The Enemagra Bible
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The Enemagra Bible

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Oh, Lordy, Lordy! Will this book EVER be translated into English?1?!?!

I'm jealous that I can't read Japanese. 😥

This, royally, sucks.

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here is what drives me crazy: is there a japanese forum somewhere about the aneros/enemagra?

i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear the thinking of those guys, for whom this kind of thing is an old part of their culture. they probably have the coolest perspectives on it.

i feel like we are totally dissociated from our eastern brethren.


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That is an interesting question about a Japanese Forum. I’m curious to find out how costly it would be to have the publishers of that opus perform a translation for us westerners.
I know we are a niche market but our numbers are growing and will continue to grow. I think it is inevitable that a translated version will become a reality. It is anybody’s guess however when that might occur.
I too would like to get the perspective of a culture that doesn’t seem to have the hang-ups about sexual practices with which we here in the USA are saddled.

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gahhh it's so frustrating!!

I can just picture what's in the book.

Section I - Newbies


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Maybe someone should get an online petition started on this site and other sites and have a petition mailed to each of us to sign and mail back in. I wish I had a Japanese friend who could translate it for me. They're lucky they get to have all the cool stuff. 🙁 Americans are so boring and uptight when it comes to sex. 😥

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From what I have seen on Amazon japan, the illustrations are incredible. Really funny looking line drawings, that convey quite well actually, the whole prostate massage experience.

B Mayfield
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Although I don't have a copy of this book myself. I had the opportunity to examine it rather closely. First, it is indeed written in Japanese, so (not knowing the language) I was at a bit of a disadvantage there. As Hula observed, there are some really odd illustrations in it... frankly, they're really a hoot! There's one in particular that I'll never forget, of a naked guy seen from behind with an Aneros up his butt looking up a series of stairs that seem to rise up to a temple. At the top of the stairs...something symbolizing the Super O is seen. This was intended to depict the journey to the Super O. It was too funny!

When it comes to information however, it seemed very disjointed. How do I know if I can't read Japanese you say? Because I know some friends who can. Secondly, while the text was interspersed with some photos and drawings that one would assume could be supportive, there were many others that were completely out of place...almost as if they came out of another book! No relevance whatsoever. (combat photos?) It was really a strange mix mosh of things.

At one time I had spoken to the inventor of the Aneros (who is Japanese) about it. He was terse....."not good ". It's hard to know what the intention of the author was with this, but from what I can gather the result is not what one would expect from a title like the Enemagra Bible. What I gleaned was that it was indeed informational but somewhat short on substance (by our standards) with a lot of strange filler thrown in.

I remember seeing books like this when I was kid when I strayed into one of the countercultural books stores back in the sixties. 1001 Ways to Make Love, penned by members of the underground band the Fugs. There I was, a precocious prepubescent...saw the title, figured it was just what I needed to get me on my way. The tag line on the cover read "Satisfy YOUR Child's Curiosity with Clean, Accurate FACTS". What I got was a book filled with vintage advertisements for strange sexual paraphernalia. Weird conceptual illustrations there too. For instance a "licking machine" was depicted....a large wheel with tongues that one would squat in front of. Underneath a caption read.....when mother is ill or Ahhh.. corrupted youth!

My sense is that the Enemagra Bible might make for an interesting curiosity on one's coffee table.....assuming one has friends who are cool with this. But perhaps not too much more.

BF Mayfield

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I wondered the same thing, there is a official Japanese Enemagra web site, with a forum. Below is the link to the translated site. Look for the link "Bulletin Board Enemagra": A">

here is what drives me crazy: is there a japanese forum somewhere about the aneros/enemagra?

i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear the thinking of those guys, for whom this kind of thing is an old part of their culture. they probably have the coolest perspectives on it.

i feel like we are totally dissociated from our eastern brethren.


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that is quit the find!!

gahh but it's hard to comprehend what they're saying because it's translated literally but im sure we can get an idea. =]

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There in lies the problem, a bad translation would suffer from to much engrish.
Then before you know it, "all your butt are belong to us".

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Hi Everyone,

If you are interested in some pictures from the Enemagra Bible, look here:

A favorite of ours is the one that B Mayfield refers to of a guy literally crawling up the some stairs to what one can assume is the "Super O." It's a perfect and hilarious visual representation of the journey to the Super-O. Here it is:

"Before you can walk, first you must crawl."

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B Mayfield
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Hi Everyone,

If you are interested in some pictures from the Enemagra Bible, look here:

A favorite of ours is the one that B Mayfield refers to of a guy literally crawling up the some stairs to what one can assume is the "Super O." It's a perfect and hilarious visual representation of the journey to the Super-O. Here it is:

"Before you can walk, first you must crawl."

Aneros Support

That's it guys! Hysterical! Check out the Aneros lodged up this guy's butt and the way that he's making his way up the stairs, with his hand outstretched in if he's sighting his goal in the distance! Again, too funny. It's a classic.

Thanks so much support....and with a translation of the caption no less? lol

BF Mayfield

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This is odd, here is a Japanese link with a different take on the climbing to the summit illustration:

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This is odd, here is a Japanese link with a different take on the climbing to the summit illustration:

ok, these are GREAT!

my favorite is definitely the "pleasure torture" scene.


B Mayfield
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This is odd, here is a Japanese link with a different take on the climbing to the summit illustration:

Whoa, now THAT is some twisted stuff!

BF Mayfield

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That latest batch of illustrations is pretty bizarre. Are we seeing caricatures of Hitler, Saddam, and Tojo in those? Are they implying that these wonderful little massagers are actually torture devices? Strange and a bit scary, if you ask me, very much into a BDSM stream of consciousness. I think I prefer my own image of eastern philosophy –
A seated, benignly smiling Buddha (with a Peridise enjoying a Paradise). But then that's just my particular outlook, obviously the person who drew those sketches has a very different take on this whole experience.

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Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you linking those drawings. I thought they were too goofy to be seen as sinister.


That latest batch of illustrations is pretty bizarre. Are we seeing caricatures of Hitler, Saddam, and Tojo in those? Are they implying that these wonderful little massagers are actually torture devices? Strange and a bit scary, if you ask me, very much into a BDSM stream of consciousness. I think I prefer my own image of eastern philosophy –
A seated, benignly smiling Buddha (with a Peridise enjoying a Paradise). But then that's just my particular outlook, obviously the person who drew those sketches has a very different take on this whole experience.

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Hey, there's no need for you to feel sorry, to you they were “... goofy...” and I can certainly see that. What I find somewhat disturbing is the artist who penned these is obviously thinking about these situations and is putting certain racial/cultural stereotypes into the scenes. There are thought processes depicted here that go much deeper than “goofy”. I am fairly confident a psychologist could spend considerable time delving into this individuals mindscape and exploring the events for which these images are symbolic representations.
Now, having said that, I don't mean to imply they have no merit. 'Darwin' saw them in a completely different way. This is one of the unique qualities of art, to invoke emotional responses from the viewer. What may initially be disturbing, may be a deliberate attempt by the artist to communicate information or prompt the viewer to ask a number of internalizing questions. That process can then lead the viewer to a greater understanding of himself/herself or some other subject matter. Then on the other hand it could simply be 'grafitti', sometimes it is both. It is up to the individual to make their personal decision which is which.

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Yeah those other images are disturbing.
There is nothing remotely attractive about them and they have a somewhat insulting

I say we write our book and publish it guys.
I can read enough japanes to plunder the enemagra Bible and do some kick ass art. )

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Hi Everyone,

The images from that link The_Bishop posted are not actually in the book itself. They are "interpretations" of some of the pictures. Kind of strange that someone would take the time to do such drawings, but who knows.

The images in the Enemagra Bible itself are not of the racial/stereotyping variety, just funny and strange.

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B Mayfield
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I hadn't recalled seeing them there...I was beginning to wondering if I'd missed them.

I'm not sure if this was tongue and cheek or someone "outing" their dark fantasies. Whatever the case, I'm more inclined to agree with Rumel on a more uplifting and benevolent interpretation of the ecstasy of the Super O.

BF Mayfield

Hi Everyone,

The images from that link The_Bishop posted are not actually in the book itself. They are "interpretations" of some of the pictures. Kind of strange that someone would take the time to do such drawings, but who knows.

The images in the Enemagra Bible itself are not of the racial/stereotyping variety, just funny and strange.

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