Super O? Or somethi...
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Super O? Or something else.....

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I've wondered how this system works and how this super o thing is so fickle. This last year may have given me some incite into this phenomenon. This past year my wife and I got really honest with one another and shared our secret desires/needs. So we have been learning everything we can about BDSM. Articles, books, community groups, facebook groups and youtube have been excellent and exhaustive resources. To my point. In my explorations I came upon a BDSM article discussing a subject we call "subspace". A term we use to describe an altered and pleasurable state of being, usually derived from the release of neurochemicals, in particular; endorphins. There are others that are released as well such as serotonin and dopamine as well that add to this mentally pleasurable state. With enough stimulus the endorphins are released into your blood every 10 minutes in a bolus fashion. This is why a submissive may enjoy impact play such as spanking. The trick here is that the stimulus has to be presented long enough and also high enough to break a threshold to cause this release. Here is where it gets interesting. With enough stimulus and enough injections of endorphin into the system (imagine 10 or 12 boluses of endorphins over 2 hours) have occurred, the person recieving the stimulus, often known as the bottom, may enter a state known as "flying". The sensation is total orgasmic, cosmic , euphoria. Seeing lights, feels of out of the body, floating, body orgasm, weightless, glowing ,intoxicating pleasure, communion with the divine.
Is this the super O? Up to this point with a year and a half of play my wife has only gone this deep 3 times. Everytime is pleasurable with some layer of subspace achieved. But flying, that is rare and precious thing. She and i have discussed this at length. Any level of subspace achieved cannot be forced. It wont work. It takes the right amount of stimulus, the right amount of time, and the right mindset. More like a relaxing and readiness to accept what you are offered and be grateful for it when it comes.
Is this starting to sound familiar?
Google articles on subspace and levels. Tell me what you think.

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you can focus on penis pleasure and achieve super-o, you can focus on prostate and do it, and if you get turned on/arousal/pleasure over some learned activity I'm sure that could do it as well. The aneros is one way to re-teach your body sex, there are others. Deep meditation without aneros can get u there too.

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I've wondered how this system works and how this super o thing is so fickle. ...Is this starting to sound familiar?

You Bet ! I think your analysis of this phenomenon is correct in identifying the altered state of consciousness called "subspace" as analogous to the altered state of consciousness I labeled 'zoneros' in the thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State. By extension then, I'd surmise the state you termed "flying" to be analogous to a Super-O as defined in the Aneros WIKI.
However, I think there is perhaps one significant difference in the procedure(s) employed to induce these altered states. You referenced endorphins, it is my understanding these naturally occurring compounds are primarily released when the body is experiencing some form of stress as you indicated by an activity such as spanking, whereas Super-O's are not induced in body stressed situations. I would be curious to know if a similar endorphin cascade is somehow initiated by prostate stimulation in the male. Physiological responses such as this are another reason I feel the Super-O phenomenon needs to have some scientific studies done. I would even speculate that on some rare occasions small amounts of naturally occurring DMT may be released during a Super-O. This might explain the spiritual component of the Super-O experience occasionally reported here. In any event, there are definitely similarities in the differing termed altered states of consciousness which makes the underlying causes of this mystifying phenomenon so fascinating.
Good Vibes to You !

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Orgasm also causes endorphon release, which we also know we are getting from excitation of the nerve roots to the prostate. I did want to mention that there are some submissives who have been sent into flying without ever engaging in pain play. The method of releasing the will to someone else may send them down this rabbit hole as well. Tantra and its forms can bring this about as well. Breathing , focus, release.
Hmmmmmm. So much to think about. In the end orgasm comes from the brain. Stimulation of the right neural pathways lead to this event. I have used breathing techniques and amygdala clicking in the past with success.
This would have to mean then, the super o must also come from the brain.....

If paralytics can learn to orgasm by "thinking off", it has to be reasonable to think this can take us to the super o as well.

Illustrious Member Customer
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If paralytics can learn to orgasm by "thinking off", it has to be reasonable to think this can take us to the super o as well.

Absolutely! @B Mayfield related this exact ability, see his entry 'ANEROS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY? ...REVISITED (reconsidered..)' in the Sticky thread B's Best of the BEE-Line.
Good Vibes to You !

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