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Prostate Massage Technique Videos You Would Like to See.

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If someone was going to do some instructional videos on how to use prostate massagers in general, what do you think would benefit new users the most ? 

What about intermediate users ? 

I'm thinking about doing some anonymous, non-nude stuff to show people the ropes. I know for example that from time to time, we get a question about whether someone is inserting the device correctly, or other similar inquiries. Same thing for prep, pre-lubing, etc. 

I'm also wondering which platform would be the best for me to share this material, porn sites ? What do you guys think ? 

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Posted by: @zentai
If someone was going to do some instructional videos on how to use prostate massagers in general, what do you think would benefit new users the most ? 

There are numerous techniques mentioned in the Getting Started section of the Aneros WIKI which would be enhanced by some video demonstrations. Body positions is one topic that comes to mind immediately.

Posted by: @zentai
I'm thinking about doing some anonymous, non-nude stuff to show people the ropes.

I think that would be a great idea as a supplement to the Aneros WIKI to provide some videos to help explain/inform some of the concepts only vaguely touched upon there. That would provide information to not only new users but to intermediate and advanced users as well.

Posted by: @zentai
I'm also wondering which platform would be the best for me to share this material, porn sites ? What do you guys think ? 

I think a few could be posted to YouTube but some could be posted to a personal account on a platform like Imgur from there they can be referenced in the Aneros WIKI. 

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @rumel

Body positions is one topic that comes to mind immediately.

Yes, I agree, that's one subject where a picture is worth a 1000 words. I wanted to do "Anerosutra" at some point, and I remember that you and some others helped me classify the positions, but getting the illustrations done was too daunting for me. Then I decided that positions were not that important, and now I'm back to thinking that they matter a lot in certain cases. This is a very pertinent topic. 

I saw that YouTube is very open to sex toys reviews and similar, the only sticking point for me right now is that I don't think you can post videos anonymously, and I'm not 100% sure yet that I want to associate my name with these videos. Plus people would need to log-in to YouTube since this is "adult content", I don't know if this is a sticking point or not. Imgur might be better for this, but YouTube is more far-reaching. I'm sure I could start with one and then move to the other, or do both...  

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You have some great ideas here and I'd like to be involved if I may!  I think Youtube has far too much crap going on the last few years to be a desirable video platform and would recommend Vimeo as a superior alternative in every way.  Also, without being necessarily pornographic, I wonder if computer animation might not a helpful addition.  Certainly we could use something a bit more helpful than the old GIF that everyone uses now and again (see attached).  Do we have anyone on the forum that is a computer animator?  It would be nice to have a good example of how the Aneros is actually supposed to move. 

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A friend shared a similar sentiment, that today people expect some sharp computer animations and that this is what grabs people attention.

I'm wondering how far we'd want to reach with this, of course if it's only as a support for the various small MMOs communities, then I can film some simple stuff even if it's not super professional at first. For positions, I think I can suck it up, get my best pajama and zentai hood (wink !), film a bit and then grab some stills from that, it won't be more erotic than a yoga position poster. I'm still looking at my options and I'm willing to consider pretty much any suggestion.   

I think it will be pretty difficult to show how the Aneros should move, but I'm building a simple model that I will be able to manipulate on camera, my main obstacle is that it will be pretty difficult to make this look good and not too cheesy. We'll see. 

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@zentai I guess I'm thinking best-case scenario with the computer animation but the only way that I can think of to represent how the Aneros should move.  At least and not have it be too cheesy or anything like that.  But I'm excited to see what you come up with!

As far as taping yourself, it might be easier to start out with something like a pose-able action figure and then work yourself up to being in your own pics. 

All the above would be great help on the visualization front! 

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Just my experiences...

Stimulating is quite difficult.  I've read and watched tons of stuff, but it seems every position I get into, I am just falling short of reaching the prostate.  I'm not sure if maybe mine is a bit deeper than with most guys, but any angle I use seems to not be all too effective, and ends up causing some strain.

For me at least...  A video of sort would be helpful in getting through this.  Having to go lower to your body, flipping your hand in an opposite direction, and somehow motioning upward, isn't a flexibility I think I have (lol).

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I already have a pretty good idea of how to show this, like I said if it's only for the guys here, meaning that we can get informed and maybe get a chuckle out of it at the same time, then it will be easier. If I want to make something that looks super scientific and serious, that's something else entirely. I do need to get up to speed on basic video editing, so that's another element that will eat up some time. 

I looked at posable figurines before, getting something that will have the right range of motion is not simple. I saw some on Amazon that looked promising but the reviews said that they were so fragile that they were almost unusable. The little wooden mannequins are really not flexible enough, I tried a bunch of different ones and they just won't do. I think that pictures are the best way to do this right, best case scenario would be for someone to turn the pictures into a bunch of nice, clean illustrations, so they are body-neutral and more universal.  


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What would you need to see specifically that would help you ? 

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What about an audio guide for newbs.  Maybe 30 mins or an hour describing how you achieve a successful session, areas to focus on, step by step methods, in real time?  Obviously cannot work for every person, and everyone is different, but a step by step from your POV could be helpful.  Even by listening to the power of suggestion while in a session might help.  If you can describe your sensations while they are happening and what you are doing, perhaps that would help some people focus and feel similar sensations.

I'd try it!

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Noted ! This is still on, I made some short sample videos and I'm thinking about how I want to present things. I don't know exactly when anything will get "released" but I'm working on some stuff, visual supports etc.  

Edit : The more I explore, the more it seems like things went from simple to more and more complex, and now I'm looking for simplicity yet again. I think one of the way to get to simplicity, is to find a way to setup sessions and then always using the same routine, even if it's not super optimal, at least it keeps you from messing around and questioning everything you do... So maybe sharing my own routine(s) might help people with developing their own ? 

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Porn site like PH since it’s very popular. Be careful you don’t get a ban on YT. It’s a great idea to be honest.

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@hankey01 There is the Hypnaerosession download, I dunno where you find it from Aneros's main page now, but here is the link:

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@faith-manages thanks for the info.  Tried the sample but the female voice trying to seduce me just turns me off.  😉

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I think important info to put into videos is


Trying not to chase it

Focusing on the small sensations 

Holding contraction at 10-15% and trying to always move it back to that base level when ever you start to squeeze. (I think this is imporant as it starts the auto fuck feature but you slowly doing it then you eventually let it take over)

Don't squeeze it in hard. Just like with a female you don't go hell for leather. It's a slow build up.

Cut down masturbation

Meditation can help you becoming good at letting go and patience

I saw a good thread once that the prostate is a soft sponge and we want to gently milk it not squeeze it with force. If we squeeze hard we are letting go of all the build up

Try and focus on the prostate and not the penis

After time in a session just let go and let it do what it wants. Try not to think what is happening down there. Just think of the subtle movements.

My best super O have been when I've really focused on the small movements inside and it literally becomes slow motion. If felt like each auto fuck was taking 1 minute in and each. My prostate was swirling around the aneros and i could no longer tell what was what. It just just super super slow motion pleasure.

1. Sensation start lube up inside as much as you can. Lube up the aneros put it in and I spin it around a few times. Then I take it out and lube it up and repeat a few times. You want the aneros to be able to move around as easily as possible. I think of a slip and slide. 

2. I usually lay down a silk pillow case on my stomach a few times. Nothing I hate more is my penis bouncing around on my stomach and pulling me out of the "trance" by thinking what is going on. 

3. Put on eye mask and noise cancelling headphone with Meditation music. I really enjoy the eye mask as when I start to experience the bright lights, visions or shapes I don't want to start thinking to myself are my eyes opening. I want to stay in the zone and know it's totally dark.

4a. I hold contractions at 15-20% of the way in and just slowly release them back to that level when ever the aneros starts to get sucked in.

4b. Sometimes also do the do nothing method where I just leave it there and what ever happens happens.

5. Once the session gets going. I just try and focus on the internal pleasure and all the small twitches and movements inside the body.

6. Sessions come in waves. You may be going great then you will lose concentration or pleasure and everything just stops. Don't get frustrated, take a sip or water and a breather for 1 minute than lay back and start again. Sometimes a super O comes after 5-6 cycles of this.

7. It's not a fast race, it's a slow build up. Sometimes it just won't happen. Don't go getting frustrated.

8. Always keep breathing once deep in a session. Once the session is deep in and I'm on the way to a super O. I don't even know what is going on down there. I have no idea if the contractions are at 0% 15% like the start or I am at full 100% and I don't care. I'm just thinking about the pleasure and small feelings inside. 

9. Keep breathing! This is something that took awhile to learn but you can be contracting at 100% and still breathing normal. They are different muscles. Nothing will mess you up more than holding your breathe while you are contracting.

10. I personally have a buzzing that goes on down there during a session. Almost as if electricity / Morse code. The buzzing / tapping slowly builds up faster and faster. When I can relax enough this buzzing goes so fast and it becomes one and releases over my body as a wave of pleasure. That is how my super O start. After that everything turns to slow motion down there.


I hope maybe can find some points in here for your videos or new users or any users might find some helpful tips. Everyone journey is different and every super o is different.

/end long rant


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I hired an aneros user to make a video for my website:

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Posted by: @jiji2000

I think important info to put into videos is


Trying not to chase it

Focusing on the small sensations 

Holding contraction at 10-15% and trying to always move it back to that base level when ever you start to squeeze. (I think this is imporant as it starts the auto fuck feature but you slowly doing it then you eventually let it take over)

Don't squeeze it in hard. Just like with a female you don't go hell for leather. It's a slow build up.

Cut down masturbation

Meditation can help you becoming good at letting go and patience

I saw a good thread once that the prostate is a soft sponge and we want to gently milk it not squeeze it with force. If we squeeze hard we are letting go of all the build up

Try and focus on the prostate and not the penis

After time in a session just let go and let it do what it wants. Try not to think what is happening down there. Just think of the subtle movements.

My best super O have been when I've really focused on the small movements inside and it literally becomes slow motion. If felt like each auto fuck was taking 1 minute in and each. My prostate was swirling around the aneros and i could no longer tell what was what. It just just super super slow motion pleasure.

1. Sensation start lube up inside as much as you can. Lube up the aneros put it in and I spin it around a few times. Then I take it out and lube it up and repeat a few times. You want the aneros to be able to move around as easily as possible. I think of a slip and slide. 

2. I usually lay down a silk pillow case on my stomach a few times. Nothing I hate more is my penis bouncing around on my stomach and pulling me out of the "trance" by thinking what is going on. 

3. Put on eye mask and noise cancelling headphone with Meditation music. I really enjoy the eye mask as when I start to experience the bright lights, visions or shapes I don't want to start thinking to myself are my eyes opening. I want to stay in the zone and know it's totally dark.

4a. I hold contractions at 15-20% of the way in and just slowly release them back to that level when ever the aneros starts to get sucked in.

4b. Sometimes also do the do nothing method where I just leave it there and what ever happens happens.

5. Once the session gets going. I just try and focus on the internal pleasure and all the small twitches and movements inside the body.

6. Sessions come in waves. You may be going great then you will lose concentration or pleasure and everything just stops. Don't get frustrated, take a sip or water and a breather for 1 minute than lay back and start again. Sometimes a super O comes after 5-6 cycles of this.

7. It's not a fast race, it's a slow build up. Sometimes it just won't happen. Don't go getting frustrated.

8. Always keep breathing once deep in a session. Once the session is deep in and I'm on the way to a super O. I don't even know what is going on down there. I have no idea if the contractions are at 0% 15% like the start or I am at full 100% and I don't care. I'm just thinking about the pleasure and small feelings inside. 

9. Keep breathing! This is something that took awhile to learn but you can be contracting at 100% and still breathing normal. They are different muscles. Nothing will mess you up more than holding your breathe while you are contracting.

10. I personally have a buzzing that goes on down there during a session. Almost as if electricity / Morse code. The buzzing / tapping slowly builds up faster and faster. When I can relax enough this buzzing goes so fast and it becomes one and releases over my body as a wave of pleasure. That is how my super O start. After that everything turns to slow motion down there.


I hope maybe can find some points in here for your videos or new users or any users might find some helpful tips. Everyone journey is different and every super o is different.

/end long rant



Some good stuff in here, definitely worth keeping in mind!  I'm determined to keep your advice in mind for myself 🙂


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What I found most useful from another video, was the guy's textual narration of his internal experience. There's so much to this that's not readily observed in movement. And I think it's important to note how much of this movement is more than just movement on its face. That much of the movement is a pleasure-reaction, and the cause-and-effect might appear backwards to the observer.

Left to my own devices as a viewer, I might notice that the guy's balls tighten before his orgasm... is my take-away then, to make my balls tighten? Or will they tighten on their own, once some other unseen phenomenon has reached its threshold?

I think the visible/physical aspects are relatable in one way, and the psychological/sexual aspects are also relatable in their own way... but it's difficult to imagine what the picture looks like when these aspects overlap.

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From my own experience, I have found that my balls and scrotum tighten during my Aneros sessions. The tightness occurs on its own and everything returns to normal size afterwards.

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Posted by: @fred27
The tightness occurs on its own and everything returns to normal size afterwards.

Thanks, I suspected as much. I think there's value in taking the guess-work out of it.

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Maybe this is asking for a lot but a xray video would be cool to actually see the movement of the aneros during a superO

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@supero19 , Seria interesante ver eso a Rayos X, como el Eupho tortura como un poseso la Prostata, entrando y saliendo tan deprisa y dando tanto placer, que 24 horas despues de usarlo, aun tengo espasmos anales de placer.

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Posted by: @supero19

Maybe this is asking for a lot but a xray video would be cool to actually see the movement of the aneros during a superO

I know! Imagine an MRI or something, where you could see the prostate itself contracting. There was a thread here a while back where some people were looking into making this happen, but it didn't seem to go anywhere. I'm sure it's easier said than done, but I'd love to see it.


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@jiji2000 wow! Great explanation! Very helpful. Thanks

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I find myself too getting into the whole waters of prostate orgasm it was helpful to watch videos of other people experiencing them and a variety. It gives you as someone starting out a real feel for how little movement is required, positioning etc. I think beyond watching them for sexual purposes it’s helpful as someone exploring this alternative orgasm to watch. 

that being said I’ve never filmed my own before but may be something I should just to get better idea on technique. 

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Posted by: @prostatejunkie
It gives you as someone starting out a real feel for how little movement is required, positioning etc.

It depends on what video you watch. I saw one that looked (and sounded) like an actual exorcism 😂
Some people swear-blind that it's real, and I believe them (because what do I know?), but I still can't watch it without laughing.


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@clenchy correct! Yea I filmed my session yesterday and watched it back. For sure was not flopping around like a fish but somewhere in between. It’s good to see the physical response when the orgasms occur and you can pinpoint it watching it back.

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I still want to do a positions guide, because it's a subject that comes up very often, and some people seem to get big effects from small adjustments in positions, so it might be very important for some of us. I find myself looking up examples online from Yoga or sleep positions and I can never find exactly what I want, so I believe this is a needed ressource.  

I don't know if it's going to be a video or maybe stills from a video (or both), as it's easier to share images, and some guys might want to print a reference sheet etc. A kind member offered his help with the video editing, so while I don't know when I'll be able to make it happen, this is still on the project list. 

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