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So, finally, why does Aneros make any movement on auto?

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May someone please describe in a little bit more detail WHY and HOW the Aneros is moving on its own with the "DO NOTHING" technique? I've read quite a few threads here and the wiki, but little to no explanation is given to how it actually works.

Is the feeling truly "do nothing", or will you actually still contract any of your muscles consciously? In other words, to which degree it is "do nothing". In every single Aneros video I watched, it always looked to me that the man contracted his muscled and did all the movements consciously - because it gave him pleasure. But people here in this forum say they really relax and it does things in its own. How? Please give details. I'm very curious.

Finally, measured by your feelings, HOW MUCH does it move? is it a few milimeters, or 1 cm, or a few cm?

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@iphone7 first, welcome to Aneros. With patience and determination, you will experience pleasures like never before.

The Aneros moving 'auto fuck' is actually done by an awaken prostate. The prostate contracts itself and the movements are actuated by the p-tab resting on the perineum making it move in and out. The distance it moves depends on the individual; some hardly, some aggressively. It takes time and practice to get to this level. Good vibes!

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May someone please describe in a little bit more detail WHY and HOW the Aneros is moving on its own with the "DO NOTHING" technique?

I have no idea how or why it works. I only know that it does. There is a non-voluntary side to your nervous system. I mean you're not voluntarily making your heart beat, or making your digestive system work.

Is the feeling truly "do nothing", or will you actually still contract any of your muscles consciously? In other words, to which degree it is "do nothing".

It's as automatic as that reflex test, where you hit that part of your knee and your leg kicks up. ie. You're literally not doing it. But there can still be an intentional component to figuratively "hitting your knee". Maybe that impulse is concentrating on some sensation... maybe it's holding some slight contraction... or maybe just giving up control and getting lost in what's happening. But rest assured, the "Oh my god, I'm totally not even doing that" moments are possible.

In every single Aneros video I watched, it always looked to me that the man contracted his muscled and did all the movements consciously - because it gave him pleasure.

I see that too. I find most Aneros videos to be questionable. Some people even touch their penis while using it, and full-on masturbate. You have to accept that some of these videos are going to be made by people who: 1.) Haven't been using the aneros for long, and 2.) Want to make an exciting video.

Finally, measured by your feelings, HOW MUCH does it move? is it a few milimeters, or 1 cm, or a few cm?

Very small movements for me. I'd say 1 - 3 mm. Although it's sometimes more if there's a big auto-fuck happening.
But what I've found is that big movements (even involuntary ones) don't inevitably create pleasure. I've had my most intense sessions from riding only a very small vibration.
So don't place these big muscle movements in front of yourself as some barrier to progress. The muscle stuff will happen when it's ready to, just follow the pleasure.

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May someone please describe in a little bit more detail WHY and HOW the Aneros is moving on its own with the "DO NOTHING" technique?

Please read the Why it Works & How it Works paragraphs from the archived Learning Center information. IMHO, the Aneros movement (while employing the "Do Nothing" method) is largely generated through the actions of the Autonomic nervous system but conscious thought/action can also play a part in actuating the Parasympathetic nervous system.

Is the feeling truly "do nothing", or will you actually still contract any of your muscles consciously? In other words, to which degree it is "do nothing". But people here in this forum say they really relax and it does things in its own. How?

In the thread "Do Nothing" What does that mean?, I alluded to the conscious application of slight muscle contractions to 'jump start' the involuntary contractions. It is through the Parasympathetic nervous system by which involuntary muscle contractions cause the prostate massager to move, seemingly on its own.

Finally, measured by your feelings, HOW MUCH does it move? is it a few milimeters, or 1 cm, or a few cm?

Unfortunately when Aneros switched forum software most of the polling data from prior posts was lost but you can read some results in the user Poll Aneros Movement, How far does it move?. Prior results from 745 voters :
0-3/16” (0-5mm) - 9.26%
3/16”-3/8” (5-10mm) - 27.79%
3/8”-5/8” (10-16mm) - 37.18%
5/8”-7/8” (16-22mm) - 9.26%
7/8”-1 1/4” (22-32mm) - 7.25%
more than 1 1/4” (32mm) - 9.26%
As @Clenchy noted, large excursions of your Aneros are not necessary to generate pleasure, whatever movement your body naturally generates is the right amount for you. Good Vibes to You !

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The auto movement was almost as surprising as the Super O to me. What a wonderful feeling !

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When you have an orgasm, say, by masturbation, you stroke your weenie until you start orgasming. At that point, you stop stroking, and your pelvic floor muscles, the many different ones, contract automatically to give you the orgasm, and the ejaculation.

You do not contract those muscles voluntarily at that point.

It is the same thing with the involuntaries caused by the aneros. The orgasm muscles are contracting involuntarily, but not yet in orgasm. Their contraction both responds to pleasure, and causes it, in a cycle. Eventually their contractions intensify into an orgasm.

The only way for this to happen is to completely relax, and let them find their own way to doing it.


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Thank you everyone for your valuable advice - all messages helped me to get "an idea" of what should be going on and how it should be doing so.

Why I asked is that I wanted to get confirmation (or, contrary, myth-busting) that it is a TRULY do nothing technique in its literal sense. Now that I got some confirmation about it from you, I can at least relax and focus on my sensations. Believing = half success, I suppose (P.S. So far zero sensations, no waves in 2 sessions, 1.5 hours long each).

Now, a related question - is this auto-movement systematic in any way once it starts, or is it chaotic? In simpler words, is it more like a one-speed vibrator, or like a custom-programmed vibrator that changes speed and direction etc. I realize it will not be like a vibrator, but just comparing to make it easier to understand what I mean in my question.

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Thank you everyone for your valuable advice - all messages helped me to get "an idea" of what should be going on and how it should be doing so.

Why I asked is that I wanted to get confirmation (or, contrary, myth-busting) that it is a TRULY do nothing technique in its literal sense. Now that I got some confirmation about it from you, I can at least relax and focus on my sensations. Believing = half success, I suppose (P.S. So far zero sensations, no waves in 2 sessions, 1.5 hours long each).

Now, a related question - is this auto-movement systematic in any way once it starts, or is it chaotic? In simpler words, is it more like a one-speed vibrator, or like a custom-programmed vibrator that changes speed and direction etc. I realize it will not be like a vibrator, but just comparing to make it easier to understand what I mean in my question.

I think that you might be getting too caught up with this. The "auto fucking" will happen on its own accord, and will do so better with relaxation throughout the process. I found that toning in on my muscle movements in the begging was useful in deciphering the elusive language of my bottom end, but I don't like to focus on them too much now. They distract you from the feelings you're wanting to feel and build; It's all something you have to learn on your own accord. And can't be taught, but guided instead.

Your imagination is a valuable tool. Try visualizing the sensations you feel as colors reverberating throughout your body, spreading and and growing brighter. If you don't feel anything, try to get yourself aroused mentally without porn (I think porn is misleading, personally), try to imagine that warm pulsating feeling around you perineum and how sharp and powerful it grows. It'll happen in time, it just takes patience and mental focus. 🙂


Edit/Sidenote: I'm afraid I came across as though I thought these things I said were fact. These are just my own personal beliefs and may be irrelevant and only true to my own body. You may be different and others may disagree, it's all a lot of opinions.

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I'm relatively new at this too maybe have 5 30-45min sessions under my belt. I have been doing very little aside from relaxing. I do find that in my sessions I've had the "auto" movements you speak of. Mine aren't very deep or long but there is a definite stroking. Sensation felt. Probably about 1/2" of movement if not less. I've been just enjoying those feelings and trying to encourage them as others on this forum has said. Good luck! I've been enjoying my journey so far.

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After just 6 to 8 sessions, 1.5-2 hours long each, I caught my first "pulsing" - and I think it was happening together with some involuntaries. However, it was so pleasurable, that I cannot tell for sure if there were really any involuntaries, or it was just my "hope" and a bit of imagination. Do you guys think pulsation usually happens with movement, but I just cannot identify it because I'm not looking at it?

Btw, the only technique I've been using so far is "do nothing".
The pulsation lasted for 20 to 30 seconds only, but it was the OMG feeling, I never felt anything like this before. Do not know at which stage it is in the newbie checklist, just repeating my sessions and hoping to get something similar or stronger sometime in the future.

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I have also had the pulsating on several occasions. I'm new to this also. Mine only last for 3 to 4 contractions then end.
