Splitting the atom.
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Splitting the atom.

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My sessions have ramped up a little this last while. I do feel I’m very close to something much bigger,pressure and pleasure ramps up and up and up,my head begins to get fuzzy,but I’ve thus far been unable to ‘split the atom’ and have the energy unleash. My technique is hard to explain. I push up at the base of my penis ‘just below the surface. I guess as if I want to expel fluid,this rolls into pulling down through my perineum toward my anus,which rolls into an anal contraction,when my anus contracts,all of the above ‘sucks in’. Probably a terrible analogy lol. It took a long time to figure out the pc hammock and how to manipulate it at different points,and at different points in time. Surely I must be close? 

I have a side question,what is meant by super o on demand? Is that defined as you simply decide to have a super o,and one second later your having one? Can we have them just constantly? Can the brain keep producing chemicals that much? How much is attainable?

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Can't say how close you are, and I know that my standard answer of "closer than you think" or "you may already be there but you don't know yet" must seem a little fake to some people at this point, but since you seem to be making good progress daily I guess that you'll get there before 2021 if you manage to "let go". You have all the elements you need but making things *click* might still take some time.

Now your side question is really the main one and brings us into pretty slippery territory. I guess only a minority will get there, and you still need to live your life, unless you become a Super-O monk, so it might not be that great of a thing. From experience I think going from zero to O will be possible for me at some point but I don't know *when* it will be possible.

Something more manageable would be if all or a majority of your sessions ended in a Super-O or close enough that you don't care, that I think is easier to achieve but still might take years, you really can't know. 

The main problem is that just discussing this possibility, this sets high expectations. Not everyone can pick up a guitar and be Hendrix, and we all know this. Same with sports, finance, everything. The Super-O is a lot different because there's no barrier to entry and the results are all in your mind. If you have a prostate and some time, who am I to say what you can or can't do, what your potential is, if there is a ceilling, etc. How can we measure this? 

Having a whole bunch of people thinking that there is no limit to the amount and duration of pleasure possible is in my opinion a very bad thing, because then nobody will ever believe that they are having a Super-O and succes rate for people will fall to 0.

We need to go the other way, lower the bar, get people to accept a first Super-O then work on bigger ones. Telling you that I had a 45 minutes long Orgasm last week with three hands free ejaculations (which is not true by the way, that's the point) will only get you further from your goal and won't help in any way. Just thinking about this stuff is probably hurting your progress in some way.

So I'm really on the fence about sharing some of the things I experienced. I can say that the ceilling is very high and things can last a very long time and your brain can keep up long enough for things to not matter. For me that's more than good enough.

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@zentai I like your caution, but your logic goes against my experience. I figured out a lot of what I do through reading things on this forum that I was unaware were possible. There are still things I am incapable of doing easily, and that is fine. And this forum is so filled with anecdotes that you can find almost anything if you search.

@helghast I answered your question on another thread right after you asked it, but neglected to tag you. I wrote that orgasms on demand mean going from a non orgasmic state into an orgasmic state with no prior stimulation or arousal. I have my own definition of what an orgasm is, as you will too, sooner or later. My experience with this is thus very personal, just as everyone’s is.  While I can have an orgasm in an instant (by touching a part of my body with the proper intention/receptivity, through aless, by thinking of something, or unintentionally while listening to music or reading a book), this is not something I do more than a few times a day, if even. When I discovered it I did it all the time, and then the novelty wore off. The fact that it is the last milestone doesn’t mean it is the loftiest form of pleasure.

I prefer spending the time to build up arousal, both because it is the journey that counts, and because that leads to higher and longer highs. Imagine that a really beautiful long moment in bed is like a gourmet 5 course meal. Every individual course is exciting to eat, and perhaps the main course (the honey duck breast?) is orgasmic. Each course separately would be special, but everything together multiplies the pleasures. Add in the conversation with friends, the wine, the laughter.... if you take some of that honey duck breast home alone and eat straight out of the fridge, standing barefoot on the cold tile floor, it isn’t the same thing. It is certainly good, but it is missing the rest of what made it truly delectable. 


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Great answer as always !

I may have come across as overly cautious and a little negative, you're right about that. I'll try to clarify.

First I think that like human imagination, there is probably no limit to the scope of experiences that are achievable with the Aneros and/or an Aless practice. I experienced some things that make me pretty sure of this. So what is attainable? Can't answer. Infinity? Nirvana without mysticism? Who knows ? Can anyone do it ? With enough time and the right circumstances, again, who knows ? 

Reading the blogs and the pinned Super--O threads make it clear that some amazing results are possible for men young and old. Some of the most pleasurable experiences in my life came from Aneros sessions so I know I can trust what I read here to be true, in exchange I try to be as honest as I can regarding my experiences. 

Since I'm one of the few unlucky (or dumb, I think I was just dumb) men who managed to burn out on this, when I see someone progressing quickly and pushing on and on, always higher without getting into the Super-O, I hope they can "let go into it" sooner than later, because it mirrors some negative parts of my journey. So I try to steer people away from this when I can, try to have them focus on the "now" instead of what may or may not become possible in 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years, and I get that I'm not very subtle about it... but I still think it's the right thing to do. I'll try to tone it down a little and let things be. Take care everyone! 



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mmmm nirvana sans mysticism. I can dig it. What if bliss could be measured and compared from person to person over the ages, and the loftiest form of bliss ever was located in the mind of one Betty Greenwald of New Jersey in 1953, as she bought herself a new calf leather purse?

My experience reading things on the forum was as follows. First I was in disbelief but I was curious nonetheless, and read a ton. Then as I started experiencing certain things, I began to believe that more and more of what I read could be true. And now I believe everything. It is interesting to see posts of frustrated users who after years without success think that it might be a hoax. What if it is? What if I am fooling myself? If so, gimme more of that self-dupage. A friend of mine said for a while that he thought I was making things up. Now he believes me (but won’t put anything in his butt).

I do recall your somewhat recent appearance (when I became aware of you, since my regular activity) on this forum accompanied by posts about kundalini awakening, or some sort of intense mental and physical period in your life that ressembled such an awakening. Or am I confusing you with someone else? In any case, you have the right to say whatever you want just as I do. This is a place to discuss, and I value your insights, which I always enjoy reading! And if your perspective is tainted by a possibly negative experience (for better or worse), I have a sort of happy go lucky attitude, since my experience has been only positive since the beginning (and how!). Each of our experiences and opinions will speak to different people in different ways. Variety is the spice of life.

(Please excuse me if I have confused you with someone else with regards to kundalini awakening)

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You got the right guy, I did experience an awakening of sort that really became a major life event. Almost a year later I can't grasp exactly how it happened but I have a pretty clear idea on why. As you say, this really altered my perspective on it all.

Your post is amazing to me because we had somewhat opposite experiences. I'm definitely not a happy go lucky person, I think the world is a pretty hostile place that for strange reasons sometimes will show you something beautiful. I overthink everything, I'm generally anxious and stressed out.

Ten years ago things were easier and I was in a better spot. When I started reading the forum, it made sense to me. There was no way that hundreds of guys were role-playing at having Super Orgasms and writing essays about them. So I believed almost everything.

It helped that I already had experience with HFOs and HFWOs from hypnosis and prostate play and it seemed logical that higher levels were possible. There was some hogwash about chakras and meditation but the rest was solid so I took the parts I wanted, combined them with what I was doing, and I got my first Super-Os pretty quickly with a knock-off toy, then I bought what was at the time a very expensive Eupho classic.

My Orgasms were not earth shattering or life altering but they were absolutely great. So I tought that this was pretty easy and that most people were just bad at it. I'd say that around 80% of my sessions ended in a powerful orgasm of some kind, and the other 20% were very enjoyable. At that point, I would have told you that is you could not do it after 6 months of serious practice, you were doing it wrong.

I had some events of depersonification and time freezing that were fascinating but they were not the norm and they were rare. I did not really believe that anything spiritual was involved. But I got about 4 years of regular success, several sessions a week, sometimes two a day, working full time and having several other hobbies. 

Later life got in the way, more responsibilities, more anxiety, less and less Aneros sessions. Then after a while I couldn't do it anymore, I'd get mostly duds, or build-ups that went nowhere, or weak orgasms that were not as good as masturbation.

Then I stopped trying. I have a pretty bad long term memory and did not take a lot of notes, so at some point I pretty much forgot how good it could really feel. Call it de-wiring if you want. So about 6 years without regular Super-Os, I'd go months between sessions but didn't really believe in it anymore, the pleasure was weak. Life in general was also not that great and I was just hoping the good days would come back. 

Now I'll take a break, from what I can recall this is pretty much how it went for the first 10 years of my journey. To be continued...


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... At the end of last year, I had to come to term with the fact that my job was killing me mentally, morally and physically, and that this had been happening for years.  I quit without anything else lined up. There was a lot of things happening in my mind at this point, but shortly after I discovered that this was the best decision in my life. Insomnia was gone, anxiety was gone, I had a head full of projects and I was smiling all the time. My libido, which was not doing too well, came back, and I got back to my Aneros sessions. So that's when it gets interesting. 

Basically, everything came back in the span of about two weeks. It's like I went from beginner to advanced and deconstructed everything. I have around 75 pages of notes from that period. Each session was better than the last. Then something clicked and I only needed the Peridise. At that point I was having better sessions than ever. Shortly after, something else clicked and I went to A-Less only, that was not something I could do before. 

Again, each session better than the last. Things were progressing a little too quick. With no responsibilities, enough money to last for a while and an empty house, I could have as many sessions as I wanted. Two, three a day, for hours. This led to some strange happenings, then what I believe to be Kundalini experiences, then even more frantic sessions and note taking (mostly another 75 pages of ramblings trying to describe what happened), reading about Kundalini syndrome and trying to work around it instead of just STOPPING like a normal intelligent person, then burning out around March and taking a long break, around the time I started posting here. At that point I wasn't eating right, sleeping right or feeling right AT ALL. Things were pretty bad.

Now what does this have to do with @helghast and other up-and-coming Super-O-ers ? Well some of the sessions I had were frightening. Those were always sessions were things were ramping up higher and higher and I always wanted more. All arousal and no relaxation. Then at some point the pleasure was too great and the dam would break. I was then forced to relax violently. What happened then? Now I just want to assure you that we're not talking about any kind of psychotic breakdown, brain tumor or panic attack, I'm sure of that. Sessions included :

-Being terrified of dying, then dying (in my mind) and finding that it's not that bad. Very peaceful in fact.

-Getting stuck in loops that seemingly lasted for days, floating in the void, having the same negative thoughts over and over. Then checking the clock and seeing only an hour passed.

-Ejaculating the whole universe and thinking that if a Creator exists, that's how he did it. It didn't feel good. It happened twice. The second time, it was worse because I could see it happening and couldn't stop until it was over. Imagine all the matter in the universe going out your dick at faster than light speed. Planets and stars shooting out.

-Going completely deaf and blind for several minutes.

-And then some scary stuff

These were absolutely incredible experiences. These were also absolutely terrifying experiences. Like bad trips I guess, and you don't have to believe me, but I've never used psychedelics, not even once, so it's hard for me to tell, but from reading a lot, it seems to fit.  

At this point you're either following along, or you think that I'm batshit insane. At this point, I'm also asking myself if posting this is the best idea. Whatever. I swear that all this was absolutely real in my mind. I could more or less deal with this because of years of prior experience but it was rough.

What I don't know is this : can it happen to a beginner or intermediate user as their first Super-O if they build up too far without a release? When I read about a prostate and penis ready to explode, splitting atoms, this is a little worrying, because I was there and I know where it can go. 

I do know that I never read about something like this happening to a relatively new user, but what if ? For all I know, Aneros use is one of the safest form of X-Treme sports, and I really don't want to scare anyone because the payback to this practice is absolutely extraordinary, and accepting these experiences and learning how to deal with them was also something totally unique that changed me for the better. In hindsight, this is all very positive stuff.


But people, please let go at some point, and if things get really weird, just take a break. 


So that's the real, honest answer. I just hope I have some credibility left after posting this, I spilled the beans, this is what is possible in some extreme cases after years of practice, with all the right circumstances, this is how high you can go, and yeah your brain can keep up longer than your health and I don't think you're in any danger at any time, most smart people will stop before there's any problem. And I still can't technically orgasm on demand. 


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That is all pretty out-there stuff. I believe what you are saying happened in your reality. Thanks for sharing, and I don’t think you are crazy. 


Partaking for hours every day sounds like you got addicted in a pretty serious way, though I can’t pretend to play psychiatrist online or in real life. Still, with that much time spent in alternate realities other than calm meditation, I can imagine the brain would start to uncover dark places. 


I can’t imagine you could have gotten there without prior experience. Some novice users post single scary experiences, flukes that come out of nowhere and shake them up, often because their heart is racing and they are afraid of a stroke or something.  I myself had an extreme jolt of pain in my head once that scared me pretty bad.  But in the two years I’ve been here I haven’t seen anyone go from “beginner” to regular borderline-bad-trip orgasms in the course of a few months. Maybe others have. Seeing your experience though, I understand the caution you express to others.


I have read several stories of addiction on the forum. I guess like everything, moderation is the key, and if one wants to spend hours a day doing something it is best to work slowly towards it. I’m a musician and any time I try something new, be it an instrument or a technique, if I don’t build up slowly I injure myself (and I injure myself all the time...). I don’t know if that holds for the psychological world of meditation... 


Anyways I am glad you got over the hump and... seem to be playing healthily?


As for orgasms on demand, as that is the OPs original question, all this goes to show that one can fly really high and experience astonishing things without necessarily checking off all the milestone boxes. The milestones are not restrictive, nor are they in a prescribed order, nor must they be completed like a treasure hunt. Each journey is unique, so much so that Zentai has experienced things that don’t fall into the milestones checklist, as have I, and many of our strange experiences are as distinctive to each of us as we are distinct individuals.

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Thanks man, your insight is really appreciated. For sure that was clearly addict behavior, I have several journal entries that are clear about this, I knew what I was doing. My other main addictions are reading and drinking tea, so you can guess I didn't really know how to deal with this one...

Maybe it's a unique case, not in the "Look how good I am" way, more like "Man arrested for fifth time for sticking penis in lamp sockets." Not something anyone should be proud off or work toward. 

The perfect storm of unlimited free time, boredom, pandemy isolation and let's be honest, just wanting to see how far I could take things, and what I experienced in parallel during the good sessions, I don't think I could duplicate this, anyway once was enough. 

For the most part I went back to short A-Less sessions about once a week, meditation and pulling my noodle the old-fashioned way until I'm sure things have settled, stopping was surprisingly easy once I decided that enough was enough, that's another interesting puzzle. 

Now that this is out I'll try to atone from my thread-derailing ways and spreading bad-omens in the future. To be somewhat on topic and echo what you said, I'll just add that this is such a unique journey for each and every man, there is just no way to guess what you will encounter, how you will react to it, and how it will impact your life outside of sessions. So it's important to keep an open mind at all time, maybe you'll be the first to experience something and you don't want to dismiss it because it's not on a list. Take care everyone and play smart.




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