Really weird things...
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Really weird things happened, but it felt incredible

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As regular contributors to this forum may know its only recently that I was blessed with becoming  rewired, from that moment onwards on occasion a select few of my sessions have been almost spiritual, yesterdays was the most mind blowing to date......

I'm having an unplanned session and my prostate is loving the attention of the cheeky wee Eupho Syn Trident, and it feels as if there's like electricity flowing thought it, I'm diddling my nipples and as a result it feels like I'm sending electric shocks directly into my prostate. This my friends is a strange but deeply pleasurable new sensation but isn't the weird bit.......

I close my eyes and start to see visions, like hallucinations. First a naked girl, she has a tight-ripped beautifully oiled and tanned body, the next thing I know she's fucking me cowgirl, I could swear I could feel it for real! Then I start to see other things, Chucky the doll, a nun, an angel, the devil, things were just going crazy in my head the most random of imagery, the images kept on coming, at one point my mind was a swirl of colours and patterns like looking into a kaleidoscope, then a tunnel like vortex. swirling deep into an abyss. I can't stress enough how realistic these visions felt.

The whole thing felt so real but at the same time surreal.

I should add that I wasn't using and chemical or artificial stimulants, although I was in a really good headspace on this particular day.

You can read a more detailed account of this experience on my Aneros Forum Blog - Nice Sounding Guys Blog.

Has anyone else had a similar experience like this or I'm I just going loopy?

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That sounds like a really incredible experience! Were you scared by any of these visions? Or was it something you were able to experience without worry?

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@7sdoor No worries at all, even when Lucifer himself made a brief appearance! It probably helps that I don't believe in the afterlife, otherwise it would have the living daylights out of me!



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It’s not weird!  hallucinations are par for the course, and very exciting. For me too they can be very incoherent, and far from what my conscious mind fantasizes about. I too see terrifying images sometimes, but it is anything but scary, as I am simultaneously in the throes of intense pleasure. Also on these “highs” my intentional imagination is much stronger. That is, if I imagine a sensation, I can practically feel it in these moments.

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I had a similar thing happen once, a quick stream of erotic images flashed though my mind. It was quite odd, has only been the one time. I was also experiencing some lovely sensations from my helix at the same time. 

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I always wondered if you had a really pleasant voice, I checked your blog and now I get it : ) 

Different sorts of visual effect are a part of some of my session, mainly bright colors and patterns. Your comparison with a kaleidoscope is spot on for what I experience. I think the colors would be blinding if they were "real", like watching the sun or a sodium lamp. 

More complex hallucinations only happen in the most intense sessions and not all of them are pleasant. They often have a theme with stars and space and the void and how small I am... and rarely actual sexy stuff.

I'm glad for all of them but sometimes it's a little too much when you only wanted a good prostate poking and you get that + existential dread and cosmic horror. Good thing the pleasure is there to balance things. 

I'll just add that it's perfectly fine to stop a session if things start getting *too* weird, this is your mind and your body and you're still the boss so if things get uncomfortable mentally just take a break like you would if it was physical discomfort. Take care !


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Wow, some of that really does sound frightening! And as a Christian, I am really not interested in meeting up with Lucifer. However, I do want to have more pleasurable experiences. Sometimes, it’s best not to think to much about the unknown and the creepy things that might appear...haha!


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Well it all happens in your head, so there's nothing to be afraid off in reality, but it's so vivid while it's happening that for me it can be unsettling. I never saw monsters or any classic creepy stuff, so can't comment on that, but I've had very strong emotional reaction to some of the things I imagined.

Keep in mind that horror movies and stories are very popular for a reason and that fear and pleasure mix pretty well, that's why we have rollercoasters rides. It's all in good fun and you know that you're in no real danger, but it's intense. And like I said, nothing prevents you from taking a break at any time.


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@divine_o Thanks, glad its not just me then! All this is new to me so your and the other users reply really do help.


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@roland-htg It happened again on my next session see (Opening Pandoras Box) on the forum.

This time a bit less scary and far more erotic!


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@zentai Thank you my friend, this incredible journey I've been on is one of discovery and opening up  whole new world of experience and adventure, at no point have I felt fearful. I think it helps that I'm a confident individual of strong mind, focused and fairly successful in my business life and with a content and happy home life. I feel truly privileged to be in this position during these challenging times. I'm convinced that being in the correct frame-of-mind is key to having success with these brilliant devices.


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@7sdoor I could imagine that would freak out a lot of people, especially for those of you believers out there! Heres the strange thing, none of the images in my mind felt at all scary, erotism was the only emotion I was experiencing. 

Stay safe my friend.


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@zentai As I've just said in another reply to someone, at no point was I fearful, just highly eroticised!


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Frame of mind is very important, I'm 100% with you on this. I'm certain that these experiences, like dreams, will show you some things that are at the back of your mind, if everything is mostly positive in your life you'll get a great experience even if you see some weird stuff. What a strange and surprising adventure this is !


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Amazing.  It's stories like this that keeps me going back for more, you never know what you are going to get, every session is different.  I havent used mine for a while, i have 5 different models now so i guess its time to start up again!


What lube do you use please?

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@ukguy Hey! Thanks for the kind words, I'm delighted you've been inspired, its what this forum is all about!

I notice you're in the UK (?) When I'm there I use KY, at present I'm experimenting with a homemade concoction made with a commercial lube and pure coconut oil and a splash of olive oil. 

Its probably more important to use plenty of lube and making sure your anal canal is well lubricated allowing for the device to move freely than the specific type.



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@nice-sounding-guy Thanks, yes im in the UK. KY is what i have most recently been using but ive had better results with other lubes.  My main go-to lube has been discontinued unfortunately.  I have seen people talk about freezing coconut oil and shea butter into long shaped ice cubes so I will get myself a mould and experiment 🙂


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@nice-sounding-guy, @ukguy

I made a mixture of 1:1:2 olive oil/coconut oil/Shea butter by putting all three in a cup, melting them down and solidifying again. I have been coating my Aneros with my butter mixture and then putting a water-based lube on top of seems to work pretty well.
