Greetings journeymen! I am very curious if anyone on this forum has ever had a session which resulted in a actual ejaculatory orgasm? I've been on my journey for 10 years. I've experienced many Super O variations. They are all beautiful in their own way! There have been a number of occasions, during particularly intense Aneros sessions, where I have felt the energy travel in a circular motion so quickly and fluidly.. as if my ass and nipples we're fucking the special spot on my penis.. I feel like I am going to have a hands free ejaculatory orgasm. Everytime I have felt almost certain that it's going to happen but it never goes over that edge! Just curious if this has ever happened to anyone? Please, and I welcome you to post your experience. How it occurred.. what it felt like, etc. Thank you!
I would like to clarify that I am in no way motivated for this to happen. My sessions are nothing short of mind blowing and beyond satisfactory as is! It's nothing that I purposely will to achieve. However, I have been taken to that very edge and I'm VERY curious as to what happens, how it feels, positives and or negatives if involuntary ejaculation does occur.
@Years2CenteR, I am curious where this sweet spot on your penis is located. Is it just beneath your cockhead or Glans, or is it located beneath your ball sack or scrotum?
thanks, should have been more specific.. glans located beneath my cock head. Lol
@Years2CenteR, that is wonderful! I certainly have loved my mushroom Glans since age five and love to stimulate my Glans using delicate touches. As with most men, the sweet spot beneath my Glans or cockhead is my frenulear delta (I'm circumcised). But my other major sweet spot is located just beneath my ball sack or scrotum. It is located very near my perineum or very close to my cock root and prostate. Night time in bed is a major time for stimulating or diddling my nipples. I just love how very sweet energy zings from my alive nipples to my genital sweet spots. Do you?
Yes it's a very important part of the overalloverall experience for me. My nipples seem to control those areas while the anerAn is doing it's magic!
Damn auto correct. *Aneros
@Years2CenteR, that is my experience as well. My nipples are erect as I write this. I certainly enjoy diddling my nipples in bed while also doing some Kegels. In a few hours, I hope to have an Aneros session. Didding my nipples seem to rev up my sessions.
I haven't done a whole lot of pre-session stimulation exercises lately. At some point I'll get back at it. As of lately I've been going right at it man! My nipples and then just being in touch with my body finally, takes me there in a hurry! I take my time once I start though.. I like to milk every orgasmic sensation.
Has anyone ever experienced a Super-O induced ejaculatory orgasm? A dual prostate/penis ejaculation experience? Is it even possible?
@Years2CenteR I like you was on a multi-year journey until I finally reached recognizable prostate orgasms and super Os. It's been about 5 years now since I've been rocking these hands free Os like no tomorrow, but only twice (I think twice) have I had a hands free ejaculation during O or super O. Happened first with the Maximus and then with the Maximus Trident a few months apart. First time I had not had an orgasm or ejaculation for, I think, 6 or 7 days. When I reach close to 7 days, my testosterone is through the roof and I get hard at almost nothing, have insane semen production and lots of power and strength behind my ejaculations. So, you can imagine when I have a prostate/Aneros session at this point in time of abstaining from cumming that I'm EXTRA pumped up and excited! To not touch my penis and only rely on the anal pleasure is unreal. I wasn't even that far into my session, I think I started with the MGX, and then used a different toy before moving to the Max. By the time I put the Max in I was almost fully hard. Well the Maximus just created this major cascading effect that made every auto contraction in my ass make my cock jump and pulsate, and after it happening over and over, I was off to the races and that 10 seconds or so before I finally "came" was delicious. I could feel the semen build up in my prostate and slowly start to move up my urethra and actually travel through my cock so that I could feel the distinct sensations of when it reached my glans and pushed out with a quick burst. Then it just poured out of me as the Aneros fucked me and made my cock jump up and down with orgasm. It was soooooo good!!! The next time it happened it was pretty much the same, except with the Trident effect, I think it made for an even more exciting orgasm and semen release. I'm pretty sure the Trident-induced one was also nearing a 7 day break of sex/masturbation. When I'm cumming more frequently, I don't feel anywhere close to being able to ejaculate during a prostate O/super O.
Hope these recollections of mine inspire you! Happy hunting!!
p.s. have you had any Super-Ts??? They might help you feel what to expect when you're cumming and have Aneros inside you
@Years2CenteR I've also been close to having a hands free ejaculation but I think that was just my blanket rubbing against my penis during a session. I haven't tried it yet but maybe try doing strong rhythmic PC-muscle contractions when you feel like you're on the edge (or with other words try to simulate the contractions that happen during a wet orgasm.)
@techpump Thanks for giving me the last bit of motivation to go and practice a week of SR, starting today I've kind of hit a libido low so it's time for a reset. Did you abstain from any sexual activity including edging or looking at porn? I always finish with a super-T and I wonder if having Aneros super-o's decreases the effectivity of SR
Has anyone ever experienced a Super-O induced ejaculatory orgasm? A dual prostate/penis ejaculation experience? Is it even possible?
Yep, its the only way i get super o's in fact, mind altering, earth shattering... makes me cry some occasions, genuinly. I cannot imagine a dry orgasm ever getting to that level of intensity, if it did and it was multiple? it would give someone a cardiac arrest or an anurism. Not kidding.
I have never experienced a super O induced ejaculatory orgasm but I have manually induced and ejaculation in the middle of a super O.
As many of us have said each MMO has its own signature and trajectory; some sessions are very long and some are short. Perhaps the greatest variation for me however is in intensity. My most intense sessions occur when I am very horny, when it has been a week or more since my last session and when the session is within 12 hours of a prodigious ejaculation of semen. In addition, my most euphoric sessions occur when my mind is clear and I am not distracted. In general I produce ALOT of pre cum during normal daily arousal such as looking at an attractive woman on the street. At the beach it is a bigger issue as I am always wetting my swimsuit crotch watching girls in swimsuits. In sessions I soak my bed when I am having a good one.
However, concerning this post I regularly have the following happen. In deep very intensely euphoric sessions my penis will reharden (it normally softens during sessions) and I will feel urgent pressure in my cock root. The "normal" highly pleasurable pulsing - pumping of my cock root that I feel during an MMO becomes intensely sweet and creates a sensation of agonizing ecstasy. When this happens I do not ejaculate but rather my cock slit oozes a thick opaque opaque ooze in a steady stream. My sulcus will be gripped with a tingling sensation that sends chills up my spine. I will stream this hot opaque ooze for up to an hour during the session. It is not clear like precum. I have assumed that it is prostatic fluid. It is sticky and persistent, as compared to pre cum (an excretion from my Cowpers Gland) which is thin, clear and soaks into my skin. The reason I know it is not ejaculate is that my semen is white and creamy while this is ivory colored and thinner than ejaculate. I think of the super O that I have that results in this rapturous secretion as "nirvana".
I have never experienced a super O induced ejaculatory orgasm but I have manually induced and ejaculation in the middle of a super O.
What is it like to make yourself ejaculate in the middle of a super o? I've wanted to try it but don't want to cut a session short.
i could not ejaculate during super-O. There were a few times where I thought I gonna ejaculate but that was just an illusion.
oh.. i did manage to get one, that was the first time I had my session lying face down. The super-o caused me to start humping my bed fast and hard. I thought my briefs gonna prevent or at least diminish any penile stimulation at that crazy moment but it didn't. So the pleasure multiplied fast!
Within a few seconds, I found myself to the point of no return and I just rolled over to my back in a split second, arched my back and pelvic in the air, and there it goes.
After that session, whenever I recognize i started to hump, I will stop that action whenever and since then no more ejaculation during super-O
In the past I had super O type sessions lasting many hours where I allowed myself to ejaculate in order to provide some end to the process. Most enjoyable but felt really drained after.
@techpump Thank for your very detailed, p-wave inducing reply! I could almost feel what you were describing, lol. Yes, during these particular "wanna be ejaculatory" sessions I had abstained from any type of sexual activity 5-7 days. When this happens, in my mind I think I'm about to cum. My body thinks the same. Being that I am now so in touch with my body, I can control and caress parts of my body with my mind. It feels like I'm actually making contact with my skin even though my hands are not participating whatsoever! I'm sure you know exactly what I am talking about. If I center my thoughts on my penis glands.. I can actually touch the exact spot that I would normally stimulate during penile masturbation with just my mind. It's magically delicious, lol. That being said, I am almost positive when this happens that I am going to blow a major semen load.. but to no avail.. everything just stops at this point. I'm exhausted and ready for a smoke!
I would like to clarify that I am in no way motivated for this to happen. My sessions are nothing short of mind blowing and beyond satisfactory as is! It's nothing that I purposely will to achieve. However, I have been taken to that very edge and I'm VERY curious as to what happens, how it feels, positives and or negatives if involuntary ejaculation does occur.
I have had very intense experiences, with feelings very close to ejaculatory orgasms, my cock pulsing and throbbing, that characteristic ejaculatory pleasurable sharp muscle contraction in the base of the penis, but nothing happens, it is a very distinct feeling very different from the Super Os, it almost feels out of place during my sessions. I actually dread it a little. First because it might cut a session short with a T orgasm, which is great, but not mind blowing as the Super Os, and second but more important: I would hate to have some kind of "rewiring" of my prostate pleasure to that it now means ejaculation. Using aneros is pretty much the opposite, you wanna DISCONNECT pleasure and orgasms from ejaculation.
Has anyone had that "reverse" rewiring happen to them? Is it even possible? I kinda dread it a little like I said hahaha!
@techpump honestly before this post I didn't realize the meaning of "super t" I used the sites wiki and read the article. Turns out I've attempted to unknowingly! With the Aneros in, I will tap very lightly with my index finger directly on my glans just beneath my head. I try to time my tappings with my anal contractions as well as to the rhythms of my super O.. when I'm in the zone. The feeling is unbelievable.. but somehow, eventually I end up wanting to just masturbate. Or just ride the O's.. I guess maybe where I am ATM, my current wiring, I have to pick one or the other and not both? I dunno, all I can go by is how it is for me.. lol however I am to continue to try once in a while what is your technique? Id appreciate any advice on this! You've been on this journey just as long as I have man.. thank you for corresponding.
Btw I appreciate all of the response. Awesome posts! I'll be getting back as work schedule/sleep schedule permits!
My journey has taken an unusual path in the last couple sessions. I’ve really been enjoying the Peridise lately. I can usually get the mini O’s rolling just while sitting in a recliner watching TV. After about an hour of mini’s, I add nipple play. This begins the Supers. Two sessions ago, after a couple Super O’s, I wanted to end my session but when I put the Peridise away, my Helix Syn caught my eye. So I continued with it to a Super O, however, it was so intense and I was so involved that I could feel some sort of liquid coming from my cock. I was that much into the O, that I couldn’t tell what exactly was going on, in the back of my mind I almost thought I was peeing. After I came down from the feeling, I noticed that it was cum. It must’ve been like a ruined orgasm, because non shot anywhere, it was just puddled on my lower abdomen. This same thing happened during my next session. At no point did I touch my penis during the session. I will say that it feels great, it just puts an end to the session due to refraction. Anyone else experiencing this? the back of my mind I almost thought I was peeing. After I came down from the feeling, I noticed that it was cum. It must’ve been like a ruined orgasm, because non shot anywhere, it was just puddled on my lower abdomen. This same thing happened during my next session. At no point did I touch my penis during the session. I will say that it feels great, it just puts an end to the session due to refraction. Anyone else experiencing this?
during a certain point of arousal, your prostate sends fluid to the seminal glands. It's a one-way trip from there. If you're doing SR, then chances are you don't even notice because it's expelled during urination. Other times, if you're relaxed enough and those glands are full to bursting, you'll end up "milking" yourself.
I am very curious if anyone on this forum has ever had a session which resulted in a actual ejaculatory orgasm? ... Just curious if this has ever happened to anyone?
I've been on this journey for over ten years too and I haven't experienced a HFWO either, though I have experienced some minor spontaneous prostate milkings on occasion. In answer to your question, Yes, there have been numerous reports of spontaneous ejaculatory orgasms during an Anerosession. Depending on your desire and point of view this could be a blessing or a curse.
These threads, How to avoid ejaculation?], How to avoid handsfree wet orgasms & Avoiding ejaculation during orgasm?, exemplify the situation as a curse.
On the other hand, some men have been striving to bring about a HFWO with their Aneros in situ (please see Just can't achieve a "hands free" orgasm, Finally a hands-free orgasm! & Achieving hands-free ejaculation...continued). For these men the ability to have their HFWO's is a blessing.
Blessing or curse, it all depends on your attitude and intent but you can probably achieve your desired outcome through continued practice and mental focus.
Good Vibes to You !
@rumel Thank you rumel, I appreciate your expertise and the information you have so graciously provided! The last two or three weeks, I've been doing bit of mental/physical experimentation.. The focal point being my penis glans "special spot" in relation to prostate stimulation and anal contractions. Of how it is all somehow magically wired together! Rewiring eventually becomes more like moving your hand.. tapping your fingers. Prostate stimulation unlocks your mental ability to "create" pleasure, within and without your body, the way that your mind desires or wishes it to. To this very day, 10 years down the road, my mind is still completely blown by it all! Lol. Each session is a new experience. Some better than others yes but are all unique. Which leads me to say, Thank You! You are the Pioneer of this forum. I wouldn't be here writing this if not for your posts (which led me to purchase my first Aneros 10 years ago!) I've been in and out of this forum, getting tips ever since. So good job rumel! Thank you for hard work man. I can't say enough, what a true Blessing it is to unlock this door!
I never ejaculate, but my cocks starts "itching" like crazy, especially if I use something bigger.
I came across this post and thought I would add about my recent experiences. I've been on this journey for about 18-20 months now and until recently all my SO's had been prostate centered. About 3 months ago I added the MaxT to my collection and the whole game changed. I still get the prostate SO's but after awhile in the sessions I would start to feel it start to spread. On scale of 1-10 I would get to a 6-7 on the ponr meter. A couple of times it may have gotten a little higher but I think suppressed it. I more recently added the ProJ and just yesterday it had me so close to the ponr I can't even explain how good it felt. I think I was at 9.9 on the ponr scale. In fact if I hadn't tried to find a towel to keep from making too much of a mess I'm pretty sure I would have ejaculated. The funny thing is I never got fully erect but my balls definitely contracted as if I was ready to cum. I have the house to myself this week so I plan on seeing where this goes.