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Supplements/medication to lower Prolactin and become "multi orgasmic"

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Hi all,

So last night on YouTube I stumbled across a new post by what I believe is the ex porn star guy Stirling Cooper.

He spoke about how lower Prolactin levels can make you more "multi orgasmic" and that there is medication and supplements that can help support this while increasing dopamine.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, this is my understanding.

The supplement's suggested was:

  • Vitamin B6 (P5P)
  • Vitamin E
  • L tyrosine 

On the other hand he also spoke of cabergoline helping, however did not necessarily recommend, it was more of a subtle suggestion.

Does anyone have any experience in supporting these claims and if it genuinely works/helps?


This topic was modified 10 months ago by Lee92

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I can say that reducing or preventing the release of prolactin can eliminate the loss of sexual interest after orgasm and the refractory period. That will consequently enable multiple orgasms.

I have found that it was the intense sensations from the glans of my penis that cased the release of prolactin for me. By eliminating my glans sensations I am able to enjoy the more subtle sensations which are much more pleasurable. My sexual response has become more 'female like' where the sexual energy builds more gradually and instead of a sharp peak at orgasm it is more rounded which makes the orgasm last longer. My brain isn't forced into overload and I can extract every ounce of pleasure from the orgasm. I can now have multiple orgasms and control how long it takes for me to orgasm. I believe that is why methods of orgasm that don't involve the penis can provide similar results.

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@innerexplorer  thank you.

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Posted by: @innerexplorer

My sexual response has become more 'female like' where the sexual energy builds more gradually and instead of a sharp peak at orgasm it is more rounded which makes the orgasm last longer.

That is an interesting point you make. It is how I experienced arousal and orgasm when I was a teenager. I have lost it somehow and haven't found any way (like you with your observation regarding glans) that could restore it. It makes me think that it might be a little detail I have been overlooking for years. I had to work hard to reach climax and beyond to achieve orgasm. That was a whole different experience.


This post was modified 10 months ago by Sebastian Miński

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Interesting, I may have to look into that!  I've been trying Zaneblue's orgasmic diet which is supposed to help as well, but I'm not doing the diet part as much as taking the supplements: fish oil, Centrum, dark chocolate, ZMA. 

I would also say...I'm not sure how much it's actually done for me, certainly not made me multiorgasmic yet...

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I don't think anything can really help diet wise to become multi orgasmic when it comes to traditional O. It's more knowing your body. I can have multiple dry orgasms from vibration of the frenulum or manual stimulation but anytime I involve the head, once I release, I have had only a few times where I can stay hard and O again but this usually requires a lot of focus to stay hard and even more to O again. Luckily, my refractory period is only an hour or less but I can usually go an hour+ before release and I use a Power Blow Kiiro and both my arms are worn out after that much time.

Also a porn star as a lot practice getting hard and staying hard. I think all O's and getting hard is more mind over matter. As I can stop myself from having an O but still having the ejaculation with traditional masturbation, this from attempts at having a traditional O without the ejaculation .

When it comes to diet, I have noticed the healthier you eat the easier it is for you to get hard, stay hard and be harder once fully erect. I have switched to a fully plant based diet, I haven't woken up from a boner in the AM since my early 20s ... 36 currently.

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@innerexplorer how did you eliminate the sensations in your glans? Is this a good thing in terms of penile pleasure? Clearly in terms of an orgasm this seems the case.

Up to now I have not had what I would consider an orgasm as of yet, and the closest I feel I have been to it has been with the kSMO method. I certainly felt my mind was wanting to intensify pleasure but seemed to be a mental block as soon as I got close.

Regarding prostate stimulation, I have not experienced anything significant yet, so now I find myself looking into supplements hoping that this could hopefully help.

Cannabis seems a big one but I've been quit 6 year so it's a no go for me. It also seems detrimental if you want to learn to rewire without it as a tool. 

I think I'm going to add fish oil, pygeum, licithen (sunflower) to the mix.

What i find very interesting based on what I've read is people reporting good results with macuna puriens. This I am aware boosts dopamine, however, so does cannabis.

It would seem that higher dopamine levels could potentially be a strong driving force? 

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The funny thing is that if you ask most guys they will tell you the glans is the penis and that the shaft is just there to put the glans out in front where the action is.

You cannot imagine how astonished I was when I found out how much my glans was detracting from my sexual enjoyment. When involving the penis in sex it is almost impossible to not have the glans involved. I believe that is why a lot of guys are leaning to other methods for orgasm such as prostate and nipple stimulation. They can have multiple orgasms without the refractory period.

When I had glans orgasms I hated orgasms. I couldn't control how long I would last and everything was over in a couple seconds and it felt like I fell off a cliff. In addition it put me out of the game for days. Foreplay was always the best part of sex for me and penetrative sex meant the fun was over..

As for wet orgasms... When I was a young boy, prior to puberty, I learned early about the pleasure my body could provide. I had dry orgasms for 2 to 3 years before I finally ejaculated. They were the most wonderful orgasms and I am now trying to get back to that state of being. I cannot help but wonder though how that can be possible. With  glansless orgasms I now have so much control over my orgasm that I can stop at any point. Because of that I have discovered that my ejaculation occurs before the actual orgasm. I can stop at that point and ejaculate without the orgasm but I have a hard time understand how one can reverse that or eliminate the ejaculation completely.

I am now looking forward to my newly purchased Aneros Vice 2 to show me how it can be done. I have had multiple strictly mental and nipple orgasms without touching my penis (with ejaculation) over the years but now long for the dry orgasms again.


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Posted by: @lee92

how did you eliminate the sensations in your glans?

It is not something most people would do but being into body modifications for years I removed my glans by myself. That is how amazed I was with the difference not involving a glans during sex would have. I experimented and tested the idea for over a year and was so convinced of the results that I went ahead with what was an irreversible modification. It turned out to be the greatest modification of my life. One I wish I had done when I was younger. Orgasms are not all that is better. The only I can describe it is when someone looses their eyesight all of their other senses awaken and become amplified. Having my shaft skin. my frenum area, my coronal sulcus and the end of my glansless shaft touched or caressed now provide sensations so much more wonderful than anyone can ever imagine. But that's me. I was always adventurous and daring and fortunately it worked out for me but everyone is different and may not have the same result. But what I learned about the role the glans plays in orgasm and the refractory period should still apply. As I said before I believe this is confirmed by what guys experience with other forms of penisless sex.

While anything is possible I seriously doubt that diet can play any role in any of this. If one thing can I believe it is the mind and re-tuning our minds sexually.

This post was modified 10 months ago by InnerExplorer

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@lee92 mucuna surely helps, you just have to cycle its use and not take it every day. I take it like 4 times a week sort of scattered. I tend to save it up for when I have prostate sessions. It was honestly the first supplement that made me "notice" it and it was during sessions when I made the connection that "I took mucuna today, and my session is amazing and better than normal, and last session I didn't take it, and while good, it is not like right now!"

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Nootropics might help. I've been dabbling in the land of nootropics and as long as you are careful, maintain a lot of self control and will power, and measure measure measure your doses, you can find some amazing places and spaces inside of you during sessions. I've experimented with a handful and have found out a few things.

First off, this post is NOT condoning anything. These substances are legal but becoming more controlled every day. It is not that easy to find these things; Amazon recently decided to stop and then start and maybe stop selling sulbutiamine (described below); some websites have had problems getting supply; China doesn't make some of these supplements anymore and its creating global shortages; and, there are fake and watered down supply for sale. Not to scare anyone, but these substances are highly sought after and respected, and people want them badly. Addiction and abuse happens with anything from shopping, to weed, to cocaine, to chocolate cake. I'm just sharing information and what I've experienced here. I've been using nootropics for about 5 months now and there is a learning curve and I'm dialing it all in more and more every month. Read below for what I've found out through experience:

Choline. Start with choline. I get citicholine, there are numerous supplements for choline out there today. It increases neurotransmission in your brain. You need it to make brain/body connections. Citicholine increases sexual arousal and also arousal in general: if you like art and feel blah about doing it, you will "be turned on" by the thought of doing it, but not to the point of addictive behavior or compulsion, it just helps you get there. If you start taking choline like its a vitamin daily, you'll find things will start to just get better and you'll have more drive, impulse, and be feeling solid about things. 

Sulbutiamine is the bomb. No its the shit! I wrote my dissertation on it, it literally makes you motivated and feel good to get anything done. Clinicals show it aids and eradicates ED. It is a dopamine and serotonin booster. Its a B1 vitamin that has specific formulation to get past the blood-brain barrier. Sessions or just normal self pleasuring, when I'm on Sulbutiamine, I'm having a fantastically amazing orgasmic time. Or work gets done. Or chores. Whatever it is, you are DOING it and feeling good about it. Just have to cycle it but it has low tolerance and almost no addiction worries.

Phenibut and f-phenibut are very amazing too. You just can't use it every day because you'll want to, and if you do its not fun. Do research into this and read the forums out there that discuss it. Its almost cultish in how people get into this supplement. I use it almost weekly, not really, but I've been trying to save up its use for sessions. It can take the edge of all social settings and interactions; it is a massive confidence booster; and you feel good as fuck on it. Phenibut lasts almost a whole day, f-phenibut like 6 hours. I like the f- version better it hits in a different way. When I have sex with my wife and I'm on either its like nothing can go wrong or be wrong, everything is right with the world and our bodies, and its like getting lost in the moment and being completely in control of being lost in it at the same time. I don't have much social anxiety at all, but people use it to get off their SSRIs if that means anything. You get energy too, and at high doses, some or a lot of euphoria. But I don't take it to get high, I take it to lightly enhance parts of my life without it being too noticeable. 

The Racetam family. So many racetams out there. Be careful with this stuff though and do homework like you will fail class if you don't. Majorly makes you feel like everything is alright, sometimes to the point of its too alright and you don't care much about anything because its all so good. I've tried phenylpiracetam, coluracetam, and pramiracetam. I really only like the phenylpiracetam. Piracetam is the main one that people go for the most; I haven't tried it yet but plan to. Phenylpiracetam is simply amazing. You can take it multiple days and it has almost no addiction. Its been tested and trialed a whole lot, lots of studies on it. You have mental clarity, acute sensory enhancement, literally joyous feelings from not a whole lot of anything, and libido. Oh man, libido spikes like crazy. I just think about something involving my penis or my ass or my wife, you name it, and I'm licking my lips and humming to myself like "ohhhh yah that's so good" and I have to catch myself doing it! Phenylpiracetam is short lived at just about 4-5 hours of effect. 

I've been doing stacks of some of these. F-phenibut and phenylpiracetam stack really well together. I've taken both for purposes of doing a session. Its like cheating. I used to smoke weed before sessions to "get in the zone" and focus on myself and my insides, clear my mind, etc.. If you commit to a session and are on these two nootropics, you will have a session like no other. I've had sessions not on these since I started using these nootropics and its like my body and brain learned something from my enhanced sessions and now I'm even more responsive and can get so far in so little time. My wife was touching and teasing me two weeks ago during a session and I couldn't stop enunciating every little sensation, I literally got tired from making so much noise, and everything was amped up to 11, and I hadn't used nootropics in days, maybe a week. When I'm alone and using nootropics for a session, its orgasm city, they come and keep on going and there's a laser focus going on where I can feel the distinct muscle movements and flexing, and the toy in me as orgasm approaches, starts, continues and ends, whereas before nootropics I could only feel one or a few of these things before I'm lost in bliss and not paying attention or caring. I've learned a lot more about the physicality of my prostate and anal orgasms thanks to nootropics and I hate to give them credit, but I've been having not only more orgasms but more monumental, soul-searching, reflective orgasms than I ever have before.

And, since I end every session with a Super T, when I'm done with my prostate and anal Os and its time for penis to cum, the anticipation and excitement to get to do that is overwhelming. Its like the greatest thing I've ever done, and its extra exciting because I've built up all this stimulation through dozens of orgasms already, so its like the prostate session was eating the cake but WHOOPS I forgot to light the candle, so lighting the candle, if you will, is so delicious. And, "blowing out the candle" is a bit much, lets just leave it at the "juices really start shooting not flowing" if you catch my drift 😉  Semen production and release is next level. Precum production is next level. Its just an overall amped up and ramped up body and mind sensation.

I don't want to condone the use of drugs and I'm not trying to. But these substances are out there to try and use. There are also the -afinil family of substances that are a little more intense, I've tried fladrafinil and don't even use it once a month anymore. Noopept is intense is supposed to be the strongest of them all. If you take phenibut you have to supplement with choline; that's where this is all at, its the amount of choline your brain has and gets to use that causes libido and sexual excitement to really happen. Part of it, but its a big part of it. This post was just information and my personal use and journey and what I feel and experience is not the norm nor should I be a template for how you will react if you try these things. Just information to share!

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@techpump wow, that was information gold and a solid example of the beauty that can occur in this forum. It's very clear you have done some extensive research!

I'd go as far to say that is one of the most interesting threads I've ever read on supplementation, not only for orgasmic pleasure, but for other areas in life.

I feel it has also been helpful in identifying some potential uses for problems I have felt recently. Some being motivation, concentration, depression, anxiety etc etc.

The only thing I found confusing was because there was so much information, do you recommend all these supplements together at different spacing times or are each more specific to what you're trying to achieve during that time?

I also love the Idea of the enhanced ejeculation, I'm not sure if it's from watching porn but I just love nothing more than being able to share moments like that with my partner.

Also, how do I find reputable sources for these supplements?

Thank you 

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@innerexplorer Can you elaborate a little more on what you define as glans please, just so I can be more clear as I felt myself making assumptions. 

Your feedback is much appreciated.

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@techpump I also notice some of these are used in the russian pharmaceutical industry.

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@techpump do you also still use cannabis occasionally during sessions?

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Posted by: @lee92

@techpump do you also still use cannabis occasionally during sessions?

never, I quit it a year ago. I've gotten high just like 5 times since then and I hate it more each time. I love being sober and clear during sessions and sex, especially sex. I used to rely on weed to last forever with my wife, but found I don't need the weed, its just something I can do if I want to lol but no, my sessions took time to be really good after I quit weed. Used to be high every session, so it took some months to be able to get in the zone for sessions sober.


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Posted by: @lee92

@innerexplorer Can you elaborate a little more on what you define as glans please, just so I can be more clear as I felt myself making assumptions. 

Your feedback is much appreciated.

The highly sensitive part on the end of the penis which for me was too sensitive and detracting from my sexual enjoyment.


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@techpump  Interesting. I've looked into the supplements you suggested and certainly want to give some a go. Though from what I recall the phenibut one's looked quite expensive.

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@innerexplorer  The frenulum?

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@techpump Also, do you have any experience with kava at all? I was interested but the implications with the liver seemed to scare me a little.

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@lee92 - Frenum - Looks like a turkey neck on the bottom side of the glans

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In the early 2000s, there was a little hope that the male refractory period was related to prolactin. It turns out to be way more complex than that to the extent that the refractory mechanism is not well understood. Adjusting prolactin alone produces very negligible effects if any on the refractory period length.

Even if prolactin eliminated the male refractory period and made the traditional orgasm repeatable back to back, there's no telling how it would influence the set of responses, states, and reflexes etc as discussed in the Aneros glossary. 100% of orgasm research has been focused on penile responses, not anything anally mediated.

Hopefully, someone will be interested in studying these unstudied phenomena in the next 20 years. The prostate community is becoming to large to be ignored for much longer. It will be much more challenging than studying the traditional orgasm, which is already mind-bogglingly complex.

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@cummingrainbows a very interesting point. Yes, in that respect I hope to expect exciting times in terms of our understanding.

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Posted by: @lee92

@techpump Also, do you have any experience with kava at all? I was interested but the implications with the liver seemed to scare me a little.

I needed some time to get free time to answer your questions, here I go!

No experience with kava at all. I did it one time with a trained ethnobotanist and it made me really jittery and it felt like speed, but I've never done speed/meth/coke/amphetamines before. I didn't like kava because of how strong it was, but we had the real stuff, straight from traditional cultural source.

Maybe it felt like old ephedrine when you could still get it from the vitamin shops. Which reminds me, my wife and I did get some ephedrine from GNC in 2000 and I was out of town at the time for 10 weeks, we were dating, and we made a halfway between home and where I was at rendevous to have sex. Got a hotel room. Checked in right on time, took ephedrine, and proceeded to have sex 5 times in like 9 hours or less, maybe it was just 7 or so hours. We couldn't stop, even when we weren't engaged in intercourse we were touching each other. I was young just 24 then but man all we wanted was to get it on. Ephedrine got banned a long time ago but maybe its still around. It was too much to handle.


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Posted by: @lee92

@techpump wow, that was information gold and a solid example of the beauty that can occur in this forum. It's very clear you have done some extensive research!

I'd go as far to say that is one of the most interesting threads I've ever read on supplementation, not only for orgasmic pleasure, but for other areas in life.

I feel it has also been helpful in identifying some potential uses for problems I have felt recently. Some being motivation, concentration, depression, anxiety etc etc.

The only thing I found confusing was because there was so much information, do you recommend all these supplements together at different spacing times or are each more specific to what you're trying to achieve during that time?

I also love the Idea of the enhanced ejeculation, I'm not sure if it's from watching porn but I just love nothing more than being able to share moments like that with my partner.

Also, how do I find reputable sources for these supplements?

Thank you 

Thanks, that's very nice for you to say! I put a lot into my posts here for sure. I always do loads of research, I do research for a living, and I'm cautious and careful of everything I put into my body. If I don't like it, I abandon it immediately. 

Nootropics are honestly amazing. There are chemicals and things our brain needs for proper function. We can't get everything we need in our diets anymore, the earth's soils have been depleted from overfarming. There's literally no zinc left in soil anymore, for instance. DNA tampering with plants and animals, lack of real food for animals, inorganic nutrients for plants, you name it, we don't get the substances we need anymore. So there are ways scientists have helped us get to optimum, and beyond optimum, brain and body function. This is what I'm interested in the most.

So for your question on stacking the supplements I listed, or taking them alone, you can do either. When you stack them, however, they synergize with each other to provide, like, "maximum effects". They effect dopamine, serotonin and other things related in our brains and help release those 'feel-good' chemicals and hormones into our brains and bodies. For instance, if you take sulbutiamine on its own you get some extra dopamine release, not a lot, but enough to make you say "I like this!" Add phenibut to it and you get some more. I think they don't interact with each other, they just trigger your brain in slightly different ways to make your brain work more. My favorite stack is f-phenibut 100mg and phenylpiracetam 100mg together. They both hit in about 30-45 minutes and last about 4-6 hours. Sulbutiamine lasts a bit longer maybe 6-8 hours, so I'd take that earlier to make sure its already working, and then take either f-phenibut or phenylpiracetam or both so that it all wears off around the same time.

But I also take gingko biloba daily, and that is also a nootropic-like supplement. Also, mucuna pruriens, its a dopaminergenic supplement (I take the full spectrum stuff, not the concentrated standardized for L-dopa stuff, I like the pure supplements best). So if I take all of these together its pretty amazing, everything is cool and fun to do, chores or work or whatever, which makes sex and all things related quite amazing and unbelievable. Its like I've ejaculated before with Aneros toys in me, sure, but on all of these nootropics, its like the most amazing thing I've ever felt, maybe ever done in my life, and while I know its so good, its like so new and fresh and the anticipation is incredible and delicious and it blows me away. What's great about these kinds of supplementations for sex-related things is it doesn't make sex-related things seem less than or not as good as when supplemented. If anything I appreciate it all more because I've experienced an amplified version of it. 

One analog to this is people fearing taking mdma and having sex on it, where sex is "so good" on mdma that normal sex not on mdma will be bland and boring. Not true! If it does work that way, there's something going on in those people's brains that was there before mdma and probably even sex. I relish taking mdma for sex-related exploration, both with my wife and alone with myself. But in no way shape or form does mdma make sex, orgasms, prostate sessions, etc. "boring, bland, mundane" or anything related. If anything I like all the sex stuff even more because I've experienced it all in ways that make me appreciate more than ever fully sober. 

Lastly, ejaculation, or monster cumshots, yes it started for me with porn a long time ago maybe in the mid 1990s when I saw a Peter North scene for the first time. I didn't know men could cum like that! It seemed amazing. I never came like that it just came out of me. But as I became sexual when I met my wife shortly after I got more into longer acts of sexual stimulation and my Os built up stronger than from masturbation alone, and I finally started shooting. But I didn't really start shooting big time until I was in my 30s. I'm talking like 3+ feet, in her hair, straight up her nose, hitting the wall, down the hall, on a mirror, you name it. Somehow through time, so much force was building up behind my ejaculations. I just saw a youtube video on a channel run by a female urologist for men and she said a man's 30s is when semen shoots out the strongest, because the muscles and tubing and pelvic floor are getting stronger and stronger through more and more use and practice, so as we have more sex and cum more, it comes out stronger through time. I don't know how old you are, but if you are younger your best cumshots might still be ahead of you! I'm 47 now and its still blasting out of me like mad. And for sure prostate play has increased my semen output and ejaculation strength. Water, no smoking, clean natural foods, all that helps of course. But its mainly time, practice, use, and age that makes for bigger stronger ejaculations.



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@techpump Hi, I'm currently 31 and mine seems to vary. When I have good sex sometimes I can shoot a pretty good load after building up arousal and tension.

On the other hand, often if I masterbate alone, I quite often only get dribbles and small amounts, however I sometimes masturbate excessively and this doesn't help.

I tried pelvic floor exercises before but found it sometimes built up too much tension to the point I could not last during sex . 

Although I did feel with more regular sex my loads seemed to shoot better. I find if a woman does it to me I can really shoot because the sexual energy is there.

When I was a a teen I could keep shooting for fun all day, it's not like this for me now.

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Posted by: @lee92

@techpump Hi, I'm currently 31 and mine seems to vary. When I have good sex sometimes I can shoot a pretty good load after building up arousal and tension.

On the other hand, often if I masterbate alone, I quite often only get dribbles and small amounts, however I sometimes masturbate excessively and this doesn't help.

I tried pelvic floor exercises before but found it sometimes built up too much tension to the point I could not last during sex . 

Although I did feel with more regular sex my loads seemed to shoot better. I find if a woman does it to me I can really shoot because the sexual energy is there.

When I was a a teen I could keep shooting for fun all day, it's not like this for me now.

I hear ya. The more tension and arousal the bigger my blasts are too. But I can get there alone, I just have to really be into it. Less masturbation for sure helps build up for bigger releases later. Its all about falling in love with your own body and mind the way a woman loves your body and mind. Men just touch their penis when they play, women touch the man all over. Replicate that kind of behavior with your solo play. Not sure if you know of her, but a sex coach, Caitlin V on youtube, has a "mindfulness masturbation" lesson that can help. You just have to build up arousal in your own self outside of the arousal you experience with your partner. 

Pelvic floor exercises and kegels, PC clamps, etc., can be a bit much if you don't incorporate breathing into it. Breathing with the pelvic floor exercises is necessary to circulate the energy to different parts of your body. I feel like when men practice kegels and such, they almost hold their breath, because if you try to breath with purpose while doing kegels, it feels weird and almost impossible to do both at the same time and keep up a rhythm. That's proof that breath is central to pelvic floor work. Its like breathing out during lifting weights; inhale and then push out the breath on the lift. Same should be said for kegels. But you can also breath in on the clamp, exhale on the relax, or, inhale on the relax, exhale on the clamp. Inhale as you clamp, hold, and then vision the breath going somewhere in your body as you exhale and imagine the sexual energy you built up during the clamp is traveling with the breath. There are good books and online guides that can help with these techniques, I'm just throwing super general examples out, but its a science. I practice Ipsalu Kriya Tantric yoga and its very scientific and formulaic, and, it works big time. It not only enhances and stabilizes your life, but it amplifies and energizes your sex life. It takes so much work and patience but its worth it.

so yah, if pelvic floor work builds up too much tension, you should practice breathing techniques as you do the pelvic floor work. That should help alleviate unwanted outcomes.


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@techpump very interesting, I'll be sure to try these out. All fantastic information. Much appreciated 🙏

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Posted by: @techpump

@lee92 mucuna surely helps, you just have to cycle its use and not take it every day. I take it like 4 times a week sort of scattered. I tend to save it up for when I have prostate sessions. It was honestly the first supplement that made me "notice" it and it was during sessions when I made the connection that "I took mucuna today, and my session is amazing and better than normal, and last session I didn't take it, and while good, it is not like right now!"

Can you describe when and how much Macuna you take prior to having a sessions?

Are you taking it a few hours earlier, or just prior?


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