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retrded ejaculation
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retrded ejaculation

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Guys, I have read with interest your questions and answers on the "big O," multiple orgasms, etc. I, however, need help with a more basic problem: plain old (wet) ejaculation.

My problem is that I can have sexual relations until my legs, arms, and back give out, but I can't ejaculate but perhaps one time in twenty. (And when I do there is no pre-cum and very little jizz - a few drops at most. In fact, I have never in my life felt that I had a "full" ejaculation; it always feels like something more should happen.)

I know that guys who have trouble with premature ejaculation might think this doesn't sound so bad, but believe me, it is. I once lost count at forty BIG orgasms that my ex-wife had while I tried to have one.

Frustrated doesn't describe the way I feel after a no orgasm/ejaculation session; crazy might better describe my mental state. I think I have so much sexual energy built up that I just about go nuts. I know that some Eastern forms of sexuality work toward having intercourse without ejaculation. Well, they can have it. I have experienced it and, believe me, it does not bring enlightenment; just frustration, anxiety and marital problems. I am looking for plain, ordinary cum sessions.

A small dose of Zoloft will fix most premature ejaculators; Viagra and its cousins help with ED. Unfortunately, medical science has nothing to offer for retarded ejaculation. The Docs assure me that my male parts are in fine shape, but they can offer no help with my problem.

I have considered buying an Aneros to see if it would help me, but before getting my hopes up (again), I would like to know if any of you in this forum have a problem similar to mine and have had tried the Aneros as a solution. ANY information or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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(to the moderators: sorry that my first two posts on this board are about this rather than the aneros directly)

Wayne, I waited a while to see if anybody else would reply, since they haven't I'll take a shot at it. I've gone through something VERY similar, though not quite to the same magnitude. It might not be the same thing, but the symptoms sound so very similar: Being able to make love for several hours without climaxing or even feeling that you're getting all that close, your partner having huge numbers of ograsms then getting sore and making you stop before you've even managed one, exhausting all of your body that's capible of making you thrust... When you do climax it rarely is all that explosive, almost never have pre-come...

My question to you: Are you circumcised? If so, I'm going to guess that your glans (penis head) has a rough, dry texture, right?

Just for fun try this and let us know:

Ok, if you're noticing any of that to be true, I want you to try something else. Keep your glans covered for a week, and see if you notice any change in intensity or how sensitive you are compared to now. Just something like keeping it in a condom, and wearing briefs to keep it from moving around too much. OR like one of these Ofcourse, you need to take it off to bathe and urinate, but try to keep it covered and protected for as much of the week as you can. The object is to keep from abrading it with clothes, and keeping it from getting dryied out by the air.

Maybe I'm off base here, and this isn't any help to you at all; maybe I'm right and this can help. Good luck! 🙂

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Originally Posted By: frizzen
(to the moderators: sorry that my first two posts on this board are about this rather than the aneros directly)

Wayne, I waited a while to see if anybody else would reply, since they haven't I'll take a shot at it. I've gone through something VERY similar, though not quite to the same magnitude. It might not be the same thing, but the symptoms sound so very similar: Being able to make love for several hours without climaxing or even feeling that you're getting all that close, your partner having huge numbers of ograsms then getting sore and making you stop before you've even managed one, exhausting all of your body that's capible of making you thrust... When you do climax it rarely is all that explosive, almost never have pre-come...

My question to you: Are you circumcised? If so, I'm going to guess that your glans (penis head) has a rough, dry texture, right?

Just for fun try this and let us know:

Ok, if you're noticing any of that to be true, I want you to try something else. Keep your glans covered for a week, and see if you notice any change in intensity or how sensitive you are compared to now. Just something like keeping it in a condom, and wearing briefs to keep it from moving around too much. OR like one of these Ofcourse, you need to take it off to bathe and urinate, but try to keep it covered and protected for as much of the week as you can. The object is to keep from abrading it with clothes, and keeping it from getting dryied out by the air.

Maybe I'm off base here, and this isn't any help to you at all; maybe I'm right and this can help. Good luck! 🙂

Thank you so much for your reply; I had begun to think that I was the only man with this problem.

To answer your questions, YES, I am circumcised, and YES, my glans is dry and lacks sensitivity. And YES, I am going to try exactly what you say and see if it makes a difference. I went to the manhood web site and am planning to order a penis cover.

I will let you know if I see a change in my sexual functioning. You are the first person who has said anything sensible (and hopeful)to me on this subject in years! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you.


(And thanks to the moderator who let me stray from the Aneros in this post.)

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Do you masturbate prone (face down?) You may have Traumatic Masturbation Syndrome.


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Originally Posted By: Maximus
Do you masturbate prone (face down?) You may have Traumatic Masturbation Syndrome.


No. Never heard of that one. Unfortunately, I find it just as difficult to masturbate as to have an orgasm with a partner. (I did look at the web site you suggested. Interesting.)


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Wayne, Any difference keeping glans covered? Maybe try getting a small plug or something and try having a wank with it in and see if that helps.

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I had the same problem some time ago and I found that it was due to the anti-depressant I was taking. Either way, my doctor figured it was time for me to come off the meds and about 2 days later, blammo - I could come before me penis was raw.

Maybe, maybe not - just my $0.02

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