Synthetic -- ashamed to write: whatever's cheapest at Wally World.
Sinful Anal is good.
I've only used lube from durex yet. I don't have anything to compare with, buti like it.
My favorite lube is called Water Slide. I like it because the ingredients are nontoxic, and there's no icky parabens.
I really like the Aneros Session lube.
Coconut oil does the job for me
Still experimenting with different lubes, but a tub of Boy Butter has lasted me a good while and stays slippery long enough for decent sessions.
With As Much Dignity As Possible, I Must Say Bad Dragon Cum Lube.
Recently its been Probe Thick...I'm going to try out some Pjur Silicone lube and see how that goes.
wet platinum lube
Any update about the winner?
Any update about the winner?
Or contest for this month?
Any update about the winner?
Or contest for this month?
I'm curious too!
I am also wondering about the winner and June contest!
Posting this as an entry for June.
I'm worried that something bad has perhaps befallen the admin, or their family...I hope not. I know if something has, that we'll still be here...and we'd want them to take care of what's really important.
Hopes & Prayers....
Slippery stuff gel is the best I've tried so far.
Having emptied my bottle of Sessions lube (which I highly recommend) I thought I’d try a more discrete solution, so I followed the suggestion by @grahamsh and picked up a jar of Albolene at the drugstore. The discrete part is that is just a cosmetic cleanser and moisturizer and can sit innocently in the cabinet with the hand cream and suntan lotion. It's long lasting, enough for an overnight. Semisolid at room temp, liquifies at body temp... Very effective.
Call me a naturalist but coconut oil is my go to. It's mostly harmless, probably completely but you can never say never, provides ample lubrication, and quite frankly is cheap! Which in my book is probably its best feature. Not to mention how readily accessible it is.
I mostly use Discover Gel lubricant from the Love Honey website. Occasionally, I'll use Wet Platinum silicone lube (bought cheaply at Walmart) on my Aneros and another lube (KY or Discover) to ease insertion. That combo works well for longer sessions, at least for me.
Dollar general store gel lube. Can't beat the price. I'm sure there are better ones out there and I'd love to try, but it's easier to be discreet sometimes.
My favorite is my homemade shea butter suppositories. Slip one in, then a light coat of vaseline, covered with a light coat of Astroglide on the Aneros. This gives an unparalleled freedom of movement for me for hours if needed.
wet platinum lube
I've only ever used KY or just spit, but I just ordered a bottle of Sessions. So I'm looking forward to trying it out.
A mixture of any "Jelly" type water based lube and a small (2ml or less) pre lube shoot of slightly warm coconut oil.
These get me through 2-4 hour sessions easily while giving me full range of movement.
I like olive oil bees wax shea butter mix to coat the aneros,and work in some store bought lube into anus.
Congratulations Evergreen,
You are a winner in our 20th Anniversary contest!
Your Aneros Team
Dollar general store gel lube. Can't beat the price. I'm sure there are better ones out there and I'd love to try, but it's easier to be discreet sometimes.
Congratulations regal13!
You are a winner in the Aneros 20th Anniversary Contest!
Your Aneros Team
Dear Members,
In order to make up for May...there are two winners this month!
Thanks to everyone for being a part of the Aneros Forum.
Your Aneros Team