Prostate Orgasms in...
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Prostate Orgasms in my dream?

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Something strange (but good) happened to me earlier today. I was taking a nap, and I had a pleasant dream. In my dream I was having a session with my toy, and I somehow managed to have a prostate orgasm in that dream. Even more then once, since in my mind I know that staying relaxed brings the good feelings back. I dry orgasm'ed three times in my dream, then I woke up and felt a nice buzzing down there.

I've never had a dry o, prostate o, or super o yet, but in this dream it felt so much different then a normal ejaculatory o. It was all focused on my prostate and the muscles in my ass. So perhaps I had what my mind thinks a prostate o is suppose to feel like. It's strange, but it makes me look forward to my next session. 

Has anyone had a similar experience, where they would have a naughty dream and have dry orgasm's in that dream rather then ejaculatory orgasm?

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Posted by: @pumpkin_shrimp

Has anyone had a similar experience, where they would have a naughty dream and have dry orgasm's in that dream rather then ejaculatory orgasm?

Yes, I have had a couple of erotic dreams where I had a dry orgasm but they were extremely rare, just a couple in my nearly 14 years of practice. I guess we could call them 'dry dreams' as compared to 'wet dreams'

Good Vibes to You!

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