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Prostate sensitivity concern

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Please bare with me as this is hard to describe in words, forgive me if it makes zero sense.

So this is something that has been my number one obstacle in my sessions of late, probably of all time using the aneros.

I have strong feelings in my prostate, i have constant aless sessions in my daily life, usually a few days post session i get them, sometimes just when I'm sitting i get them randomly. Its great 😀

Similarly in my sessions with the aneros my prostate is equally as sensitive, all good! I've been having some ups and downs in regard to session intensity, i.e. some sessions are really amazing and others are nowhere near the same levels. Its all good, as i enjoy them no matter really.

however I'm notcieing a pattern that i cannot work out is of my own mental doing or one that is physical and is causing a barrier. I find that upon insertion the intensity in prostate is amazing, its instant and its like I'm about to orgasm hard. It then usually subsides right before i do (this is me doing nothing and being totally relaxed as well btw) and then after a while using the boomerang approach of trust that the feelings come back, the feelings.... come back.

But each time they do the intensity is less, a lot less. I hear of people saying that throughout a given session it ramps up or it increases each time, but for me its backwards! like my prostate is less sensitive over the length of the session. It eventually leaves me with no sensitivity at all, like its somehow shut itself down, quite abruptly as the sensations are building as well.

I notice that most times my arousal level does not fall with it meaning i am left sort of half satisfied, which at times is so overwhelming i cannot help but give in to the urge to masturbate, its powerful. Powerful

After discovering @neros post recently which has helped in my journey its still left me hollow after around 15 mins or so.

what does help is this:

- changing positions when things tail off
- nipple play, but this only work for a around 10-15 mins (though i now find i just hold my fingers on my nips and it works longer
- different mental arousal visions etc

But lately its always ending the same way, no matter how focused, how relaxed or how aroused i am. Its becoming an issue and i need to tackle it.

I know i would be in a better place if i could master why this sensitively, which i think is physical, seems to tail off, no matter the technique or mindset.

One other thing I've had a handful of sessions where i have been able to go much longer and my arousal much greater however there is no discernible mindset between those occasions and any other session I've had. Because those sessions are longer i often do not feel the need to relieve myself.

Is it just possible that I'm not quite fully there yet in regards to rewiring? like I'm still learning the ropes?

Any help or insight is always appreciated. Thanks for your time guys.

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Ok something i wasn't expecting.

Just had a session, my THIRD on the same day, and a few hours since i ejaculated. Just had my best session ever. I can say that i feel i orgasmed, it was amazing and there were 4 definite techniques that worked for me. Possibly best session ever.

Seems the rules really do not apply to some of us.

I was aroused in my session but nowhere near as i was in my first or second.

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Congratulations buddy!


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@inhope,Yes, Congratulations indeed!

But, do I detect a tendency to over-analysing again?

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Re. arousal I find it needs to be a slow burn arousal. By that I mean I don't always stroke my nipples for example, I run my fingernails sensually over my chest.

Any action that causes a sensation in my anus/genitals is good. So no need for continious nipple stim for example, just sensual stroking, vocalising and mental imagery is good.

Don't try to do it all at once or you'll get too aroused too quickly. Just try to keep an "even keel" of arousal over the session. Stimulate yourself until you feel pleasant sensations then stop stim and enjoy the feelings. Then perhaps try to augment with mental images.

Vocalising and moaning will really help augment your arousal. Act as if you are aroused and your body will follow suite.

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Thanks all, I would still like to know what's best for me to to do to allow to me to focus past the urge to ejaculate or why my prostate shuts down. Do I need to have an ejaculation or have multiple sessions prior to my one successful one? I'm surprised I could feel anything considering the lower levels of arousal I was feelng...

@inhope,Yes, Congratulations indeed!

But, do I detect a tendency to over-analysing again?

No sir! Even after my great session i still feel this is an issue. For example what happens is that after my session fizzles out i get the sudden urge to tense, it is so powerful that even my conscious mind is unable to stop my body doing it, i tense so much that i ejaculate, sometimes it results in multiple ejaculations. Often though the orgasm is pretty crappy plus the anger i feel toward myself afterward for letting it happen is not healthy.

I need to understand a method that allows me to push past this, its been with me since i started pretty much. I wonder if i need to ejaculate a few hours before i have sessions as a method of breaking the 'need' to do so when a session fizzles. Or perhaps i need to be indifferent when going into a session, again against the 'rules' 😀

Its not "over-analysis", its 'focused-analysis' and it's something of great mental benefit for me to overcome, i think you would agree @Pommie

@neros "slow burn arousal" i have likened this to my own way of wording this in the past which was 'Horney' and 'MMO Horny' its VERY hard to differentiate the two but there is a difference, for me MMO horney is a relaxed sort of arousal state whereby you are very aroused but you are not having your heart racing/heat/urge to orgasm and i also find this coincides with warmth being felt in the prostate and penis, almost like its your body saying "I'm ready for a session"

At times though it can mistake it easily. I find sometimes that my sessions even when 'MMO honey' make me very 'normal/regular horney' usually as a result of my penis wanting to steal the show. If that thing wasn't so damn sexy and massive i would be able to have more success aneros sessions 😉

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@inhope,call me lucky if you may, but I find that the best results come from simply relaxing and accepting whatever comes along. I simply don't focus on whether or not I am making contractions, or what body position I have adopted or even, what is going on in my head.

In nearly every session, I receive great pleasure, usually not a so-called Super-O, but pleasure nevertheless. Just occasionally I have a special event that some would classify as a Super-O, but what the hell! Thanks for that!

One thing is for sure, and that is that every morning now, without fail, I wake with P-waves going on and sometimes, I can on a voluntary basis, decide to ramp these into full-blown A-less AOs, simply by thinking the right thoughts. I find I don't need to do this every day, just occasionally is very nice!

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