Second Time Questio...
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Second Time Questions

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Hey guys I just had a few questions,

yesterday was my second session ever with a Aneros Trident. ( or any Aneros) I’ve done little butt play before but always enjoyed it.

yesterdays session unlike the first session. Started to feel really good. It was about 30 minutes of relaxing with no movement on my end. Then it just took off...I would clench my butt then use the muscles used to stop peeing. And I believe I was having just super long orgasms of some sort.

however I’m not exactly sure what prostate orgasms feel like so I’ll explain as best as I can the feeling I had. It was like at first a vibration that forced my penis to bounce up and down with no control. Then my whole body was shaking nonstop for minutes at a time. Obviously this felt amazing. 

If you have any tips or confirmation of these feelings and if they are indeed orgasms it would be appreciated. 🙂

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Posted by: @mitchell24b

If you have any tips or confirmation of these feelings and if they are indeed orgasms it would be appreciated.

Congratulations on such early success ! From your description, it sounds to me like you experienced your first Super-O. I invite you to read my Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel thanks man, weird to think I had a super O on my second session. I’d never been so relaxed though after in my life, and my legs were shaking for hours after.


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If you felt that way afterwards, I'm pretty sure it was a Super O. I have in the past year experienced this five or six times out of probably a hundred sessions. I haven't had anything compare to the first one that blew my mind...I was feeling that for two weeks, but I will notice a particular calm feeling sand some reverberations for a day after the smaller O events.

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@regal13i hope my future sessions are still amazing people always talk about how sessions get better and better. Was excited about the journey lol!


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Posted by: @mitchell24b

... people always talk about how sessions get better and better.

Perhaps and perhaps not, I want to be sure to keep you grounded. As @Regal13 noted that First Super-O may be so impressive as to leave such an indelible memory that you may try to match or exceed it with each subsequent Anerosession... THIS IS A TRAP !  Add to this the hyperbole you may have read and you may find your thinking distorted in non-positive, non-constructive, confusing ways. It can lead you into chasing this newly created/found sensation. You now know it's real, if you can achieve it once you may now think you should be able to achieve it again and again regularly. That kind of thinking can lead to expectations and when those expectations are not met, frustration may set in, which in turn sets you up for failures and 'dud sessions.

Avoiding the pitfalls of such traps will allow you to develop a richly rewarding enduring sensual awareness of your body/self which transcends the orgasms you do receive. Super-O's are gifts your body gives to your consciousness but they only occur when conditions/factors are suitable for your body and mental state. Personally, I only achieve a Super-O in about 5% of my Anerosessions. Most of my sessions do yield at least one prostate orgasm, sometimes multiple orgasms even though I wouldn't classify them as Super-O's. The point I'm trying to make here is you are on a learning journey, Super-O's are way-points along that journey. If you make them your primary or sole goal you may end up suffering disappointment and frustration when you find them elusive and variable. Remember (from the Aneros WIKI definition of a Super-O)
"Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued." BF Mayfield went nearly nine months after his first Super-O before he was able to achieve another one. Fortunately, he eloquently spelled out the basic fundamentals for achieving Super-O's in his seminal writings to us, here in the Forums.

Good Vibes to You!

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@mitchell24b be prepared, it can be a real roller coaster ride with ups and downs. Just let go of the downs and sometimes if you're not getting results, fast from the practice a while. I have a hard time doing that now but I need to.

