it was so damn sensitive.

So, my orgasms changed immediately. Before, they had been induced by the constant movement of the foreskin upwards (that was the only direction it could go!) and I had never used lube in my teenage years. Now, orgasms were more intense, when I masturbated, my sessions were cut down to more manageable lengths of time, at most, 2 or 3 hours, and sex had become what it should be, an intense and pleasurable connection with another human being.

I noted, as I'm sure we all have at various points, that after ejaculation, it as though our vital life force has been drained and there are only two options confronting us: food or sleep. Even as a teenager, I drifted across literature on multiple male orgasms which was useful in as much as knowing that they were possible, but the instruction section left a lot to be desired!

I found myself practicing a lot of techniques to stop ejaculation or maintain masturbation/sex for as long as possible. I was and still am a pleasure addict.

In a book I once read on female orgasm, it stated there were six different types of female orgasm....six different types!?! And guys have only one? Surely not. The only way that could be fair is if women routinely find it difficult to access any of these six orgasms...well ok then. The hell with it, I was still jealous 😆

And I left it there, at that point, just accepting that was the way things were - those were the differences that divided the sexes and we were stuck being who we were.

It is only recently that I have been discovering and really delving into the psychological part of sex, and this part is like the lead role in a play! If you think about it, our teenage years are entrained by the physical aspect of sex. The brain thinks in pictures which is why sexual attraction works for us so well, but it traps us and keeps us out of the loop from the sub processes which govern our orgasm and pleasure states. Being entrained to the physical is a kind of slavery which we embrace but it closes us off from an entire world...which only now is being discovered by members of this forum.

What's it like to have multiple orgasms? What's it like to have a full body orgasm? What's it like to reach higher states of consciousness? What's it like to reach beyond the physical aspects of sexual pleasure? We're slowly beginning to put together answers to these questions.

As it turns out, we're not that different from women after all! 😮
I used to look at my girlfriend and on earth does she have so much energy? She's a naturally high energy person, but sex is kind of like stirring the energy soup for her! And I would lie on the other side of the bed wondering if I should invest in an oxygen mask 😆

I feel I should apologise as I haven't really spoken much about the aneros and where it enters into the picture, but everyone has their own rich tapestry which they'll undoubtedly weave for themselves.

If you'll allow me to talk a bit about the spiritual side of things, I did have a whole post on kundalini in mind, but I'll indulge myself a little bit here! The progasm really introduced me to the term and corresponded to my own reading on chakras. I've never had a really happy marriage with the k-tab to date, but it made sense to have it there stimulating the kundalini energy at the base of the spine. Some basic googling on the term will reveal it to be a sanskrit word (if i remember correctly) which roughly means 'she who is coiled' - the kundalini is metaphorically a snake which when activated becomes uncoiled and travels up the spine activating all of the seven main chakras along its path and opening up a path to higher planes of consciousness. At this point in my study, I do a double take and think...what??? I have a greater appreciation of energy flow than I have ever had before, but talk of snakes crawling up spines is a bit of a leap of faith, right? Saying that though, I enjoy the imagery used and find it quite helpful.

Shortly before the progasm, was hypnosis, and this really led to my discovery of actually paying attention to the energy flows within my body. Reading the work of Bandler, he talks about being able to reverse negative states of mind and curing phobias by simply recognising the energy flow which runs in circles, and focussing on reversing it. You don't actually need to know how its done, because the brain already knows, its as easy as focussing on where and how you want the energy to flow. His work on this is incredibly similar to chakras, which are, in essence, circles of energy (weird, huh?) Aside from the seven main chakra points, the body is filled with hundreds of different chakras. Hundreds of different energy points which you can send energy to and make it flow in various different combinations.

When you apply this kind of theory to orgasm, we still may not fully understand how or why it works when it does, but it gives new understanding to terms like full body orgasm (when hundreds of energy points across your body are simultaneously activated with sexual energy).

I suppose, that in theory, the six main types of female orgasm that I read about such a long time ago might only be the tip of the iceberg. In my own explorations, I have had full body orgasms (with and without aneros) and I have experienced random off-shooting of energy (try having an orgasm down the side of one of your legs, or up the side of your torso! that was a weird evening!)

It is becoming more common knowledge nowadays that orgasm and ejaculation are separate things (that was a revelation to me in my teenage years!), but mine is a sentimental soul and I like the two being together. Fortunately for aneros users the world over, the ejaculatory reflex in powerful Os does happen, and for me at least, there is never any release even if it does feel like it. The first time this happened with my progasm, I actually had to check, because cumming without actually cumming is kind of a new experience for many! 8)

I regard my 'success' with aneros as not being 'total success'. It's a dangerous word to use because it implies a certain finality to proceedings, as though I've achieved all the things that are possible to achieve. It's better to think of it as more of a journey and there are plenty of kind souls on this forum to point you in the right direction. One of the more illusive aspects of aneros use for me has been energy, because after an intensive session, I can be mentally and physically exhausted...and not bouncing around the room like my girlfriend so often is! Channeling that sexual energy into useful daytime energy would be something of great use, I can only once recall a pre-aneros hypnosis session where I awoke feeling completely revitalised and I would love to revisit that..hmmmm....I feel another session coming on!

I can, and probably will keep going, but for this post, i'm going to call it a day. This is my third post in as many days. For those that stuck to the end...well done and thankyou for reading, there's a lot of personal stuff here which I didn't think would ever see the light of day 😉

Good luck and have fun, magma1984

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Hi magma1984,

What an excellent post! So many good insights and ideas put forth!
Thank you for both sharing your personal experiences and posting.

I've got an experience regarding energy and Aneros use that I've been meaning to post.

I've noticed that ever since I've started getting some pleasurable results from my Helix and MGX, approximately 3 weeks ago, that my total hours of sleep at night have dropped from 8 to 10, to something like 6 to 7. Which is highly unusual for me. I can't explain it. The Aneros usage seems to be the only correlation to this. In addition, much like you said sex for your girlfriend stirs the energy soup for her. Aneros sessions for me charge me up energetically. If I have done an evening session like I typically do, I cannot go to bed afterwards for at least 2 hours, if not more. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

Which suddenly gives me the idea that perhaps instead of having a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up... You could use the Aneros to give you energy. You could buy a device much like a programmable timed coffee maker, called "Mr. Aneros". At 6:30am it powers on and starts warming up and lubing your Aneros. When you wake up at 7.00am all tired, groggy and bleary eyed, the first thing you do is insert your Aneros for a good dose of energy(and pleasure) for the day! 😆

I guess that would change the lyrics to the song in that Folgers coffee TV commercial were all so familiar with.

"The best part of waking up, is Aneros in your butt."


Ahhhhh, I love using my imagination. 😀

Love is Peace

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Well, you've found your first investor...but something tells me I'd lose another four hours before deciding to get out of bed to go to work 8) ok, I'm sold.

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Hi magma1984, 🙂

When faced with a long post I usually skip past it (although I've done a few voluminous tracts myself) but not yours!

Well-written, interesting, perceptive, insightful, reflective, humorous - keep writing, please! I want to read more.


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Hi again Love_is,

> total hours of sleep at night have dropped from 8 to 10, to something like 6 to 7.You could buy a device much like a programmable timed coffee maker, called "Mr. Aneros".<

What a novel idea! But watch it - with the KSMO you don't need anything - just yourself!:D


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Hi Mog,

Thank you for your reply.

In general I too have found a diminished need for nightly sleep.

That's very interesting. So it's not just me. I have to say, that I have so far been pretty amazed observing changes in myself through the usage of the Aneros, that seemingly have nothing to do with seeking and receiving pleasure from it.
It blows my mind! 😮

What a novel idea! But watch it - with the KSMO you don't need anything - just yourself! :Very Happy:

A very good point! And obviously it never occurred to me. Unfortunately, I can't find anything humorous to say about it. 🙁 I've been reading a lot of your posts lately, particularly the ones that you talk about KSMO. And I have to say that you have certainly struck some interest in me to look into it at some point in the near future. Thanks. 🙂

Love is Peace

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Magma, Yeah kool post man!
I just wish I had my foreskin!! The bastards!!

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Well, you've found your first investor...but something tells me I'd lose another four hours before deciding to get out of bed to go to work 8) ok, I'm sold.

Just call into work and tell them you've got something stuck in your ass. Your boss will understand! 😆

Love is Peace

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ha ha....well those guys are quite anal (no pun intended), they'd probably offer to come round and take it out 😆

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