Last nite I woke up my wife having an orgasm while I was sleeping. She said it was very intense and alarmed her... It did not wake me up out of my sleep. In the morning when she told what had happened it blew me away because I had absolutely no recollection of it!
Has anyone ever experienced something like this...should I be concerned?
Did you sleep with Aneros inside you?
Has anyone ever experienced something like this...should I be concerned?
Yep, pretty regularly. But I can recall those most of the time because they tend to wake me up (plus: I'm not loud and don't wake my wife). Did your wife wake you up? If not, it's rather normal that you can't remember. You have 4-5 dream-cycles during the night and we mostly only remember the last one (but you can train to remember dreams). I don't think you need to be concerned. Orgasms while sleeping are pretty common even for those who don't ride the aneros (wet dreams etc...).
Cheers, Unfug aneros involved just my dreams apparently. Was a totally dry orgasm and I could not remember anything about it when I woke up! My wife told me I must have really enjoyed it and she wanted to know who was in the dream...I told her I had no idea! wife didn't wake me up out of it...she just told everyone about it in the morning. She wanted to know if I ejaculated...there was no evidence of any emission whatsoever!
@Jaxsun I've had those sleeping orgasms as well several times. Now, since I'm single I can only know about the ones where I wake up. They are always very intense and are felt in more than just the genital area. More like in the whole torso and up into the head actually. These orgasms never have me ejaculating. Now if I only could produce these in an awake state, but so far no luck with that. :/
I am a light sleeper. I often have spontaneous A Less occurrences ... most of them wake me up. The first time it happened I was concerned, but now I just enjoy them. Several months ago I had an A Less that was so intense I almost couldn't get it to stop. Since then I have backed off of pushing myself to the heights that I did with that one.
I have been woken up 3 times in the middle of a super O....very cool.
I've been woken up by the Aneros autothrusting, causing me to buck and thrash about; there is no relaxing into anything better. If I do, it goes straight away; I try to keep them going for as long as I can enjoy them (and physically keep up). I've had several sessions recently where I've had three of these.
They may not be Super-Os, but I'm still happy to get them.
I've only had wet dreams, which are generally normal.
Granted, I haven't tried sleeping with the Aneros in for a while either