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So many orgasms, so many hard Os, I hurt myself

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Title says it all. I have massive Os from prostate and anal play. They get stronger every few months. I guess cuz I'm sober now, no more weed for sessions. I think its age and experience too. When I have Os, my legs flex and clamp down against my will. I throw my legs together unconsciously and push them together hard sometimes on the build up to O and during an O. I plant my feet (I have sessions on my back exclusively) and push sometimes, activating my hamstrings and glutes. I flex my glutes against my will, really fucking hard. I have dozens of Os a session, sometimes over 50, and while not all are strong enough to create and force straining, it happens enough that its having residual effect on my body.

I have horrible lower back pain from extreme muscle tightness and soreness. Like knots in my glutes. My IT bands are completely fucked up. It takes days sometimes after a session to recover, its advil all day and night and I hate it. As a result, I have fewer sessions now, or sessions that are not "all out" with dildo riding blissed out lost to reality, and several aneros toys, the sessions that run an hour to an hour and a half. 

I've been taking nootropics lately and they really make me have some serious Os. So much better than weed. I'm not high at all, barely feel euphoria from them, but they do something to my mind and body and its amazing. I'm more blissed out and in the zone during sessions on stuff like f-phenibut, phenylpiracetam, huperzine A, and sulbutiamine. I don't do a lot of these, and rarely do I do them weekly. But when I do, I want to do myself, bad! 

I should stretch more and definitely before a session. I fail to do that. I should also maybe try different positions? Any advice? Happen to anyone else too? Thanks y'all

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I guess I'm jealous in some ways as I've not managed to experience any orgasms as of yet.

  • Nevertheless, regarding your issue, stretching will certainly help. I'd probably advise some deep tissue massages, regular yoga and maybe seeing a physiotherapist.

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At this point you should treat this as exercise, with a proper warmup and cool down routine, plus pre-hab in terms of conditioning the appropriate muscles so that you have more stability when you're working hard.

Most back trouble comes from your back being unsupported (as in not strong enough to put up with whatever work you're doing), so if you condition your back, then after a few weeks you should start to notice less of the side effects as you become more stable.

YouTube is your friend when it comes to creating a simple workout programme - there's a great guy called Jeff Cavaliere and his channel Athlean-X. He's very knowledgable and provides good functional stuff, a lot of which you can do at home, or even better if you have a gym membership.

Start with Lower Back, Glutes and Legs in general, come up with something about 45mins long that you can do at least 3 times a week (routine and consistency is very important if you are willing to commit to the plan) then let us know how you are getting on. If it works I think you'll have quite a few people wanting to know how you did it, so blaze a trail for us and you'll make people very happy!

Good luck, you have my support.

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Posted by: @techpump

Title says it all. I have massive Os from prostate and anal play. They get stronger every few months. I guess cuz I'm sober now, no more weed for sessions. I think its age and experience too. When I have Os, my legs flex and clamp down against my will. I throw my legs together unconsciously and push them together hard sometimes on the build up to O and during an O. I plant my feet (I have sessions on my back exclusively) and push sometimes, activating my hamstrings and glutes. I flex my glutes against my will, really fucking hard. I have dozens of Os a session, sometimes over 50, and while not all are strong enough to create and force straining, it happens enough that its having residual effect on my body.

I have horrible lower back pain from extreme muscle tightness and soreness. Like knots in my glutes. My IT bands are completely fucked up. It takes days sometimes after a session to recover, its advil all day and night and I hate it. As a result, I have fewer sessions now, or sessions that are not "all out" with dildo riding blissed out lost to reality, and several aneros toys, the sessions that run an hour to an hour and a half. 

I've been taking nootropics lately and they really make me have some serious Os. So much better than weed. I'm not high at all, barely feel euphoria from them, but they do something to my mind and body and its amazing. I'm more blissed out and in the zone during sessions on stuff like f-phenibut, phenylpiracetam, huperzine A, and sulbutiamine. I don't do a lot of these, and rarely do I do them weekly. But when I do, I want to do myself, bad! 

I should stretch more and definitely before a session. I fail to do that. I should also maybe try different positions? Any advice? Happen to anyone else too? Thanks y'all

Hmm my advice is to enjoy what you have.

The downsides you experience are nothing comapred to the struggle some of us have in this journey and would trade places with you, pain and all, in a heartbeat.


This post was modified 1 year ago by theeagleandwolf

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The first time I experienced a multi O session I of course didn’t want it to end… it took a lot of mental focus to get up and get on with the day… and I was also pretty darn sore for a day or two afterwards.  

It’s been a month or two since that time and with more multi O sessions as noted my muscles have gotten stronger and I don’t have really any soreness or aches afterwards.  So yeah keep on rolling and supplement as noted with some strength training as you desire.  

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@techpump look for yoga lessons and muscle release techniques. Long term tightness is not good and can create nasty side effects that will require physio-therapy. Here is a good video on how to release knots in hips:

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Interesting about nootropics. Has anyone else had success with these?

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@astronaut Thanks that video helped me so much oMG!! Like two days after doing these foam roller techniques I released a lot of tightness. I just overdid it horribly. Not bragging but my glutes/ass has always been big and prominent even when I wasn't working it out, and years of intense glute and leg work in the gym gave my ass a lot of strength, crazy amounts of strength. In the last 4 years I haven't worked it at all. I suffered a bad injury in 2016 in my glutes/lower back at the gym that happened due to hip problems, and sometimes it flares up in horrible painful ways. 

Stretching and yoga I'm very good at, can still touch the floor on first try in the morning at 47 years old. But before sessions I need to stretch and do yoga for sure, I tend not to, I forget about it. 

Thanks again for the link and advice! I'm much better now and ready to try a session again in 4 days, I'll prepare this time (and I won't trip so hard lol!)

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@theeagleandwolf thanks for that! yah my sessions are quite remarkable I can't lie. But the pain for sometimes a few weeks after prevents me from having sessions. So in the past I could do like 2 a week no problem, sometimes 3. But if I go too hard at it, I can only have a session once a month or so. I just need to prepare my body for what will happen during sessions.

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Hi guys! All the foam rolling has helped tremendously and I don't have my usual ailments anymore!!! And, I had a session a few days ago and it was not only completely amazing but I did not have residual pain or anything pulled or hurt. I stretched good before I started and did foam rolling after I was done and its been days and I'm fine. And my session was super strong omg, I could've hurt myself like I would in the past, but no longer. 

So thanks everyone for the advice and links to foam rolling techniques!

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@techpump I'm glad there were people whose knowledge was able to help you!  Be healed and happy Super-Os from now on.

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