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Question about maximus

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Hi All,


Quick question about maximus, I can see it kind of looks like eupho but thicker/bigger but not as thick and big as helix. 

I have tried both eupho and helix but not maximus. Personally I get better feedback from eupho.


So I wonder if it is worth trying the maximus? 

Please share your thoughts about this if you can spare. 


Thank you. 

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You sound like me. Like you I been a seasoned Aneros user for my prostate health for a while.

Like you I first purchased a Eupho, then upgraded to a Helix.

My next purchase was a the Progasm classic and I’m thinking the Maximus is just as large.

If you are comfortable with your smaller Aneros, you will love the increase in size.

For me from start with the penetration to insertion, I will feel the difference in my massage and my Kegel exercises with feel so much more effective.

I will say I enjoy the more of increase difference im my seminal flow with use of the Progasm

Be Well

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Posted by: @tommyxyz24
I can see it kind of looks like eupho but thicker/bigger but not as thick and big as helix.

Here's my Helix and Maximus side by side. They're surprisingly similar in size to look at, but they sit differently because of the taper at the bottom. (I've also made some modifications to the handle on my Maximus, so probably ignore what's going on below the neck).

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Posted by: @a-bearded-man
My next purchase was a the Progasm classic and I’m thinking the Maximus is just as large.

It's really not that big. I got the Maximus before the Progasm, and the first time I saw the Progasm in person I panicked at how thick it was. 😂 The Maximus is not nearly that intimidating.

I pretty much think of the Maximus as a longer Helix (or at least it sits deeper).

