A simple prostate o...
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A simple prostate orgasm tutorial.

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Hey gents.After some talk on forum posts about tutorials etc  I’m going to offer up a tutorial of sorts of my own for the prostate/non ejaculatory orgasm and the very  elusive enigma that is the super-o.  The things in this write up are my own perspective and tools used on my journey and aren’t meant to supersede the wiki or any techniques used by any other journeymen.


Let’s start with the goals,and some myths. Orgasm,prostate orgasm,dry orgasm,nipple orgasm,belly orgasm,mini orgasm,super orgasm,chairgasm,newsgasm bla bla freaking bla! There are no funky orgasms. Only intensities and numbers. We can use these to describe orgasm,but  orgasm is orgasm regardless of the method of stimulus used to ascend the steps of arousal to orgasm.

The same chemicals are used every time. We can have sex in different positions in different places. It’s still sex though.

What we do learn on our journey is that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate events. With training,focus,pelvic floor manipulation and a new more acute awareness of our body,we can begin to separate the two. Orgasm can now grow in number and intensity without the restraints and refractory periods that accompany ejaculation. With experience,we can grow an everyday orgasm into the legendary Super Orgasm.



The physical tools.

Whether we use a massager,or go A-Less,the musculature of the pelvic floor is crucial.  In my opinion,it’s wise to begin mapping out the PF,learning the different muscle groups and practicing flexing them until you gain enough control that you can flex them together and independently. Look up a picture of the pelvic floor,the easy route is to split the picture in half. Mostly,the top half push a toy/apply pressure to the prostate. I’ll include knock it,tap it,punch it,kiss it,squeeze it,because @zentai is a stickler for details haha.

The bottom half move a toy in and out,or back and forth across the face of the gland. So the pressure plus the movement equals massage.

Your fingers trump pictures for exploring you PF. Prod them in while practicing flexes,you can feel the muscles moving and this will help you build a mind muscle connection with said muscles and help you give them commands to move. Visualisations are important to flex muscles that really worked autonomously throughout your life.


Some of mine are:


Bulbospongiosus muscle : Press finger in diagonally down where the penis meets the ball bag. Press in and locate the root of the penis. Hold finger here and visualise a contraction at that spot,it could feel like your trying to suck air down through your penis and into the PF,but try to focus below the external penis,feeling like your pelvic is tilting a little is normal too. When you get it,your finger will feel the muscle flex.


Ischiocavernosus muscle : Maybe leave this until advanced. It’s not strictly necessary. Finger down the sides of your Pubic triangle by the inner hip crease,off to the side of penis base.,easiest flex is to visualise pushing the spot outward towards the thigh top. This one takes practice so don’t get hung up on it.


transverse perineal muscle : Visuallise pulling the two inner hip creases together at a lower point than the muscle above. The adds a little extra squeeze to the massage,they can also be used to drum or tap during a session.


Levator ani muscle: This work horse is aiding a toy moving,maintaining anchored tension,anal contractions,general pc contraction,plays a pivotal role in the journey on the whole. While the top muscles are squeezing the gland,this bad boy drives the pleasure machine. Press finger in above sphincter on the perineum,think squeezing the buttcheeks together,maybe with a lifting or pushing sensations. The sphincter will contract too in the beginning,but practice will leave it relaxed while your levators work.


The spincters:


External is easy enough,just shut the bomb door hehe.

Internal can be moved by visualising lifting upwards from the top of your ass crack,think trying to use the area to give yourself a wedgie. Again,it takes a while so don’t get obsessed with it,time and practice.


Anchored tension: Crucial when learning how to manipulate the musculature of the PF to generate sexual pleasure. It also help achieves involuntary contractions. If you contract from zero to full,and back to zero,very little may happen. The tension keeps everything close to the gland,so when you do move,you hit target! Don’t skip the tension!!!

Just lift your PF a little so it’s no longer relaxed,you could think sucking the area in,or you might feel that your contracting all of the above muscles at once,and this is ok,or feeling that your keeping your ass closed,this is how we put the gland in a tight spot. How much lift may vary from man to man. I don’t think it takes a lot so hold off on the brute force. The idea is to hold this tension and not relax below its threshold. So your pc and anal contractions go from this spot,and when you let them off,they go back to but not below this tension level.  During a session,the focus on maintaining this tension can wane. That’s ok,just re-lift the pelvic floor if you notice this,don’t let it get you in a pickle.


So,let’s put the simplest routine together.


Anchored tension on,now begin to flex the bulbo,flexing in the spot you felt with your finger. While doing this,flex from the ‘sphincter at the ‘opposite end’ minding to maintain the anchored tension,syncing this with deep inward breaths Helps the buzz.Not too fast and not too hard. Build a rhythm of contractions,it’s normal to feel them together at the beginning,or feeling one coming on while the other is coming off. This is a roll,and rolling is good. You should feel some sensation fairly quickly. Think some sexy thoughts,or watch what you watch to get off. P-waves should be starting to generate now,perhaps your penis is erecting.When you can learn to do without too much thought,like  second nature like driving a car,your mind can be used to spike your arousal,whether erotic fantasy,or watching or reading erotica.

Roll these contractions in a nice rhythm,no need to go harder,if anything,as pleasure grows,you could back them off to a wiggle and a shimmy. If involuntarily contracting,just mind your tension and let them pull you along,if they wane,a few anal contractions can restart them. Just enjoy any sensations produced and couple them up with sexy thoughts to build arousal. But you must learn to be accepting of the pleasure generated and patient with it,men all to often want to race to the finish line,just float along,before you know it,you’ll arrive at your first orgasm. With patience,and practice,these orgasms will grow in size and number,as you’ll relax into them more,and that’s all it really takes,relaxation,and focus,drop the expectation and looking too far ahead. The only difference between a beginner and a master is that one guy runs through the pleasure world looking dead ahead,the other guy saunters through the same world taking the time to look around and enjoy and appreciate the natural wonders of his world.

As experience grows,add in other contractions from around the PF to add to the pleasure and fun. To arrive at the destination via different routes.

Ill add other things another time.

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Thanks a lot for putting this together. Much appreciated. It is going to be very helpful. 

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@Helghast, that's an excellent write-up of the primary muscle groups involved with inducing prostate based orgasms. I'm glad you used the term 'anchoring tension' and its importance in the process. While this is seemingly antithetical to the often repeated mantra of relax, relax, RELAX, I think it is in fact an essential concept that is difficult for newbies to understand. Yes, learning to relax all the other muscles in your body when performing the various pelvic floor contractions is important but maintaining that residual 'anchoring tension' is sometimes forgotten especially when practicing the "Do Nothing" ... method. This is the same level of contraction as @B-Mayfield described as his "base level" contractions some 16 years ago, basic principles don't change!

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @helghast

I’ll include knock it,tap it,punch it,kiss it,squeeze it,because @zentai is a stickler for details haha.

Weee I got a mention !

I'm more of a stickler for "building your own adventure" and I know lots of guys (me included) can get hung-up on terms, so keeping things as open ended as possible is always good. So yeah, pressure can mean all these things.

Great write-up, one of the motto of Aneros use should be that "When in doubt, just move the device !" and getting control over the muscles is the way to do it. 

I also like the fact that you said that there is little difference between beginners and veterans, there are no shadowy meetings where we share secret methods. We're all working with the same muscles in very similar male bodies. Everyone can do this.  


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No problem mate. 


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Ive suspected for a while some users struggle to understand the basic contractions,and tension in particular. I think anyone struggling can build some feelings and sensations out of the post,and of course once they start,these minor successes begin to fuel belief and motivation that lead to the bigger successes.


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I couldn’t possibly leave you out in good conscience. 🙂

Posted by: @zentai

I also like the fact that you said that there is little difference between beginners and veterans,

Unpacking that a little more,I mean that masters for example accept what comes,they enjoy it,savour it,and surf it. Their minds aren’t full of questions and expectation,frustration and the like.  ‘is this it’? ‘Is it going to happen?’ ‘Should I go harder’ ‘change something’ ‘it’s good but where is my super-o’. And if they do have a lacklustre session,they don’t carry it into the next session. But a mind tutorial will be helpful for that. 


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@Helghast: You da man.

I am going to print out and journal your tutorial as I feel that translating it into my own lingo for use to apply into my own aneros practice is the best way for me to follow your recommendations.

Confession here:  I have been on this forum for over 10 years and have read lots of threads, repeatedly read the wiki, and tried to incorporate what was available into my own aneros sessions.

Reading your tutorial above was like reading something new and foreign to me.  I don't accuse anyone but myself for not getting more out of my time here.  All I can say is that if that's how Helghast got rewired, I had no inkling of any of the methods he used to achieve what in my opinion is one of the greatest pleasurable rewirings of all men on these forums.

Again, my time here has left me thinking many times that these forums are a mystifying cloud of words.  I know. It's me and no other person who is responsible for my lack of progress. I am eager to apply Helghast's principles to my aneros play.  His tutorial is well written and simple to understand.

Thanks, Helghast. for taking such due diligence in helping us here. It is appreciated.  

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Turnrow

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Speaking of sauntering, I recently turned a new corner, thanks to the K-tab. It has created the most ,pleasure loop with my prostate. To decribe the sensation, is like some one is licking my sphincter from underneath from inside, and it grows to touch a different spot of pleasure in my prostate, like scooping something with a finger repeatedly btwn the 2. Just sauntering, go figure. Funny my body won't let my dick on it, its like it tested it a couple of times and the level of pleasure wasn't up to snuff, so its waiting till it is. If that makes any sense to ya.

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Just take those steps and build from there,just remembers everything starts with the anchored tension. Tension is life. Even in a do nothing technique. Without it,you could lie there for hrs and have nothing happen.


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Thats re-wiring at its finest. We don’t level up until we are ready. That zeroing in on new pleasures and taking the time to enjoy them is what it’s all about! 🙂


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Wonderful post @helghast. Your timing could not have been more perfect as I recently decided that I needed to do a little more work on isolating and strengthening my muscles in that area so I can have more control over my Aneros during sessions when desired. Your descriptions will go a long way in helping to speed up that process, and I can't believe it somehow never occurred to me to use a finger to help locate each different spot. Maybe because anytime I have fingers down in that area I have other things on my mind, haha.

Your mention of "anchored tension" is also very helpful because as someone who has found more success with the "do nothing" approach it made me realize I was making the mistake that @rumel pointed out and always just fully relaxing as much as possible. I will definitely try adding that in my next session.

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Well this is what the forum is for. I get what @Turnrow means about mystical language. It can be difficult to translate what people mean sometimes. It’s probably difficult to translate my ranting hahaha. However,I tried to simplify the basics so guys know what’s what and hopefully when they feel pleasure or more pleasure,they can springboard off it and get closer to their goals. I did wonder before do some even contract properly when I’ve seen posts where people haven’t felt anything for months,or even years. Without anchored tension,I felt very little in the beginning,but I unlocked more of my puzzle as time went by.


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There was a post early in my time here on these forums written by @caveofmystery. His thread was something like Dirty and Easy Path to the Super O and dealt with alternating contractions between the muscles that controlled urine flow and the anal spincter muscles.  His thread was well received at the time. Looking back, I wonder if "anchored tension" was the principle he was trying to describe.

Helghast, I tried your anchored tension recommendations in ALESS and nipple play this morning and must say that the employment of the anchored tension does greatly increase pleasurable orgasmic feelings tremendously.  I felt depths of orgasmic pleasure  I had never felt before and had a wonderful dry O. My next goal is the Helix Trident and putting your recommendations into action there.

Thanks man for the beginnings of the shattering of the mystery of prostate play. (at least for me.) 









This post was modified 3 years ago by Turnrow

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Posted by: @turnrow

There was a post early in my time here on these forums written by @caveofmystery.

I’ve saw the post but I don’t remember it so good. I don’t know what explanation of tension was or wasn’t given.

Posted by: @turnrow

Helghast, I tried your anchored tension recommendations in ALESS and nipple play this morning and must say that the employment of the anchored tension does greatly increase pleasurable orgasmic feelings tremendously.  I felt depths of orgasmic pleasure  I had never felt before and had a wonderful dry O. My next goal is the Helix Trident and putting your recommendations into action there.

Yes baby yes!!!! A simple adjustment and whoosh! Away we go!. Apply this basic principle always,this is the platform from which to experiment and play with muscle contractions. You see,this is the paradox for Kegel routines,if tired muscles quiver and involuntarily contract,why on earth would you want to make your pelvic floor stronger via kegels? Have our minds been melted? Are we just plain nuts?? Anchored Tension! The kegels supply the endurance for the tension,so it can hold llooooonnnnggggg time!

We shall await your future reports of toy sessions!


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Posted by: @helghast

You see,this is the paradox for Kegel routines,if tired muscles quiver and involuntarily contract,why on earth would you want to make your pelvic floor stronger via kegels?


If this was true, training would make your session take longer and longer until you got invols, so in fact reinforcing your muscles would make you worse at getting Super-Os. 

Logically you want to *let* one set of muscles overpower the other, and that comes from control and not fatigue. And you want each set to "gain the upper hand" alternatively...



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@helghast This is a great post!

@zentai reminded me of a post "Levator Prostate Muscle Contractions, LPMC" where in some of the comments there are links to good images of the pelvic floor muscles. 

I've haven't tried these yet, but will in my next session. I can find and use these muscles, but never completed understood exactly where all of them were, even looking at diagrams. My use of these muscles had been random. But, with your descriptions plus the diagrams, I should be able to figure them out better. 



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Posted by: @turnrow

There was a post early in my time here on these forums written by @caveofmystery. His thread was something like Dirty and Easy Path to the Super O and dealt with alternating contractions between the muscles that controlled urine flow and the anal spincter muscles.  His thread was well received at the time. Looking back, I wonder if "anchored tension" was the principle he was trying to describe.

@Turnrow, @CaveOfMystery 's post Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O was subsequently incorporated into the Aneros WIKI (please see Skill building -Tug-of-war>. In that adaptation, with regard to contractions, it is noted "...not fully releasing," which is the same idea as "anchored tension". It was a small notation but it has significant importance.

Good Vibes to You!

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Is it just me or do others find that when my mind is right and its a good session, my sphincter creates its own anchored tension?

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Yep,and smaller muscles groups will dance sooner than the larger ones,so the unbalanceing act will always be easy to get to!


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Thanks,I love how all forum posts just slip off your finger tips hahahaha. Love seeing old posts where we can see the basic principles getting figured out,and different members perspective on things.


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When the involuntaries are dancing,the sphincter will often play its own tune. The ‘mind being right’ is where PF work is being done in the background so your mind can focus on the good stuff. 


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Posted by: @turnrow

There was a post early in my time here on these forums written by @caveofmystery. His thread was something like Dirty and Easy Path to the Super O and dealt with alternating contractions between the muscles that controlled urine flow and the anal spincter muscles.  His thread was well received at the time. Looking back, I wonder if "anchored tension" was the principle he was trying to describe.

This is the post that guided me towards prostate orgasms in the beginning. By searching for pleasure with the tug of war method, I got used to never fully relaxing. For me baseline or anchored tension is essential. Without it nothing really happens. It is what puts the toy on the mental map, and allows me to then contract in different ways to search for more pleasure.  I have tried a few times to relax everything, just to see what happens, and my sessions peter out when I do. 

Great text @helghast ! It’s an excellent guide to the physical part of prostate pleasure.


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@divine_o  same! Without the tension,it kinda falls apart hahahaha.


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Posted by: @helghast

The kegels supply the endurance for the tension,so it can hold llooooonnnnggggg time!

Posted by: @zentai

If this was true, training would make your session take longer and longer until you got invols, so in fact reinforcing your muscles would make you worse at getting Super-Os.

I stopped doing Kegels, partly they're boring, but also they make everything in my PF too strong. Even now, if I pull up on a device as high as I can and lock onto that hold, I can hold it for 10 minutes with no invols anywhere in sight. If I do a hold at 40-60% it makes the muscles more unsure and wobbly, where invols can happen. 

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With great power comes great responsibility ! 10 minutes, 100% holds are mighty impressive. 

You do have to balance stamina and strength of contraction, but I agree that after some point, your PF has a baseline fitness level that is perfectly adequate to reach S-Os, and training it more outside of sessions may not be necessary. One guy's 40% hold might be another's 90%, which is why it's so important to experiment. 

Posted by: @helghast

How much lift may vary from man to man. I don’t think it takes a lot so hold off on the brute force. The idea is to hold this tension and not relax below its threshold.

Strong internal muscles will make a difference during sustained S-Os, but probably not as much during the build-up. Both strength and finesse have their place, when we're talking about anchored tension, a little goes a long way. 


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Posted by: @zaqpol

I stopped doing Kegels, partly they're boring, but also they make everything in my PF too strong. Even now, if I pull up on a device as high as I can and lock onto that hold, I can hold it for 10 minutes with no invols anywhere in sight. If I do a hold at 40-60% it makes the muscles more unsure and wobbly, where invols can happen. 

This is why I said to lift the floor a little,I don’t think you need a lot. No need to brute force it. Although endurance isn’t the same as power. It’s about holding that tension for a long time. If people find at some point they are struggling to feel that lift,they’re all out of endurance. Balance will vary from guy to guy. But the last thing we want is for the party to be in full swing only to run out of gas,this may be why some people describe it as good but fades away.


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Posted by: @zentai

Strong internal muscles will make a difference during sustained S-Os, but probably not as much during the build-up. Both strength and finesse have their place, when we're talking about anchored tension, a little goes a long way.

Yes mate,I suspect this might be why good times fade on guys. They’re up,and then over time,it falls off the table. Buy once the basics are locked down,they can experiment with different plays to attain they’re goals.

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@helghast Tried a session doing this, went A-less, as not to get confused with a device. The easiest to find were obvious, Levator, External sphincter, and Transverse. The Bulbos, I could feel, more like energy going through it, it was not easy to feel a contraction, but I could see with time that I could get control in it physically. At least now, I couldn't locate or feel with my fingers or internally the Ischios. They will take longer and you were right suggesting that these are for the more advanced.

Is there another dimension besides the PF muscles?

When in November MindGasm offered their freebee, in those sessions that were mostly A-less, I was able to figure out massaging my prostate internally with a soft up and down stroking. At most, not often, when doing this I'd get p-waves, but even when not it feels really nice. I looked up images of the PC and it appears to be like a basket draped internally from the coccyx to the pelvic bone in the front supporting the prostate. 

Do you have to work the PF and PC muscles together for this to work?


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@helghastAlthough I've read this several times, theopposite can be true also to much tension also kills it. It least it was for me, so I stuck to the do nothing att all, and I have been progressing quite well, or at least I thought I was till I gave it another try last night with almost the lightest amount of pressure I could apply, and there I am growing again. Glad I read this thread thanks guys, a change of terminalogy helped.


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