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Scared to Ejaculate
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Scared to Ejaculate

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Good news, I finally had my first Orgasm!!!

Now my problem. I am currently on day 18 of the 21 Day challenge. Will having a normal penile peak orgasm revert me back to not being able to build these sensations again unless I start the challenge over?

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So you had your first orgasm because you abstained for 18 days? What was it like?

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Well, if you've watched the new Battlestar Galcatica series, you may remember some of the cylons had the red light pulsing up their spine during sex.

My Spine felt like that, my eyes rolled in the back of my head, It felt like I was ejaculating and though I was but wasn't. I am normally very quiet in bed, but I was squealing like a girl for 5 minutes. After that, I guess it was about 45 minutes of what has been described as 'the calm seas'. My whole body felt like wave after wave at the beach, and just felt really peaceful and pleasureable.

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did you have regular aneros sessions in this 18 day period?

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First, congratulations on achieving your first Super-O!

You may have already read the 21 day challenge post thread but if you haven't please do so. I posted my thoughts about three of the goals one may accomplish by taking the challenge.
Will having a normal penile peak orgasm revert me back to not being able to build these sensations again unless I start the challenge over?This is impossible to predict. After a man ejaculates, a refractory period sets in, this period is due to the cascade of hormones which have been released. Some men recover from this period quite rapidly (20-30 mins.) others may take days before they are sufficiently recharged to orgasm again. Your age, health, diet, psychological state and other factors all affect your response time.
One thing you have already learned is a high arousal level is needed to achieve these prostate orgasms and, if you have not yet ejaculated, you are probably still quite aroused as you go about your daily activities. It is this high arousal which makes possible the MMO's/Super-O's. You may wish to read the threads Are you "aroused"? and Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence for further reasoning about this. Abstinence is but one path to creating higher arousal levels, some men find viewing pornography, reading erotic literature, listening to erotic hypnosis tapes or simply caressing their own bodies effective in arousing themselves. It is all a matter of YOU finding what triggers are effective for YOU.
There is certainly no reason for you to be scared to ejaculate as that is a natural function of your body. Thousands of years of evolution has brought us to this level of pleasure from ejaculatory orgasms so I see no point in abandoning a process nature has taken so long to develop. However, I do advise against going for Super-T's until you feel confident the neural pathways to Super-O's are well established and you can have those on a regular basis.
Good Vibes to You !

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I doubt you will revert back but there is really no risk as you will only be 18 days away from another super O. The quickest I have super O'ed after ejaculation is 10 I have no need for worry( I can usually super O in less then 10 minutes after ejaculation)

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