Super-O Cues
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Super-O Cues

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From the Wiki : 

The physical sensations leading up to the Super-O can be quite varied. The may include:

  • a build-up starting with waves of anal quivering and the abutment tab creating a strong tingling sensation in the perineum, anus, prostate and rectum simultaneously.
  • A tickling excited sensation in your abdomen and finding yourself contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • A paradoxical sensation of your anus pushing outward while the Aneros seems to be drawn inward.
  • Engorgement of the penis, producing a very stiff erection, and swelling of the glans or head of the penis. Often this swelling may cause the glans to change hue and take on a shiny appearance with the corona becoming larger and more red in color.
  • Internal or external anal contractions.
  • Skeletal muscle contraction and rigidity.
  • Emissions (a flow or oozing) of "precum" (Cowper's fluid) before, during and after.


What other sensations/feelings do you experience, telling you that you're in Super-O country ? Here are some of mine : 

  • Watery or liquid feeling in abdomen ;
  • Perception of a change of temperature, either feeling cold/icy or hot/flushed ;
  • Sudden increase in heartbeat, and feeling the heartbeat in various locations ;
  • Sudden increase of arousal, or going from soft to hard very quickly ;
  • Sensation of dropping or falling trough the bed ;
  • Nipple sensitivity shooting up ;
  • Sudden realization that "this is it" ; 


When I get one or a couple of these, I know I'm well underway and that I can let go and let things happen, my job is done and the O can take over. 




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Contraction and anchored tension build P-waves which in turn build themselves in Rhythm. Nipple play at intervals throws another log into the furnace. Each time.

As rhythm gives way to invols,I assume the hairs on my body all stand up simultaneously or that skin nerves fire in unison. Heat starts to spread through my head,this cue tells me the wave is coming.

Then my body has relaxation spread right through it except PF,which has like a buzz spasm in it,it’s a buzz my mind can hear but ears cannot.

Then comes the wave. It’s an “ oooohhh yeaaaaa” moment as i paddle up onto the crest,the oh yea is long and drawn out,like a sensual blowjob.

Wave hits,pleasure everywhere,soaring,sometimes violent. I accept its power,I’m not afraid of it,but I know it’s useless to resist. 

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I become very aware of my spine, like it's tighter and more energized, first in the lower part at a constant level, then rising to my middle-spine as momentary peaks. Each peak might flow outwards from my mid-spine, and travel down the front of my body from that mid-point, engaging parts that otherwise weren't feeling included. Sometimes I can feel the spinal energy hit the base of my skull / upper neck, which is a very comforting feeling, not unlike being hugged or held.

I experience lower-torso sensations that remind me of adrenaline spikes, except they aren't accompanied by the psychological discomfort I usually associate with adrenaline spikes. (maybe this is what adrenaline feels like without cortisol?)

This all builds very slowly and gradually, and if I'm in the right place, it may form a loop that blurs into a single overriding feeling (I guess as everything starts to work in harmony).
Where it goes from there varies a lot. But during that ramp-up, there is a subtle ongoing feeling of sexual satisfaction and release-that-never-releases... so no matter where it goes, the session is worth it for its own sake.

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The prostate buzzing / fluttering builds and builds and ends up going at a super fast speed... then all of a sudden it just stops (first few times I was like wtf)... but this is when you just relax and the wave of pleasure comes over me....and next thing I am floating thru space in pure bliss... know the super O has stopped once the fluttering comes back... but then it's time to start over again for the next one...

The first few times these happened it wasn't like a wow that was an intense feeling like an orgasim.. its a long drawn out orgasim... next thing you know it's been 90 minutes of pure bliss and floating thru space feeling.. 

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