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tantra de-mystified, very helpful resource (external link)

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Hey Guys,

I wanted to share a resource I found, that was of tremendous help for me recently.

I searched the forum, and it seems it has not been posted so far.

Bit of background: Like many, when I started my aneros journey, I got interested in my body in new ways, as I started to discover new sensations. You end up searching and reading a lot about multi-orgasmic experiences and sooner or later (in my case sooner) you end up to find out about tantra.

Now... me being a person with a very fact-based scientific background, atheist and naturally critical against everything with some "wooowooo"-flavor, I really struggled to identify with a lot of the findings of tantra you bump into in the web.

Just the fact that there are thousands of (often contradicting!) places on the web that tell you that the sexual aspect is only a minor part of what tantra really is, and try to make you feel guilty about taking a non-religious/non-spiritual take on it, kind of kept me off. However I kept digging, just taking what I found useful and had lots of fun with it. Very much following the very good advice not to mistaken the map for the actual landscape.

Some weeks ago I found this blog about tantra, that is run by a lady with a background in neuroscience, and seems to be very close to my personal starting point in terms of looking for a non-spiritual-take on tantra. I love it, and I thought I wanted to share it with you, its such a valuable source of knowledge for me, although you need to add some aneros-wisdom that is clearly not covered by her. 

important: I hope I do not offend anybody that values their spiritual part of their journey. That is not my intention, I am not here to convince anybody. But as the web is FULL of resources for you guys, you seem to be in good company.

However, if you are like me, you may struggle to enjoy those resources as much. I would have loved to get this link in the beginning of my journey, it would have saved me a lot of frustration and a lot of research time.

Sorry for the long post.

Here you go:


hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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Hi @NorthernLight, Welcome to the Aneros Forum. I read a couple of the blog posts by Shakti Amarantha and it looks like there is some good information contained therein. I have added her blog page URL to the General Sexuality information section contained in Rumel's Ruminations - Part V.
If you haven't already seen it, I also invite you to read my Introductory Message to New Members.

Good Vibes to You!

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I've seen that blog before, and read several of its articles. I have a similar view point when it comes to mysticism, where I like to take a more scientific analysis of the concepts. The idea of the microcosmic orbit, for example, I think is potentially a good visualization technique for many, but I think our nervous systems are a bit more flexible in terms of what it can potentially do. And some people think that retaining semen is literally retaining bits of your vital essence, but I think people just hit the refractory period too often. Prolactin, from what I understand, seems to stunt the effects of dopamine. I think that might be a huge contributing factor to the numbing effects of porn addiction.

I'm not against spirituality, but I think a bit too much bro science gets tossed around on the internet in places such as r/NoFap and r/SemenRetention. It's hard to do research on topics so many posts seem to be voodoo. It can be surprisingly difficult sometimes to sift through for solid information on some of these subjects. Ever look up Wim Hoff breathing method? That's another topic where it can be hard to find concrete information as to how or why it seems to work. Not enough scientific studies I guess, but a heck of a lot of anecdotal evidence. That's the sort of thing you have to try for a while and see if it benefits you.

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Posted by: @northernlight

However I kept digging, just taking what I found useful and had lots of fun with it. Very much following the very good advice not to mistaken the map for the actual landscape.

Yep, I second that. AFAIK, Tantra used to incorporate (only) the good bits of all the other spritual movements which where around at the time of it's inception, while leaving out unsuitable stuff. In that tradition I allow myself to learn the practice and leave out the esoteric superstructure. I allow myself to see tantric concepts like Chi & Chakra as visualisations and training aids rather than actual facts.

See, back in the day religion, spirituality, science and art were all bundled under the umbrella of spiritual and religious movements. New findings had to fit (or better: had to be made to fit) in the already existing concepts of how the world functions. That's why the actual treasure is burried under so much esoteric "wooowooo". They discovered intersting stuff about our bodies, but the explanations they came up with just did not stand the (scientifical) test of time. That doesn't make the initial findings invalid - just the explanations.

Thx for sharing this blog! I skimmed over the titles and it looks very promising.


Posted by: @aneros_user88299

I'm not against spirituality, but I think a bit too much bro science gets tossed around on the internet in places such as r/NoFap and r/SemenRetention.

Hahaha, bro science made me chuckle. 😀

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