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Sleep/dream prostate massage.

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Hey gents. Had a strange event last night. At least it was for me anyways. I was fast asleep,but my prostate started to seep into my dream,I could feel a glow coming from it. I started to apply anchored tension,no contractions,just lifting my PF. Well,I dreamed I did,I suppose I don’t know if I actually did it physically. After a time of holding the tension,I jolt of pleasure surges out of the gland,and it startled me awake,not in fear,but woke me. After a few seconds,my brain came online and I could feel the afterglow from the surge. Anyways,I had to be up early,so I went and had a pee,then got back in bed and went back to sleep. I’ve not had this kind of stuff before? Does this happen anyone else? Just to add,it’s nothing negative,just not had it before.

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I had to "un rewire" myself for awhile last year as was getting these far too much while sleeping... would wake up with pleasure or jolts and just having Aless super O every night in bed... it did get a bit much. 

The good news is if it does get a bit much it's easy to go back and forwards... so just enjoy it while you are able too.

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I also got to a point where I started to feel like my Aless super O was causing weird stuff in the house. I know there is plenty of threads on supernatural feelings of super O etc...  to me after getting into it deep it feels like the body is made up of energy... you can feel it bouncing around in the body when having a super O or deep in the prostate the energy stirs around.

Anyway during this period when I was having Aless super O in bed the apartment always started to creek and make noises like crazy... my wife even started to comment on it next to me asking do I hear this noise.. can you go check etc.... one night I was having a huge super O literally bed locked next to her felt like I was travelling thru space and the raido turns on in the lounge room to a talk back station with voices that plays for about 5 seconds then turns off.... this scared the crap out of us.

Another night I was doing Aless infront of the mirror (this night I had a d8 edible) and I could literally see the energy around my penis and prostate while doing Aless.... as it began to build the energy got stronger and started to turn dark over my tummy and I literally stopped in a heart beat and it super freaked me out.


I ended up rambling on here from the sleep thing, but I do firmly believe the super O is a very spiritual thing and embrace what ever comes when you are sleeping etc..  just ride it out and explore these things..... if it gets too much you can always unwire like I said in my first post and have a break.

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Posted by: @helghast

Hey gents. Had a strange event last night. At least it was for me anyways. I was fast asleep,but my prostate started to seep into my dream,I could feel a glow coming from it. I started to apply anchored tension,no contractions,just lifting my PF. Well,I dreamed I did,I suppose I don’t know if I actually did it physically. After a time of holding the tension,I jolt of pleasure surges out of the gland,and it startled me awake,not in fear,but woke me. After a few seconds,my brain came online and I could feel the afterglow from the surge. Anyways,I had to be up early,so I went and had a pee,then got back in bed and went back to sleep. I’ve not had this kind of stuff before? Does this happen anyone else? Just to add,it’s nothing negative,just not had it before.

It's as if you read my mind; I've experienced the same thing several times in the past few months and I'm convinced it's real and not a dream.  On two of those occasions, I had massaged my perineum aggressively (external prostate massage) just before falling asleep.  It's a great way to wake up! 

Thanks for sharing. 

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Extremely rare for me, but yeah I've had a few sleep events.

Once I was woken up by what I could only describe as an intense prostate cramp. A sharp shooting spike that jolted me awake and made me moan loudly in discomfort. At least I think it was discomfort, it's hard to process something like that when I'm still half-asleep. But I think it's interesting something that intense is possible, even if it didn't feel great.

The most amazing one was during a period of ejaculation abstinence (I was still using the aneros), in my dream I could feel something in my lower abdomen suddenly clench/cramp... it was actually uncomfortable for a second, like the contraction was too hard/sudden, but I woke up having a dry calm-seas orgasm that rolled on by itself for several minutes while I lay there awake. In the dream it seemed to happen almost instantly, from zero to clench to awake and orgasming. It was only that one clench that set it off too, it didn't set off any others. One of the most weird things I've experienced.

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Well,it wasn’t a super-o,just a lightning bolt. I certainly haven’t experienced anything supernatural,that’s all I need he he,my life is crazy enough 😉


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Thats the bit I can’t figure out! Was it a dream? Did I physically flex the floor? Or did I dream I did. Did the jolt of pleasure really happen? Or only in the dream?


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Well it’s a one off for me so far. It wasn’t painful,or uncomfortable,quite the opposite.

I suppose usually guys would delve straight into an A-Less session,but like I said,I had an early start and I’m quite disciplined with my sleep,that’s when I grow lol.

Posted by: @clenchy

In the dream it seemed to happen almost instantly, from zero to clench to awake and orgasming. It was only that one clench that set it off too, it didn't set off any others.

Same,the prostate and tension lift seems to happen in a shortish time,then the bolt,then I was awake,the afterglow was pleasant though.


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It has happened to me, regularly at different times. I rather enjoy it. I don't know how often, or exact times, sleeping and all, but one of the joys of getting the rhythm of the practice is waking up in the morning to more of an orgasmic experience rather than just morning wood. 

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Posted by: @helghast


Thats the bit I can’t figure out! Was it a dream? Did I physically flex the floor? Or did I dream I did. Did the jolt of pleasure really happen? Or only in the dream?

They were not dreams for me.  In some instances, when I became aware (awaken), I was able to continue to ride the wave and even escalate the sensations to an all-body energy transfer.  And on one of those occasion, the wave, while awake, lasted for well over 30 minutes.

I couldn't believe what was happening; I shared details of this great experience with my friend @7sDoor.

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Posted by: @ggringo

And on one of those occasion, the wave, while awake, lasted for well over 30 minutes.

That was like mine. I woke up in orgasm, which very slowly tapered-off, but it took around 30 mins to end fully. I just lay there curled up enjoying it.

Though mine did have a dream setup. It wasn't anything sexy, but it definitely had a connected narrative in the few seconds leading up to the event.

Makes me wonder what would be possible if I could lucid dream. Although I'd probably never get any sleep again, because every time I'd fall asleep, I'd be like "Okay, I'm back... Do it again!" 😀

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@regal13 I find I wake up very horny on a morning after a super-o. I start thinking of the next session as soon as I open my eyes.


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I could have and maybe should have rode the wave! But I had a big day coming,so I had to be strict with myself lol.:)


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The only O that I would call super or otherwise, happened in my sleep. I woke up and my body felt like my prostate was plugged into a wall socket. This single experience is  why I carry on with this journey, hoping 1 day to return there.

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Posted by: @tbob

The only O that I would call super or otherwise, happened in my sleep. I woke up and my body felt like my prostate was plugged into a wall socket. This single experience is  why I carry on with this journey, hoping 1 day to return there.

The very fact that you went there, whether in your sleep or not, means that you can get there. It also indicates that any block that exists, is in you head and not anatomical. It is a clue, not just for you but for all of us. There is a mental state (a level of relaxation or a state free of social conditioning) that is conducive for super os.


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Posted by: @rickr

There is a mental state (a level of relaxation or a state free of social conditioning) that is conducive for super os.

Indeed ! I have long maintained that the journey to Super-O's is more than 90% a mental state, an altered state of consciousness. Sleep/dream states are such states of consciousness. Please see @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side, @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State & Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state? for some thoughts on getting your mind working for your Aneros journey.

Good Vibes to You!

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@helghast it's about the same for me if I had a super-o during the night, but the early morning is most often  when I get into superO territory. When I'm "on," it will happen aless or otherwise. It's like I am trained for that to happen and it does. In a dry spell now...gotta change that soon!


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@rickr interesting take. I never connected the mindset to pretty much social anything. I see it as more of a personal spiritual transcendence. 


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@tbob Keep grinding brother,it’ll come good.


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Quite normal pal. Otherwise we’d just never quit,get nothing done and lose all control of our lives lol.


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@rickr I have searched my mental baggage to see if I could pinpoint any reason that I may be experiencing some kind of blockage. Notta, I grew up in a 2bdrm hse with 5 siblings, I can fall asleep in a crowded room, I can tune out noise or most any distraction, provided it doesn't walk directly in on me. Although I don't advertise what I do, I have know shame in it. My sessions get better and better in increments. It seems in some ways my body is preparing me for better. I will tell you why I think this might be the case. I have COPD, last week I was at the end of my session,super horny, was working on a Trad O, with a bit of edging , trying to get my body to finish the job hands free, one of the best orgsms I've never had, towards the end it was like every stroke felt like a violin bow on my prostate, 4-5  slow strokes then release, my heart statred to race, and soon I couldn't breath, literally. I was gassed. Hey, maybe I am scared,sorry having a apifany as I type. Never mind. Just thinkin out loud


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Bridged. That’s good that. Makes sense that my dream and prostate bridged.


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