Guys, there has probably been a thread about this but if so I couldn't find it.
I've been having mixed results lately. And I think it might be because I cange aneros each session. I take the one I want, and sometimes I go bigger in the middle of a session.
Any experience on the field from people that do/did the same?
Ps. I know they say to rewire and reach the super with only one. But I already rewired and reach the super:)
I usually switch it around from one day to the next, depending on what I find interesting at the time. For some reason I might be in the mood for one or the other. Also some models have higher or lower lube requirements, so that factors in too, effort-wise. I've frequently changed models, and I think it took me a long time (~5 years) to reach where I am now. So I'm probably not a shining example of swift rewiring.
Switching models mid-session is a guaranteed session killer for me.
I started out with just the helix syn. A while later I got a Maximus and then a Progasm because I wanted the fullness. It was great for a while. I would start with the helix and then step it up in mid session. I was making good progress. Lately however, I feel like I'm falling backwards somewhat, so I'm gonna stick to the helix for a while now to see if I can get back on course.
I suppose it makes sense, since you're training new neural pathways, you don't want to confuse them before they become established.
Things seem to be better when I stick to one, but when I fall into a lull I will take a short break and then try a new model which often ramps up the pleasure all over. I say stick to the same unless you are having a dry spell. Once rewired to a high degree you can more easily attain success while swapping between the models as your body desires.
my experience is similar to Clenchy's. i've usually alternated devices. and i've also avoided changing devices in a session. though i got into multiple devices "by accident", i've noticed that each device has its own way of taking me on its own Aneros journey.