Super Orgasm or Sup...
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Super Orgasm or Super Orgasmic?

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What I mean by the title is....Are new users mislead by looking for an orgasm?

On chat the other day, with Canacan, we were trying to answer some questions about looking for release. We were advising users to not look for a release. Nothing ground breaking there, however, it got me thinking. Looking for the elusive Super-O is flawed in its name. We associate "orgasm with some sort of "release". Therefore, no wonder why guys are having trouble wraping their head around the concept of relaxing and following the pleasure. "How can we achieve a Super Orgasm and there not be a release?"

Maybe we should think Orgasmic instead of Orgasm?

We advise people to try and separate the prostate orgasm from the tradidional orgasm. But, that still makes it sound similar because of how we define orgasm. Should we be looking for orgasmic pleasure?

When I achieve what I would call a Super Orgasm, I get lost in incredibly wonderful orgasmic energy, and it takes over my entire body. I do not look for an "Orgasm", because that would be associated with a release, and ultimately the end of a session. I do not want it to end, so I enjoy the moment for an endless amount of time. Floating away in a blissful state, letting the pleasure take me wherever it wants. I think of it as an "Orgasmic Zone" that I do not want to leave.

By not thinking of a release, we can enjoy the most subtle sensations for what they are. If we are not looking for the climax of an orgasm, we are able to let the pleasure build without expectations......Enter the Super Orgasmic Pleasure Zone! And stay there!

I am interested to hear your thoughts!

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If you are a Star Trek fan, then I would describe it as the Orgasmic Nexus! I think you are right on in your thinking!


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One can Super O and orgasm. In order for one to be Orgasmic, one has to Super O consistently, free of stagnation and duds. Semi-orgasmic would be one that has stagnation and dud sessions . Why would one not want the orgasm to end? Is this not a precursor to addiction? The orgasm has to end, as the body can only withstand a certain amount of pleasure .

There must be an actual release , if not , tension will take over and reign supreme. The line will become too taut and will eventually snap. If the Pspot is the male equivalent of the female Gspot, what is the purpose of a man having a prostate orgasm if he does not squirt? Does not a woman squirt during a Gspot orgasm. Oh yeah , that's just pee. Yeah right! But many here complain about peeing and having the feeling to pee. Really.!?

The new users are not the only ones seeking an orgasm, or to be orgasmic. Are not the majority here guilty of the same? How can one get constructive advice from one that suffers addiction to the Aneros, or addiction to A-less? How can one guide another if he ass cravings (I've seen this mentioned in chat)? Is this not imbalance .

Regardless, the vast majority are solely interested in orgasms, no matter the type. At the close of business, the traditional orgasm and the prostate orgasm must be in harmony. The penis should not be up staged by the prostate and vice versa . If the veterans were as concerned about misleading themselves, as they are the newbies, perhaps they would be at a more fluid point in their journey .

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If one is a Star Trek TNG fan, one would realize the BORG has taken over. Which is why most have 'hive ass'. Similar to the hive mentallity . Which is why nearly all have the same experience .


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Excellent thoughts, G-Force. I agree. I'm lucky, because I didn't get stuck with the traditional definition of orgasm that connotes "release." I dove in rather quickly to the "orgasmic zone" and so happy I did. I now enjoy being in a place of pleasure, rather than finding a point of pleasure. Wallowing in bliss and the calm bed of joy.

Keep living in the zone!


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Is not a prostate orgasm a climax? Is not the crest of whatever wave one has a climax? Climax-the highest or most intense point in the development or evolution of something ; culmination . So one is still climaxing.

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Oh, PLENTY of climaxes, Pspot. I just don't focus on that point. I open myself to all that being a MMO man is.


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If people cared to read what women write about their sexual experience and help geared towards anorgasmic women or getting a vaginal orgasm, they would have much more insights. Men and women are both opposites and identical. So we get different perspectives on the very same things. Isn't it very helpful? Well it should.

Lack of curiosity for the other sex, on the other hand, wont be repaid any good.

Now, concerning @Pspotsquirter's comments, I am not sure I can understand his point yet. In some areas he is much more advanced than me. My life is far too complex these days for me to feel fully calm and unburdened. Higher experiences probably are meant for later on.

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@Theme_Gasm & @brine,
Yes, you understand what I am trying to say.
@Pspotsquirter, I know what you are saying as well.
My intent for the discussion was obviously to raise thought and receive feedback.

I find this journey very difficult to put into words. I know how balance and addiction need to be addressed with each individual journey. I am just looking for ways to better describe what to look for, which is very difficult for me.

Because, the two "orgasms" are separate from each other.....How do we describe to people what feelings to follow with Aneros? Does being content with orgasmic pleasure make for a more realistic goal during the early stages?

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Aneros members, this thread has gone seriously off topic. The off topic posts have been moved to the Relocated Off Topic Posts thread. Please keep your posts related to the original topic.
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Wow!....That derailed in a hurry!

My intention was to generate a good discussion. I guess this is what happens sometimes when we have strong opinionated people on this forum. However, these strong opinions stem from a good thought process that is required for any worth while discussion.

May I attempt to get this back on track since there seemed to be some interest on the topic?
Without the risk of sounding like we are telling others what to do, we can still offer some insight on whether or not we need to seek a release. Are there indicators of Orgasms that others may feel that are not in the Wiki? Something that others might think "ahh that's it, I am on the right track. If one is content with "orgasmic energy" is release required. If we separate the two orgasms, could a release from a traditional orgasm be enough to balance us out? We smell food and we eat food, yet we are not required to eat through our nose to have balance and appreciate food.

Just some more thought to debate.

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I am agnostic towards "release required". For now I'd say: if you don't feel like it is required in this particular session, then why bother ? And if you feel like it is required then maybe there are different ways to release and maybe your body knows better than you which one is asked for... Even though your brain might yet not know what and how.

Anyway, to me talking "orgasmic" instead of "orgasm" is opening a very interesting door.

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IDK, to me an orgasm is an orgasm. They come in all different varieties. Ejaculation is something different entirely. Even though us males tend to think of ejaculation and orgasm as one in the same they are two seperate things. Too simplistic of a view?

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@GForce, In that case I've had plenty of orgasmic zone sessions. It IS confusing. I was used to expecting a build up of muscle tension and arousal tension with release and resolution before with ejaculation orgasms. Now it's more the involuntary contractions that keep repeating in undulating pattern of pleasure that keep me in the zone. I get discouraged and frustrated when my experience doesn't match other men's as they describe it. But you have described my experience better and given me encouragement NOT to be chasing after other's experiences. I've coached several men successfully so know some of the variety of experiences that are possible. Very different. But the orgasmic zone is a good way to describe it for many of them at different stages. IMO it's very important for more experienced guys to coach newbies if only to be present and concerned, but also to share and be there to answer questions. I'm eternally grateful to those who have coached me. They got me out of the nest so I could begin my own journey. IMO describing our own experiences and trying to make sense of them are a necessary start in this enterprise.

BTW @gforce, thank you see much for your words of encouragement the other day. They meant a lot to me.

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Are we not required to feed our minds, in order to fully and properly appreciate the Aneros? Just as one experiences a meal differently , one experiences the Aneros the differently. Most are conditioned to believe , if their experience does not follow the Wiki, there is a problem. The Wiki is based on one man's experience .
Unless everyone's anus is the SAME, it would stand to reason everyone's experience would be totally different . This is a determining factor in one being orgasmic, semi-orgasmic, or non-orgasmic .

Most don't feed the mind, but they feed the ass. Many have sensations, etc, that are not mentioned in the Wiki. They dismiss such as being incorrect, because the Wiki makes no mention of what they are experiencing . Release (ejaculation ) is needed . Most detest this concept. Why? Because it goes against the Wiki. One's mind, one's ability to give the Wiki minimal credence in one's experience , and one's ability to separate the wheat from chaff (good advice-bad advice) determines if one is orgasmic , semi-orgasmic , or non-orgasmic .

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IDK, to me an orgasm is an orgasm. They come in all different varieties. Ejaculation is something different entirely. Even though us males tend to think of ejaculation and orgasm as one in the same they are two seperate things. Too simplistic of a view?

It all seems simple once it happened. Enlarging the scope of what is an orgasm, where and when it starts and when it ends, can be an eye opener and can also enlarge our understanding to other human processes too. But once it happened, once you know how to listen to your body, yes it is pointless.

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Canacan, and others,

Pointless? Hmmmm...

That word stopped me and really made me think.

Life teaches many lessons, and I am grateful to my journey here for teaching me things I would have never experienced if it weren't for discovering the joy of becoming a multi-orgasmic man.

I have found that not having a "point" (being pointless) in this journey has opened up discoveries of self treasures of extraordinary wonder - deep calm, bold trust, courage to risk, satisfaction sated, clarity of mind. Having a point is, in my thought, having an expectation, a destination. Releasing myself from expectation and enjoying the path, produce such contentment. I am happy, lucky, strong. I am more me than ever.

I hope this comment doesn't send this thread back into Relocated Off Topic Posts-land; I just wanted to express my thoughts.


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Good comment. I hope it stays too.

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Glad to read some interesting perspectives!

Does this journey then help us appreciate life for what it is? Do we live in a society where we always expect more? Aneros has helped me live in the moment more often. Are we not sometimes too busy looking for something else, when all we need is right in front of us? I enjoy just being in an orgasmic state of mind sometimes.

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Glad to read some interesting perspectives!

Does this journey then help us appreciate life for what it is? Do we live in a society where we always expect more? Aneros has helped me live in the moment more often. Are we not sometimes too busy looking for something else, when all we need is right in front of us? I enjoy just being in an orgasmic state of mind sometimes.

Excellent observation!


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Glad to read some interesting perspectives!

Does this journey then help us appreciate life for what it is? Do we live in a society where we always expect more? Aneros has helped me live in the moment more often. Are we not sometimes too busy looking for something else, when all we need is right in front of us? I enjoy just being in an orgasmic state of mind sometimes.

G-Force - Yes, Yes, Yes!

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