Should you be ratin...
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Should you be rating your sessions while journaling or talking about them?

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There was an interesting discussion started by @lonewolf8 in the coaching thread, and I think it deserves its own thread. 

So the heart of it, should you assign a value to each session, are there good and bad ones, and if so, how do you shift the ratio towards the good ones? 

So what I think is that there are outliers at each end of the spectrum, where you can have a terrible session like that time I slipped on some lube and almost killed myself (true story), or incredible ones that deserve several pages in your journal and will stay with you for a very long time. 

But what about the other ones? And is it truly useful to actually put a smiley face next to one and a frowny face next to the other? 

We also touched on the fact that this can also be about the sessions you don't have, so if you always do Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the session on Wednesday is often uneventful and you can't tell if it was worthwhile or not, wouldn't it be better to skip that one and concentrate on the better two?

What do you guys think? 

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I only rate them as better/best one yet,sure there have been crappy sessions,that’s called a learning curve. If I feel just one speck of pleasure more,then I’m happy with a session even if the super o is still eluding me. I always try to look for a positive,something different from last time,length,intensity,location,different contractions etc  If not,then you fall into the trap of trying to recreate a past session,and you usually end up recreating Jack shit,setting ratings maybe sets you up with expectations of where you must get to for a session to be successful. Whilst I may be starting to unlocks the super o,I’ll always remember my first multiple o,had 3 little orgasm in about a minute,and spent the rest of the day thinking I was the MAYN!!! For me this journey has been a set of steps,go up a few,pleateau for a bit,then go up a few more. Sure,p waves and lowish intensity orgasms come pretty much every session ,but again,learning curve as when I started I felt nothing like most,and like a few more,I thought it was all a bunch of horseshit lol Ah forget ratings I say,just take em as they come,so many things alter trajectory. Maybe you slept 20 mins less,ate more or had a longer day at work. The only way is up!

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Posted by: @zentai

Should you be rating your sessions while journaling or talking about them? ... should you assign a value to each session, are there good and bad ones, and if so, how do you shift the ratio towards the good ones?

There is no doubt that each Anerosession is a unique event, it varies in physical intensity, it varies in duration, it varies in emotional involvement. There are just so many variables which affect the quality of a session that trying to assign some arbitrary value to that session becomes pointless IMHO. Of course you are free to rate your session if you wish but does simply rating something really help you in your future sessions ? I don't think so. I think how you shift your 'average' session quality in a positive direction is dependent on optimizing as many of the identifiable variables as you can.

Posted by: @zentai

so if you always do Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the session on Wednesday is often uneventful and you can't tell if it was worthwhile or not, wouldn't it be better to skip that one and concentrate on the better two?

There are a couple of problems with trying to skip a session. Trying to schedule sessions is problematic to begin with. Our busy lives often make setting adequate time to have a session at all is difficult. Because of this, optimizing any particular session is also difficult so there is no way of predicting the quality of this projected future session. You don't know if that future session is going to be a 'dud' or a Super-O, so why would you skip the opportunity to have that Super-O? You only know the quality of a session after you've actually had it. Skipping a session opportunity just results in losing an opportunity at some level of pleasure whether it is Super-O quality or not.

Your body has its own rhythms and cycles. I often advocate for not trying to schedule a session but rather to listen to your prostate and its whispers and plan your session to take advantage of those windows of opportunity. This may force one to be more disciplined in creating flexibility for having sessions, a paradoxical situation in itself .

Good Vibes to You!

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For a while I could only do sessions on Friday night because of my work schedule, so I'd never, ever skip one because most of them were pretty great and missing one would be doing without for 2 weeks, unthinkable. But in a way it put some positive pressure on me because each session felt important. And it worked, I really primed myself all week and had big expectations, and it worked nonetheless.

Later things changed and I could do each night if I wanted, and my outlook then was that results didn't matter, since I could have sessions so often that a few duds were nothing, and that removed pressure from me, so most session were still great and I'd skip here and there without worry, so that was much better than the one/week deal. Sometimes I'd have a 15 minutes one just for kicks, too short for things to develop, but I'd have a longer one the day after, so whatever. Zero pressure. That approach also worked. 

For rating I'd put +,= or - always referencing the previous session, and I felt this was vague enough while still showing when it was time to take a break, it did not *really* feel like rating. 

So this seems like a very broad topic to me. Even when I didn't feel too well, I'd have a "negative expectation session" once in a while, like what's the worst that could happen, and just relaxed with my toy in while listening to some music. And some of these session were pretty pleasurable, not on super-o scale but on the "everyday pleasant stuff" scale, and didn't feel like time wasted. So the whole scheduling deal, I don't feel there's a way to optimize things there...

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Posted by: @zentai

For rating I'd put +,= or - always referencing the previous session, and I felt this was vague enough while still showing when it was time to take a break, it did not *really* feel like rating. 

If you had a +0- rating scale you'd be able to nail your exposure to good sessions even better! 😉

All the different voices in the choir are singing a different tune with this topic and I don't really know where I stand right now.  I gave advice in a private message to another forum member (or at least he took it as advice) to have a session every other day regardless of whether you feel like one, I'd read that somewhere and have been trying it out myself.  But over time I've gotten less rigid about it.  I do have the option of having sessions 3-4 times a week so try to take advantage of that right now, but "To everything there is a season."  If I opt out of a session because I'm not feeling it, then I know that it will improve my next session.  And sometimes it depends on if I've ejaculated recently.  I'm a big fan of not sticking to something if it's not working but I do try to give things a chance, so right now I'm enjoying my access to regular sessions; I know it might not always be the case. 

I'm one of the ones who has had a Super-O at the beginning but has not been able to get back there since.  Mine is slightly different because it happened with a non-Aneros model, the vibrating Rocks-off Naughty Boy.  But it only happened twice over 3 years and often the battery would die on me at inopportune times, so I got the Lelo Hugo which turned out to be an expensive piece of crap and still didn't get me there before the battery would die.  That finally sent me to Aneros since I can go as long as my ass tells me I can.  I honestly don't know if having previously experienced the Super-O has been a boon or a detriment.  I know where I'm headed but since it's taken me 2.5 years already it would be easy to get frustrated.  But all those new posters asking if they've had a Super-O makes me think of the advice that women would give to each other: If you're asking that question then you haven't had one yet

So in determining if a session was "good" (and I try not to use that terminology except for the sake of expediency in typing) I do have certain markers I'm looking for and a direction I'm heading.  And I do get the point that perhaps labeling sessions as good/bad could be counter-productive but at the same time I don't think anyone has yet offered a better/valid alternative. 

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