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Quick tip for married folks

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Have some good sex, do not ejaculate, then wait 5 - 20 minutes and insert the aneros. It also helps if you've not ejaculated for a while and thus giving you a high sex drive/arousal.

Insert the aneros and manually manipulate apply pressure with the aneros to your prostate to get that "need to pee" sensation. You should have some cum drip or even spill out. This should not lower arousal. This should take 10 - 60 seconds. If nothing seems to want to come out, don't keep pushing it.

If stuff does drip out, good! It means you're ready to have some kind of success with this aneros session. Try it, let me know if this helps. For me, this happened twice now and I feel like I should continue to explore this, having sex, and then seeing if I can drip cum, because both times I had some kind of success using the aneros.

Also, anyone who knows what might be going on is encouraged to share their wisdom! I believe the drippage may be due to the prostate filling up with sexual fluids and then being unable to release during sex (no ejaculation) and so applying pressure relieves the prostate.. this being a good thing! Maybe? I feel like I should massage the prostate after not ejaculating for this reason. *Shrug*

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Hey, Korkelz -- I can certainly speak to the "engorged prostate" phenomenon due to lack of release (orgasm/ejaculation.) I've had drug-induced anorgasmia for a couple of years now, and it was getting to the point that even trying to masturbate to orgasm had to be given up due to: a: blisters, b: weird swellings of the penile shaft (fluid within the tissues... subsides with time, but looks bizarre!), and c: "blue-balls" you just wouldn't believe. The more persistent I was, the worse were all the aforementioned symptoms. I was desperate to find some relief from the swollen, congested, aching feeling that I was sure was my prostate. Went to my Urologist, and she (yeah, of course, SHE) gave me a prostate massage. Most intimate and embarrassing incident of my entire 57 years... "Let us NEVER speak of this again!" Thank God for her sense of humor (and mine, to the rescue as well.) Felt MUCH better afterwards, and she suggested ways to do this myself at home (the Aneros was one of those suggestions), and maybe looking into switching medications. The rest is history. I've used my Helix only a couple of times, and the congestion is being held at bay. I'm hoping that as I work "up the ladder, " the resulting relief will be greater as well. Ooooohh; A two-fer!! Now if I could only work out how to CUM!!

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Did you have any pain in your scrotum? I tend to get that, where a pain in my pelvis is connected to the balls. I just figured I'd mention that since we're on the subject of things. Not sure what the cause is. It seems to correlate with long erections / extended sex which happens when I'm aroused enough due to not ejaculating for days.

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Yes, sort of; the pain (not really severe enough to call pain, more like strong discomfort, very sore) is abdominal at root, but also has a component that radiates down to the testicles and especially the cords from the balls up into the abdomen. This only occurs on the worst of days, though. Thats when I start getting jumpy and snappish. Takes me weeks to get to that point without stimulation; a day if I'm actively working on an orgasm. If it occurs "naturally," it tends to be of longer duration (this is what sent me to the Urologist); the self-induced kind subsides more quickly, but I find that it has "ratcheted-up" the baseline discomfort a bit higher. Sounds like we're in the same boat. Are you on medication for anything?

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I'm only 22 years old, so I'm not taking anything or too concerned, just trying to be observant.

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