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So very close! left feel somewhat startled

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Ok so an interesting session, not sure where to begin with it. I would really like some thoughts on this, whatever they may be.

For the first time i used some coconut oil (Dr Zak's), melted some and injected it as well as smothering the aneros it in as well. It was a normal session more or less, felt some things, even some really nice things. Seems the device moves much more with coconut oil.

Then i find i am getting tired and its time to end, however instead as a sort of 'one final nice technique' i adopt my usual position of lying on the bed, feet flat on the bed and legs up (ya know the normal aneros position)

Instead of contracting in i use a 'push out', however its only fairly subtle, its a push out and a 'hold' and then to stay holding in that position.

I immediately went hard and felt something incredible building. I got to a point where i felt i entered another 'zone', I've felt this only once or twice before in sessions, i think its what i normally feel right before i ejacualate when i have a massive normal orgasm, a sort of 'sinking' feeling that makes me feel I've slipped into another state of consciousness somehow. My cock was up and down, no matter where it was though i was feeling something coming, something tremendous.

Every so often my cock would stiffen with the rising pleasure in my prostate, my prostate was swelling so much, i could not bare it. My heart rate was so fast it was unreal (glad i don't have a heart condition or this would have been a problem!) my legs were trembling, as was my cock, nipples super hard (would of made a great video!)

I've never felt so certain of what was to come next as i was in that moment. My body knew what this was, it knew what was coming. I was on the brink of orgasm, there is no other way to describe it, it was teetering! I refrained from any kind of clenching, i just monitoring and enjoyed what was happening, cock rising and falling (totally out of the picture now) all my attention on the incredible warmth and feeling in my prostate, i could sense that it was going rise into something much more intense. I just knew. Its similar to when you are about to have a big orgasm, though this was bigger and i can confidently say it was the greatest build up of energy/arousal I've ever known.

Then to my amazement it just fell away all of a sudden.

I knew, i just KNEW that was where the super O lived, i was relaxed, i was passive, i was in a constant sort of daze, i was ready....and it ebbed away like sand through my fingers.

I genuinely dont understand what i experienced and even more so i genuinely don't know why i felt certain i was about to orgasm, i was as certain of that as any truth I've ever known. As certain as love.

Yet it didn't startled me when it fell away.

What i did feel was great, truly, but it was not the whole picture, there is definitely something beyond and i was closer to it than I've ever been, i just wish i knew why it didn't materialise into orgasm?

Oh there was much more pre cum than normal too. Am I close to the Dry O or what? Im left just... overwhelmed (in a good way) but i am quite confused as to why my mind/body felt certain of itself yet.....

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EDIT: Two hours later and I'm having the most intense aless feelings I've ever had!

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Congratulations, @inhope!

I am glad that you are experiencing intense Aless as the result of your sessions. Aless is one of the major consolations of my sessions. 😉


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Congrats @inhope! Seems like you are making steady progress and experiencing some wonderful things! Heres to more to come!

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Thanks, though if anyone can relate to this experience and tell me their thoughts, it's appreciated.

I am finding this pushing out (reverse kegel hold?) gets me closer than anything, even my aless session doing it has resulted in a very near orgasm that surpasses 90% of most of my normal aneros sessions.

I'm just so close to orgasm that I'm shocked that it doesn't spill over into blissful orgasm, it's an impossibly thin veil that separates it. Shall I just repeat this technique until one day it suddenly works?

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As different as our paths probably are, I can definitely relate to that feeling of certainty. One of the ways I've made progress was through experiencing sensations enough times that I'm no longer surprised by them. There's something about feeling a new and powerful sensation that breaks me out of my trance a little bit. Even if it's only to think "wow, that's new". There's a shred of my concentration that's broken off to remark about what's happening.
But if I experience it enough times, in enough sessions, I find it easier to remain unphased by it.
And so on, through more and more new sensations. Until eventually the newest sensation is a peak orgasm which sustains on its own.
Unfortunately for me, these are rare, so they break my concentration every time. I still get to ride it out, but I can't go straight back to the zone and achieve multiples.

That's my theory anyway, and I think I've been making lots of tiny steps along that path over the years.

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@ClenchyI'm experiencing the EXACT same thing and you worded it perfectly. No matter how relaxed I am, when things are starting to feel really good, it puts me out of focus. Mostly because it is, indeed, a new and strong sensation (p-wave) which startles me for a minute while I'm thinking: 'damn, that felt pretty good!'. But at the same time it distracts me and inhibits the building of pleasure to a (super-)O.

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I've managed to not be distracted by it, it was after the realisation of what i was experiencing subsided that i was just a floating mass of energy feeling these lovely things, i didn't place any expectation on anything. But still it fell away. I can accept that on this occasion my attention may have been a little drawn to it but i felt i had let that go and was just enjoying the building of energy

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Well it's just a crazy theory I'm throwing out there, but I think there are degrees of distraction... we get better and better at relaxing through feelings and not breaking focus, but as we get higher, the concentration-hurdles become smaller and more sensitive. To the point where even noticing that you're noticing something makes you wobble on the tight-rope. That's why I'm excited about these new feelings becoming normal and fully accepted through repeated exposure.
I probably cruise through pleasure now that would have distracted/interrupted me years ago. And I like to think there's always progress, even if I don't make it every time.

I go back to my best sessions and try to figure out what was different, and it's always that calm certainty... a zone where I don't even care that I'm in any kind of zone. It's just being lost and open in a wordless, thoughtless place. Almost animal. I think so far I've only gotten there by accident.

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Not to be a buzz-kill, but that rapid heartbeat thing almost doesn't sound safe, to me!

I wonder if Aneros should consider putting a warning label on packaging, because of this? I have seen many members in this very forum report this symptom.

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Well it's just a crazy theory I'm throwing out there, but I think there are degrees of distraction... we get better and better at relaxing through feelings and not breaking focus, but as we get higher, the concentration-hurdles become smaller and more sensitive. To the point where even noticing that you're noticing something makes you wobble on the tight-rope. That's why I'm excited about these new feelings becoming normal and fully accepted through repeated exposure.
I probably cruise through pleasure now that would have distracted/interrupted me years ago. And I like to think there's always progress, even if I don't make it every time.

I go back to my best sessions and try to figure out what was different, and it's always that calm certainty... a zone where I don't even care that I'm in any kind of zone. It's just being lost and open in a wordless, thoughtless place. Almost animal. I think so far I've only gotten there by accident.

Yep, I think this rings true, the more you get to this state to it the more you can experience

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@inhope Enjoy this stage. The best is yet to come. Gently "lowering" the device (not exactly reverse Kegeling) with deep breathing will probably accentuate your sensations. There may be an element of anal O, Whatever it is, relax and enjoy it. The less you analyze, the more you'll feel.

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