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Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O

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@The_Fury :
For me, it is the pushing out rather than the contraction that feels pleasurable, Just as you experienced. It is as if the aneros strokes my prostate when i push out. a strong inward contraction prior to the pushing out does help to enhance the pleasurable feeling, though. But imo you are right when you say that it is the pushing out that creates pleasure and not the inward contractions themselve (although intense pressure on the prostate when contracting strongly is pretty nice too).

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OPs (where are they now?) post is interesting and I will try to incorporate some of it in my sessions... BUT...

I don't "get" the original post.

I mean, a number of posts here on this forum or elsewhere talk about how the primary organ used for Super O or DryOs is the brain.
There are suggestions of some sort of tantra / yogic / kundalini type powers needed in order to achieve a super O, but the original post here suggests that all is needed is repetative physical motions in the correct location.

Is it one (repetative physical stimulation) or the other (brain power, mind over matter, zen / yoga), or both, or neither at all?

I realise there's no one-formula-fits-all and that the usual disclaimers apply. I suppose the tickle of the underside of your penis would help the brain and that it goes contrary to the usual advice, though it's ok if it's only for a short while.

What can be done about the mental / yoga / tantra / brain / energy aspect of this if one has a decent control of the physical aspects?

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@lonewolf8 I haven't had anything close to a super-O yet, but this is how I view it. If any veteran here disagrees with me then listen to them instead.

I like to view things in math terms, so you could say that the orgasmic intensity is equal to the physical aspect plus the mental aspect. (Intensity = Mental + Physical)
The aneros is a great tool because it adds a lot of physical stimulation, causing more intense sensations. The technique described in this thread with further add some physical stimulation which may add enough intensity to push you over the edge into a super-o. This is why this method works for some as a quicker method to experience a super-o, because the extra physical stimulation can somewhat compensate for having a slightly "underdeveloped" mental aspect.

This would explain why the more experienced users here can have super-Os without the aneros, because their mental aspect is so developed that it compensates for the lack of physical stimulation.

Sorry if that made no sense. I am just writing random things due to boredom.

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@lonewolf8 I haven't had anything close to a super-O yet, but this is how I view it. If any veteran here disagrees with me then listen to them instead.

I like to view things in math terms, so you could say that the orgasmic intensity is equal to the physical aspect plus the mental aspect. (Intensity = Mental + Physical)
The aneros is a great tool because it adds a lot of physical stimulation, causing more intense sensations. The technique described in this thread with further add some physical stimulation which may add enough intensity to push you over the edge into a super-o. This is why this method works for some as a quicker method to experience a super-o, because the extra physical stimulation can somewhat compensate for having a slightly "underdeveloped" mental aspect.

This would explain why the more experienced users here can have super-Os without the aneros, because their mental aspect is so developed that it compensates for the lack of physical stimulation.

Sorry if that made no sense. I am just writing random things due to boredom.

Interesting take on things. I think you are probably correct.
It would be interesting to know how much of each of the mental and physical stimulation is needed.
Or perhaps this method only works for those that have the energy / mental aspects down correctly but need to get extra physical movement?

As for veterans who can do aless, isn't that because they can move their PC muscles which then rubs on their prostate thus creating the same sort of sensation as if they had an aneros phyiscally inside them?

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As for veterans who can do aless, isn't that because they can move their PC muscles which then rubs on their prostate thus creating the same sort of sensation as if they had an aneros phyiscally inside them?

Hmm, I don't think so. I do most of my sessions aless because I've never had an aneros. I also don't do any conscious physical stimulation like moving my PC muscle, though it's possible my body does it by itself without me noticing it. Pretty sure I occasionally get some involuntaries. Yet, I am at the point where I always get at least some p-waves during my session. So I am pretty much only using the mental aspect because in the end that's what we need to develop.

Though, you could say that there's always some stimulation, no matter how small. Just imagine how ridiculously many nerves get stimulated every time you breathe. Or when your heart pumps blood through your body. Or just the force of gravity no matter what position you're in.

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I have been using the Peridise for a while now and can get to have an extended orgasm (I'm not sure if this is a Super-O, but if people in the know recognise an almost electric orgasm that makes your body feel as light as a feather, almost as if you are on a river of pleasure, then say this is on the right lines) very easily.

What I do is a simple 4-step maneuver.

1) Insert the peridise, and relax, so that it feels comfortable.

2) Focus on the muscle/anal canal tissue just an inch or two inside of your anus and, using your legs, try to squish the two sides together and moving your legs slightly to create slight friction.

3) When the movement 'sticks' (it will) at a certain place and requires more effort to move, keep everything at that sticking angle.

4) Relax the sphincter muscle carrying the peridise. With luck, this will get you into the prime position for the aneros peridise to do its thing and make you orgasm.

I love this toy, and the journey it has taken me on has been long and fruitful. Like a game that constantly rewards playing. I hope these instructions help you guys achieve orgasmic nirvana.

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This thread is one I consider to be 'gold' because it has much great wisdom in it! It helped me along my journey, and I hope it helps many more to come.

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So this has been an absolute god send. I’ve been riding since December with the odd anal twitch here and there but little else. I tried this ONCE and I began having involuntaries almost immediately, with my legs beginning to shake, breathing changes and means. I’m on the right track!

While I’m doing this, I feel something really pulsing behind my shaft - my cock and balls really twitch but from the inside. It feels good, albeit a little distracting - is it the same thing and a good sign!??

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Some guys reach the goal of achieving their first Super-O's quickly in a short time ; other guys reach that goal in a fairly long time. It took me more than four years to reach this goal. I decided after the first year of my Aneros journey to approach each Aneros session with the resolution, "Relax, have fun, and enjoy!" also to exercise patience as I traveled to the goal. When I achieved the breakthrough of achieving my first Super-O's and MMO's in mid September 2016, it was a tipping point for me. I can now have Super-O's and MMO's on demand mostly in Aless, especially in bed at night. I have discovered that the Kegels and nipple diddling go hand-in-hand for me.

Also I really like what @Lth0ms0n says:

"While I’m doing this, I feel something really pulsing behind my shaft - my cock and balls really twitch but from the inside. It feels good, albeit a little distracting - is it the same thing and a good sign!??"

Yes is it a good signal. I feel this too, especially when I Kegel and diddle myself. I suggest to @Lth0ms0n: Enter into this feeling pulsing behind your [cock]shaft, you may be surprised! ;)​​​​​​​

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Just started PM. Got the Helix Classic. Been using for 4 weeks but cant seem to get good feelings. Any suggestions?

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One of the all time great reads..I’m sure I’ve read this 50 bazillion times,the writing style is great,almost like a military plan lol !

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Well, thanks to Tommygunn this 2010 Post is seeing the light of day. As I proceed-with / report-on my Progasm experience (begun in late 2018), this Post provides illumination and guidance in a manner that strikes me as 'mentoring'--and although the same content may be available elsewhere, the grace of this particular Post makes it come alive for me. Thanks to both--Cave of Mystery (who seems to be a ghost now) and Tommygunn (who is certainly alive and well).

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@BigGlansDC Ooh what do you mean by enter into it?!

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@Lth0ms0n, what I mean by entering into the pulsating feelings that feel really nice at the base of your cock shaft and balls is luxuriate in those nice feelings. When you do that, wonderful things may happen to you! 😉

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@BigGlansDC im having another session tonight so I’ll do just that and report back to you 😉

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With all the talk about the “mindgasm” site around here, a lot of it seems to be a rehash of this thread...

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