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Semen retention benefits: arousal

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I have read a lot of posts recently about users who are re-wiring giving in to penile masturbation and ejaculation at the end of a session. While semen retention is by no means necessary for successful prostate play, it is an incredible arousal enhancer, and high arousal levels increase your chances of non-ejaculatory orgasms. It helped me a lot during re-wiring, and nowadays, though it isn’t necessary for me to partake in semen retention, I do notice a big difference in prostate sensitivity over the course of a few days of not ejaculating. And even more important: by having a session— or having sex, or masturbating— and not ejaculating, you build up your arousal for the next session. Think of it like the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. Either you get one marshmallow now, or you wait and get more later. And big marshmallows. Like, a whole room full of golden-brown fire-roasted marshmallows, crispy on the outside and... screaming in your pillow. So at the end of a session, before impulsively grabbing your penis and masturbating, try taking out your toy, having a tea and reading a book, and in no time you will have forgotten your missed ejaculation. It just might make the next session all the more worthwhile!

To show that I practice what I preach, I have been having practically daily sex with my partner since the beginning of the confinement, often for 30-45 minutes, plus an hour of mutual caressing and other pleasures, with my helix in. And I go 4-7 day spurts (oops) without ejaculating. The advantages are that, starting from day 2-3 of semen retention I have been so horny that any time she pinches my nipples or caresses my feet I immediately have orgasms (and she does it multiple times a day during work-from-home breaks). Every time we do anything sexual together, I am as horny as if we hadn’t seen each other in weeks (which is useful seeing as we are quarantined together). I get so hard my penis turns bright red, and at no time during sex do I go even the least bit flaccid (which can happen if I have recently ejaculated, say, in the last 24 hours). And with the toy or her fingers in me it is orgasm-town right away and for as long as I want.

So try it if you haven’t. See how many sessions you can go without ejaculating, and see if your arousal levels rise! I don’t think this is the only key to success, but it is one of many aids that can help.

Faith-Manages, SOwithoutAneros, rumel and 9 people reacted
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Someone who wants to "test the water" so to speak could have a short session in the morning without ejaculating at the end and schedule another session in the evening and decide to ejaculate (or not) after the second one. That way you get to have your cake (or marshmallow) and eat it too, and between the two sessions it gives you time to evaluate the effect of "not finishing" on your arousal and really feel it. Thinking of your next session approaching as the day goes by will also build arousal. Then increase the time between ejaculations and see where it leads you. 

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I agree @divine_oblivion; I often practice masturbating, sex with my wife and even Anerossession without ejaculating - like ‘Stanford Marshmallow Experiment’ - wait and you will get more. I really like to build up my Arousel and get horny through the day.

Unfortunately, for me, it usually takes 10-14 days after an ejaculation before I get horny again

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I haven't really had much luck with refraining from ejaculation in the past, but then again until a few days ago I had almost a solid week where I was pretty frequently getting pleasurable sensations from various areas. During this time I was a bit more patient with ejaculation, as I was doing it every other day instead of every day or so. I felt that I didn't need to "go for the cookie" as much as I derived some degree of sexual satisfaction from the sensations I was receiving.

Maybe being more patient and refraining longer from ejaculation will help to get me back to that point... Masturbation without ejaculating makes me feel pent up, so that's a recipe for me going for that cookie again later in the day, so I'll have to get my arousal from elsewhere lol

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Have found that practicing semen retention definitely increases arousal and pleasurable sensations for me! The last SR for me was several months. During that time I would experience intense pleasure waves from my lower back and into my cock head. Since rewiring it has been fairly easy for me to practice SR and enjoy Aless sessions as well!

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Posted by: @aneros_user88299

Masturbation without ejaculating makes me feel pent up, so that's a recipe for me going for that cookie again later in the day, so I'll have to get my arousal from elsewhere lol

I think that is exactly the point. If you are "pent-up" that could very well be interpreted as "aroused" otherwise. Next time you feel that way, try putting a toy in. A lot of users describe "prostate tickling" or other lingering sensations. For me, several days of semen arousal and avoided ejaculation can cause a day or two of almost uncomfortable lower abdomen sensations. Like slight blue balls, and almost an itch deep within that can't be scratched. The days that happens it is exquisite, as I am incredibly aroused and can have prostate and other orgasms very easily, and can fly really high. So I recommend DON'T GO FOR THAT COOKIE (and you might just get some milk with it).

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For two weeks in sr here now, this weekend I‘ve been edging a couple of times until only one to three drops of white seminal fluid spilled over, then taking the pot from the stove before it can fully boil over. Clenching like I would want to stop peeing, I‘ve learned to hold back any spurts and counting down from 20 to zero helps the urge to cum subside and allows further edging without consequences. My arousal seems like out of earth, my balls feel extremely heavy and loaded, only sometimes they‘re aching a bit, but my extreme horniness is definitely worth it. Yesterday I counted five times teasing one to three drops of semen out of my balls. Today starting with a longer Aless session in bed it‘s been one more time so far.

Keep on edging, Bros, it makes so horny, horny, horny!

Enjoy dancing on the edge, but better keep on the horny side!



Who can‘t ask a partner for help and likes a little assistance,
go to and choose the option „No, I will cum later.“ 😉

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I tried refraining from ejaculating for a bit longer than usual, either 3 or 4 days can't remember exactly. I ended up feeling kind of pent up again, ended up masturbating. Paradoxically, I feel as though I was less in tune with the sensations before ejaculating, and I notice some of the nice sensations during my shower and since sitting down. Perhaps I need to ejaculate regularly? Maybe prolonging the time before ejaculating is something you build up to? I dunno.

I wonder if it would be a good idea to try staggering my masturbation days and my aneros session days. Instead of having them both once every couple days I'd be masturbating one day using the aneros the next.

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