swollen testicle
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swollen testicle

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Hey ppl,

im a first time user(aneros helix sv),i tired using it with lube and the session was almost 2hr. initial time of the session i couldn't get the feel but gradually i felt the wave and reached climax

after the session, in couple of days i started noticing my testicle started swollen and in 2 weeks it has reached to considerable amount of size but painless

i reached out to doctor explained them about the prostate play and my testicles are swollen after examining ultrasound(ultra sound report: testes are normal in size, no abnormality is seen)and blood test everything to was reported normal. doctors keep saying its normal, however i know the size of it before and now its definitely increased in size.

can any one give any insight about it, what is going on with me ?

please im kind of paranoid 

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by megokig151

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In my opinion,it’s not normal,and I can’t add much more if your under the care of a doctor. Perhaps get a second opinion. This one may be outside the purview of forum members save any urologists we might have. At a complete guess,only thing comes to mind is a possible cremaster strain?

On a lighter note,congrats on the climax.

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@megokig151, I agree with @Helghast, I don't think that is normal either. Swelling is usually caused by some trauma to the body, it could be bruising, it could be an inflammatory reaction to infection, it could be a small ruptured blood vessel and it could simply be a strained cremaster muscle trying to recover by engorging itself with oxygenated blood. The fact that you did have a doctor check you out and he/she said it is "normal" is a bit disconcerting but hopefully the situation will resolve itself in a few days. If it doesn't then a second opinion is warranted.

Good Vibes to You!

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Normal for what, seems it would be normal for a certain type of trama, which will eventually go away. But the fact the Dr. didn't explain that way is concerning.I decided to read the entire forum, I'm about 95% done and I can't say I remember 1 mention of such a thing. I think he would have said cremaster strain, if thats what he thought it was. Run don"t walk to another Dr. 

Is there anybody reading this who has exp. anything like this?

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cremaster muscle

it could be this, i remember waking up from bed to pick up a snack it might have been the reason. cause these 2 weeks i can feel the change in temp(infection was ruled out in blood test), my testicle keep shifting i can feel that.

if it is bruise or trauma will it get better on its own ?

This post was modified 3 years ago by megokig151

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Posted by: @megokig151

if it is bruise or trauma will it get better on its own ?

Most likely, yes, it will resolve on its own. You can probably reduce the swelling by applying ice packs, though, if you are not suffering any pain then the ice packs may not be worth the discomfort/inconvenience.

Good Vibes to You!

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One of the pleasant side effects of using my Aneros devices in the early days was both testes felt larger. Not massively just noticeable.

Along with a penis that was more engorged with blood more of the time and an increase in libido.

I just accepted it as benefits.

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thanks, i appreciate it. hope i come back to normal soon


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Sorry to just now check in and see your post.   I am not a urologist but I am a physician that does some men's health issues and refers to urology when a specialized intervention is needed.  I can't imagine any direct relationship between prostate massage and testicle size.  You've already had what sounds like a good evaluation including testicular ultrasound and lab work and I'd just watch it for now.  I don't see where you've had any testicular trauma and usually in that case one or the other gets injured and swells then over time goes back to normal.  I've heard of some guys that after sexual abstinence for some time develop increased fluid pressure in their prostate and seminal vesicles that refluxes down into the testicles, i.e., what old guys called the "blue balls" but even this usually produces more of a testicular discomfort rather than swelling.


All guys should examine both testes periodically usually best in a warm shower when they hang down better especially for those guys that have the short thick scrotums that stay pulled up to their penises more so than the guys with scrotums that just naturally hang more.   Just rolling them between your fingers and thumbs and comparing size and looking for abnormal swelling on one side or the other or painless lumps is what's important.  But your testicular ultrasound would have ruled out any of those concerns I would think.


So don't be paranoid and just check yourself from time to time.  There's just nothing I can connect between prostate massage or even having the enjoyable prostate orgasms once you get to the point of having those with the Aneros massagers that should affect testicular size.  I mean once you get to the point of learning how to have prostate orgasms you'll notice in sessions that your testes kind of roll and then "pull up" really tight against your lower abdomen right as the dry orgasm is about to come on, but even that doesn't change the size.


Keep us posted with how things go.  And certainly don't get paranoid.  Just enjoy the health benefits of Aneros use and the good feelings.

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