I've been spending a lot of time practicing aless and exploring orgasm attainment through non-prostate stimulation. I can now orgasm in almost any body part that has significant nerve endings. We're talking finger tip orgasms, belly button orgasms, roof of your mouth orgasms, etc.
What this exploration has taught me is that we can orgasm from any area of our body by mentally over stimulating our nerves. The orgasms these other body areas generate are remarkably similar to prostate orgasms and involve muscle contractions in the rectal area that are almost the same as a prostate orgasm.
This has led me to start looking at rewiring differently, and I now suspect that its possible that Aneros use isn't waking up the prostate as much as it is training us to become hyper aware of stimulation of nerve clusters. I notice that my own prostate is fickle. Some days the physical stimulation from Aneros is amazing and other times its not. But my aless activity in the prostate region is 100% reliable. Said another way, the Aneros isn't always hitting the right spot, but I can mentally turn those nerves on anytime I want with consistency.
I now suspect that there might be a much easier way to "re-wire" and I'd be curious to see what happens when those who are struggling to reach prostate orgasm give this technique a try...
I discovered a while ago that the quickest way to aless pleasure for me is to activate the nerves on the top of my penis head and those at the very tip of the penis. Try the below technique out and post your results here and lets see if there are other ways to re-wire that are more forgiving for those who might be struggling with the aneros itself.
Steps to Try:
1. No arousal or sexual thoughts required. Close your eyes.
2. Put your penis in the palm of your hand.
3. Use your thumb and gently rub the top of your penis up and down from the corona to the tip. Just do this a few times to get the "feeling" of the stimulation. The goal is not sexual arousal or erection, its just to "identify" the nerves we are going to be working with.
4. Let go of your penis. Now just concentrate on the feeling of those nerves being stimulated.
5. Don't think about orgasms, just think about how good it feels to have those same nerves stimulated.
6. No special breathing exercises required. but you might find slow deep breathing helpful, and you may find exhaling all the way out so that your lungs are completely empty once in a while helps with the stimulation.
6. You'll start to feel a warmth, a tingling, a giddiness. You will experience a smile crossing your face all on its own. You'll actually feel muscles in your rectum and stomach starting to tighten. Keep going. Try to stay relaxed.
7. Keep thinking about how good it feels. Actually thank your body for the pleasure. Just focus only on enjoying the pleasure.
8. As best as you can, try not to contract your PC muscles, or any muscles for that matter. Let your body build muscle tension on its own. Eventually you are very likely to reach a plateau where you can't take it anymore. Keep going. Don't try to force the orgasm. Just enjoy the pleasure. This should result in a strong abdominal contraction and a powerful orgasm.
How long should all of this take? For those that aren't already experienced, I can't say for sure. 5 Minutes? 10 Minutes maybe? For myself, I can get through steps 1-8 in about 30 seconds to 1 minute. I suspect you will need to practice this technique more than once to reach orgasm. However, I also suspect that it will take substantially less time and practice to achieve orgasm this way vs. with the aneros, with the actual orgasm being almost the same.
I'm genuinely curious on the feedback of others. Lets see if we can simplify and create a shortcut to the "pleasure zone" for those that might be struggling or haven't yet begun the long Aneros journey.
Very interesting post. I've been prostate playing for almost a year now. I've noticed I've had better luck with Aless than with aneros use. Though I really love using my aneros toys. Some of my Aless sessions can be amazing. I'm still shocked sometimes I can do this without a toy. When I first started it was out of control. At work and everywhere. It's calmed down a bit but at the right time it's great. One thing I've noticed in the past was when I tried to stimulate the head of my penis it was almost too intense. If that makes sense. It felt good but it was crazy intense. However I'll definitely try it again using your described technique. Thank you for the tip.
Nice technique! To me it seems similar to the vagus nerve aless technique, in the way you imagine the sensation of stroking the penis head. In the vagus technique you lightly flex an imaginary muscle in your penis head. Which makes you lightly flex very subtle combinations of delicious muscles. But your method works great too! And it works the most important of muscles for prostate play: the brain! I would only argue that the orgasmic response might be different for different people, and thus I would say one “might” experience an abdominal contraction accompanying orgasm, or a smile (so as not to get newbies caught up on details).
that said, it sounds like you have a very similar conception of orgasmic potential to mine (wherever nerve clusters are, orgasms can be had). And the way you describe this orgasm is similar to one of the ways I experience orgasms. That is, a subtle brewing of tingling feelings, and then muscles suddenly clenching in the moment of orgasm (any muscles, but for me they are often strange unused ones...). Like a fuse fizzling and suddenly the dynamite detonating. This isn’t the only way my orgasms happen, the other common way involving already contracting muscles, and is thus a more steady build up to a peak (or chain of peaks). Now I’m curious about others orgasms. I’m gonna create a thread.
Totally agree @anerospore! Enjoy my Aless time as much as my Aneros time! The pleasure enjoyed by focus on a particular area energizes the sensuous nerve endings! Nerve endings can be stimulated in any area of the body and can give you an orgasm of immense feeling! A little nipple play will help as well and can trigger responses as well! Once you have rewired the sky’s the limit! Experiment and you’ll be amazed what may happen during an Aless encounter! Lately I have been experiencing waves of pure bliss starting in my lower back continuing through my perenium and up to my cock head!
@anerospore, well spoken! Only, as commented by @divine_o, sticking to subjunctive I also would recommend as first choice. After all, my username already tells you that I'm fully sharing your view.
Let me add another technique I'd name "stirring the spoon". An erection wouldn't be helpful, your member should better be flaccid or at the utmost at half mast. Lying on your back you hold your glans with two to three fingers (thumb, forefinger and perhaps middle finger), then you rotate your cock head in little circles like you would move a spoon to stir milk or sugar in your coffee, but you envision to stir the vibes in your prostate. (I'm still fascinated to feel that buzzing in my prostate only from writing about this technique while envisioning it for a better description.) Only do this for a minute or two, then hold him still and feel for every little sensation in your prostate area. If you like, repeat, but there are side effects, it may also get you hard.
If you feel a dumb ache a little above your perineum, that might be your prostate responding and you may be doin' it right. What first might feel a little strange or awkward, may become a signal for entering a new realm of bliss in your near future. Enjoy!
One question left. Do you tease your cockhead drily or using lube? Mine (uc) is too sensitive without.
Hopefully some lurkers join in and contribute their experiences to your interesting post, @anerospore.
@all: Only avoid emojis and your post will be saved correctly, only punctuation symbols work.
(@support - Just tested again, using emojis still shoots my posting to nirvana, at least using Firefox 75.0.)
Cheers, Mart
Long time lurker, first-time poster, and ecstatic SO practitioner here. A very interesting topic as this is something I have, and continue to explore. As others have stated, this really is one big mind game. Since a post-surgery-complication-caused stroke in 2013, I've seen first hand how embracing the brain's plasticity capabilities allows one to make astounding changes. For me, practicing meditation made a huge brain shift by increasing my focus, awareness, and calmness - and I know it was a big factor in rewiring my prostate. After exploring the delights of the obvious zones (nipples, frenulum, scrotum, perineum, etc.) I surprisingly began to discover the sensitivities of other areas like the palms, back of the knees, inside thighs, and belly. Most recently, I've discovered the sides of my chest by slowly scraping lightly up and down with my fingertips and nails. Just exquisite.
I've learned to awaken new areas by basically practicing a "fake it 'til you make it" approach. As I reach a highly blissful level, I manipulate or touch the area in whatever various ways I choose. Practicing this action enough times and my brain eventually comes to associate it with the orgasmic experience. I've been able to rewire many areas of my body this way, sometimes even when they're not especially nerve sensitive at first.
wow, what a great first post, thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum!
I also do love "fake it 'til you make it"(!) and nearly ...
I see you shiver with an - tici ... pation!
Cheers, Mart
@anerospore - i’m a long time lurker here and a few weeks back I really enjoyed a post you made in another thread that detailed roughly the same method you describe here. It almost perfectly describes how I eventually came to achieving prostate orgasms.
I’ve been at this for around two years now and I’ve always had far better experiences with A-less than I do when using a toy. Several times in the earlier part of my journey, I had tremendously powerful prostate orgasms that occurred during the night. I’ve always suffered from episodes of sleep paralysis, and the fact that these occurred while I was in temporary paralysis changed my approach. It wasn’t long before I’d completely dropped the toy, I stopped doing contraction exercises and instead focused on just relaxation. It eventually led me to exactly the results you describe.
The only thing I’ve found that you don’t mention is that I get buildup of tremendous pressure in my forehead when I do this - it would often leave me with headaches that were difficult to shift. I eventually worked out that I could alleviate this by - it sounds odd but I can’t think of another way to describe it - pushing the centre of my mental awareness to the back of my head.
It took me quite a while to master it and I’d say the biggest barrier to progress was losing my focus on the initial stimulation (the imagining of the sensation of penis stimulation). Once the results started, like clenching of the anal nerves, I’d get excited and start turning my attention to that and trying to Will it to get stronger. This led to the loop of trying to push myself over the edge. It was only after grasping the need to keep the mental stimulation steadily ticking that I ‘got it’.
However. It still takes me much longer than you to reach orgasm - it can be around 30-45 minutes. I also haven’t experimented with replicating this approach for other body areas.
The only thing I’ve found that you don’t mention is that I get buildup of tremendous pressure in my forehead when I do this - it would often leave me with headaches that were difficult to shift. I eventually worked out that I could alleviate this by - it sounds odd but I can’t think of another way to describe it - pushing the centre of my mental awareness to the back of my head.
Wow, just wanted to chime in to say I experienced something similar. Did not grow to a full on headache but the pressure was uncomfortable. My instinctive response was to open my eyes and mouth and extend my neck back as far as possible (lying on my back, like you would do to open the airway before CPR.) That did work. So that might be the physical equivalent of what worked for you, shifting focus back ?
I'd be curious to know if dropping the Aneros early gives you better A-Less sessions sooner, or if some people are actually hindered by using the Aneros and only need it to start the journey, or not at all and would be better putting it aside for some time and working on A-Less only.
As for me, I now see sessions with or without a toy as two completely different activities giving different sensations and I track progress accordingly and try not to compare the two. But sometimes I'm doing A-Less and my mind thinks that I'm using a particular model (Eupho or Helix) and it takes me a moment to realise that in fact, it's neither. So it's clear that there is still a connection of some sort. Would my A-Less be better without that connection ? Hard to say.