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Something unexpected.

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Guys I'm coming up from a session where I experienced a paradigm shift and really "got" some new insight. I just had an Aless, 100% hands free wet orgasm that did not stop the session. It just kept going. And it was also the best ejaculation of my life. Not the longest feeling one but the most pleasurable. I was absolutely not expecting this.

So first, the best ejaculation is quite something ! It's a different kind of super-o. I see a lot of people avoiding wet orgasms or treating them as a dud. This was my best one yet and I'd trade it against a Super-O anytime even if it stopped the session, which happens sometimes, but didn't here. Enjoy those wet-os they're not lesser than dry OS!

Now the possibility of prolonging the session after the wet orgasm open up new grounds. If I could, I'd have both every time, coming from my body and then from my mind with no fear that one will stop the other from happening. That a new path for me.

It also affected the way I separate orgasm and ejaculation. I was looking straight at my penis and could see it pulsing LONG after the ejaculation was done, while also feeling like I was still coming, this went on for enough time that it really solidified the distinction between the feeling and the act itself.

I'll edit later with how it meshes with my arousal/relaxation sum-and-equilibrium theory and how good it felt to get such a great example.

I hope you guys find some gold nuggets in that big pile of dirt. Thanks for reading. I'm still not 100% coherent but wanted to know how this would look writing while very fresh in my mind.

Edit 1 : where I wanted to go with the "unexpected" angle is that I was sitting on the couch with nothing under me, this being Aless and as they say in Cambridge : "Aless, no mess" I didn't expect anything to clean up. So it caught me by surprise, I shifted position to aim somewhere safe and this hesitation prevented it from being EVEN better. So this underlines again how much being in comfort and comfortable in my sessions is important to get the best results.

Edit 2 : so the thing about arousal/relaxation in relation to this scenario. This was a arousal dominant session so rough seas. Arousal was ramping-up and relaxation following at right distance so I continued on this path. At the right point I started a porn video, this accelerated the process to the hfwo.

After this orgasm, there was a refractory period of kind, affecting only arousal. Relaxation was high enough that I could work on that so switched to the other track. You don't have to start back at the start to switch from calm seas to rough seas. This went for a while, long enough for the refractory period to go away. Feeling a boost of arousal, I switched again but the arousal was too low, it was better used to strengthen the calm seas than other way around, so I switched *again* to calm seas and ended my session this way. That's a super easy way to navigate the pleasure in my opinion.

Edit 3 : added my cheat-sheet hope you guys can decode it.


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Sexual response is so amazing to begin with and then we tap into this mystery within a mystery. We Anerosians are so fortunate!

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Wow, amazing!  This forum never seizes to amaze me!  Thanks for sharing.

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So on the sketch A shows that there must be some kind of equilibrium between Active/Passive. Use Ying and Yang if you prefer, it doesn't change anything. You cannot have only one and not the other unless you want to try to hit B or C.

B is going full caveman sex maniac arousal mode, I can trigger an orgasm that way but it's not worth it, it's what I called breaking the dam elsewhere, and what I guess caused some negative experiences I also talked about. Not worth it, if you think you're close to this, I won't tell you not to do it once just to see what it's like, but beyond that it leads nowhere in my experience.

C is meditative orgasm, letting go completely, which is a lot harder than just balancing Passive&Active. This is another goal in itself, I've experienced it during sessions a handful of times after a BIG, maybe complete, release of tension but this path seems more direct. So C is still only a theory with this model. It just makes sense to me.

The weak point goes with obstacles, if the right side is heavy enough, even if you manage to stack enough stuff on the left, the arm will bend at the pivot, no needle movement. What do I call this? A big tepid dud session. Analyzing the right side will tell you when *not* to have a session, doing it anyway will teach you about how strong that *weak point* is. Emptying the obstacle basket is a much better use of efforts than trying to find ways to stack more on the left plate, but the model shows that both will work in tandem.

Have fun with this !

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One of the biggest hurdles I ever jumped(and seemingly did so by accident, happenstance of having a little boring downtime wait on a job and my mind ran back into Anerosia and kegal exercises) was actually believing the Super O is a real thing. I saw these seemingly exaggerated stories here, but it just sounded unreal. I did notice how long men wrote about it, though, and that did put a wrinkle in my brain. Why? All these guys were not making money selling sex toys. 

Then the day came that I experienced the Super O. I couldn't think of anything else and as a result, I have pecked out so many words here learning, asking questions, sharing my experiences, and offering encouragement to others. 

Then I see thinking like engineering drawing of sorts. Dude! I don't know if you are genius or crazy! I'm going with the former, because if it is the latter, I'd have to admit I am right there with you. You have placed a fair amount of thought into this thing...thanks for posting.

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@regal13 more of an engineering doodle, still better than some signed drawings I had to work with hehe. If I had that kind of talent I'd redo it as a patent drawing with a bunch of figures, that would be swell! 

Believing in the Super-O is a very big step. But believing in an unlimited source of pleasure while at the same time not wanting it too much... if someone can get there even one time, then tell me they have no expectation of getting there again... well I'm sincerely impressed, because no matter what, I can't do it. Sometimes I have big expectations.

By making this more of a mechanical process, I only have to check some boxes and play with two parameters. Expectations is not on the sketch. Might be in Obstacles basket but it's not important enough to have it's own mechanism.

So I spend a lot of time telling people to let go, but in my model it would only mean that Passive is trailing too far from Active and can't balance, so unless they want to try for B, what they need to do is balance by cutting on the arousal.

Then when you understand that to do this, you just have to take from one plate and put in the other and you don't have to start over, well it just becomes a lot easier. Sometimes it's just switching from a tension body position to a passive one. Feet flat on bed to legs straight.

Back to what you said, belief or faith in the possible outcome of a session is extremely important* That's one of the reason I sound like a broken record when I say that some guys are probably already there.

Then I share some outlandish stuff, and if people start comparing to *that*, I'm afraid it's not helping in a way, because I can't explain that's it's all on a spectrum and each experience stacks on the previous ones, holding back for the mind-bending stuff won't do it. The first Super-O is the beginning, all the lead up to it is just the prologue. 

In my particular path, you slap a big Super-O sticker on the first thing that looks like one, put that in your session log, then hunt for more. First Super-O, check. Done. One less thing to cause distraction. Success brings more succes. 

Waiting for THE one Alpha-Orgasm that puts fear in the belly of lesser, weaker mini-orgasms and make them run for cover, that's where expectations don't have their place.

*what's the difference between belief and expectation ?


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@zentai Great diagram! Taking a complex abstract idea and breaking down to simple components takes extraordinary thinking. Well done!

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Thanks man. Hardest thing was to get over the fact that I just can't draw, and that sharing with you guys was the important part and not some dumb ego stuff about everything needing to be perfect.

Now you can't do worse than me, so grab a piece of paper and try to build your own system, or redraw mine, make it yours. Naturally, you don't have to post your results... in some way it's more intimate than posting about putting lubricated plastic things up you butt, makes you wonder.

I would caution against thinking too much about what happens at (A). But since I opened that door, what happens at (A)? 

Calm seas vs rough seas and how rough or calm they are. And how you can slip out of balance if you stay at the extremes, that's where just making (A) wider would seem like it would work, but a very wise dude once said something to the effect that the map is not the territory. Same reason putting scales and numbers and % in (A) seems counterproductive to me because it's not a static thing. Same with the pleasure scale. 

Making (A) very wide and the Obstacles basket very light, you would be on the Super-O scale all the time! Actually achieving this, well that's going to be harder than just scratching some paper. 

Hint : I had another, older drawing with two reservoirs with taps at the bottom, both emptying at a certain pace, both needing to get to a certain "fill" and a little stick dude running back and forth with a bucket trying to beat the clock. Guess what those reservoirs were called ? Still Arousal and Relaxation. Guess who was not relaxing? The little stick dude. Yeah I know, clear as mud. Still fun to think about!


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I don't have time to post all the quotes from your last few posts that were ringing bells for me, so allow my to share a little more of my superO journey and see if it helps you or sounds at all familiar.

As I said before, I always got pleasure out of using the Aneros toys. I think any man could if he but put one in and had sex with a partner or ...whatever. that was the first 12 years of my journey. I was walking into a skyscraper with an awesome view out over the river and beautiful landscape, but I never left the bar on the first floor. It was a good bar mind you, nice atmosphere, great live music, friendly people. But I walked in from the street, didn't really see the heights above, never gave a lot of thought to what was up there. Oh, I read the bronze plate on the wall about the grand architecture there and the important history yada yada yada, some knowledge was there, but back of mind. I got my entertainment and went back home.

Then, last year, when it started to click, I remembered the info on the bronze and went looking for more. All of the sudden I found myself holding an atomic hot potato. Something ignited inside me that revealed possibilities. I knew that much, but practice with the Aneros was unstable. I found myself going a-less a few times...I could have and probably did mark that down as a Super O at the time, but I knew it wasn't the grandaddy of the was a window. I needed the Aneros to get there, but I found my sessions were a real mental workout...much like your diagram, I was trying to find a balance that worked. I knew it was just around the corner, but I had all this tension...I had to create tension, but I was learning I needed to relax. 

I was working off some basic psychological relaxation techniques to recognize the different sensations of tension and relaxation while breathing in a pattern. I felt like my atomic potato was changing shapes and hard to hold. I knew it was wonderful and powerful and right there in my hands. I don't know how I got my hands and face to relax, but when I did, I was more aware of the pleasure. And it started ramping up...almost the same as the point of no return. PONR can be ruined by distractions too, like a three year old walking in having a bad dream or needing a drink, but this time, I was alone and my mind could get me there or get me kicked out. When I felt it coming, and I felt control, I thought "holy shit, this is it! This is what they've all been talking about! This is real! Take me! Just take me! Take me now..."

I felt like I just started vibrating from everywhere down there...and their just went limp and let it ride. The old modified MGX was just working entirely on its own and I was in ecstasy for quite some time. It eventually settled and started back when I moved, though less time and intensity. I didn't feel the same for a week+. 

That chart you drew is about the closest visual description I could imagine I was feeling leading up to the big one. I'm not sure where it went after that, but that was December and I joined here in February after I drove that bus down a dead end street. I was longing to be back up on that tower trying to balance the left and ascend on the right. I had to take a break because I wasn't getting anything after that for some reason. 

My methods have changed, and I have added some new devices that helped, and I actually made nice with the old Helix, which was meh for me in the past. Now I see why it's the flagship took a different technique to figure that out. I have almost quit trying...I mean do nothing or do little, breath, and relax, and I'm getting a lot of pleasure, but I'm a little intimidated by that balancing act again.



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@regal13 thanks a lot for sharing that imagery, I found some interesting similarities with some of my experiences and that was made possible because of your vivid descriptions. I like the lobby bar image for a lot of reasons. I'm in a bit of a hurry also but I'll come back to this post, some of your points are really worth discussing further and I don't want to give you a rushed answer. I'll drop some ideas before I forget...

-Ramping up and letting go/going *limp* is something familiar

-The "take me" or "do me" moment and it's variations, depending on if I feel I'm doing this to myself or sometimes, that this is something happening to me. Can be pure letting go or pure egoism for me. Control at that instant. The realness of it or moment of understanding.

-Perception of working "against" or "with" the balancing act involved. Trial and error or amused mastery. Watch Bob Ross do a painting, I respectected him a lot and still do, for different reasons than most people. 

Need to run! Will expand on all this a little later.

Edit : yeah about Bob Ross. This man was good at what he did, whether you like that style or not. With was looked like raggedy instruments, he would get the job done every time. Now THE thing about him, is that when he made a mistake and called it a beautiful little opportunity, you had to believe him, because he would show you how to turn the blotch into a duck by rubbing it with a dirty spatula. What are you going to do, call it CGI ? Bob never seemed stressed, could fix anything, nothing was ever hard or unsolvable.

I try to approach that balancing act either as an exciting (arousal) challenge I'm confident I can meet, or as the amused master : I try to relax more, if it doesn't work relax less, if that still doesn't work rub it with the spatula, and if that doesn't work, well I'm out of options, I'm just a simple man, can't be asked to do the impossible. Then I do nothing. That might just do it. Make it simple and remove the possibility of failure.

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