Proper fit question
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Proper fit question

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Hi there. I have a question. I purchased the Helix Syn recently. I’ve been reading through these forums and trying to educate myself reference using it. I tried it yesterday and was very comfortable at the attempt. Well, I inserted it with no issues; however, I did not feel any contact between the Syn and prostate. I then pushed moderately on the Syn and felt very slight contact. My question is (drum roll), is it possible my body is built a little differently; therefore, the Syn is too “short?” Any recommendations?

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My question is (drum roll), is it possible my body is built a little differently; therefore, the Syn is too “short?

Yes, it is possible you have an anomalous body but it is highly unlikely. Much more likely is you have not yet developed your ability to focus on the subtle sensations your prostate generates in response to your Aneros' massaging action. This is a common condition for men new to prostate massage as their most common reference to sensual stimulation has been through the macro sensations generated through their penile masturbatory experiences. Part of the prostate awakening process requires a paradigm shift in thinking about what constitutes an orgasm and recognizing that orgasm exists across a continuum of intensity.

When you accept this basic concept of orgasm as the widely variable experience it is then you will be able to start to focus more intently on all the little sensations which contribute to the orgasmic expression. The more you are able to focus on these initially very subtle sensations the more readily those sensations will be perceived and thus amplified by your own intent. You will be using your mental focus to create a feedback loop of focused thought -> increased perception -> increased apparent sensations -> more focused thought. This usually needs to happen in an extremely relaxed environment which is often quite different from a traditional masturbation session.

Any recommendations?

It has often been noted in the Forums that the Aneros journey to prostate based orgasms is more a mental than physical exercise. You might find @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State helpful for a little insight. It might also help you to read @neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire". Good Vibes to You !

P.S. I sent you an introductory message with some additional hints and tips to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it.

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@Newbie_10, welcome to the forum. The question should be, what did you expect? Right, as you may already have read, any other answer than "nothing", would be wrong. You are not going to stimulate your prostate as directly as you do it with your member. All you should do is only sit and wait. Your prostate will notice the tool and will discover the benefit of this intruder. After a while your prostate will learn to activate some muscles ever so minimally but extremely effectively to give you pleasure, more pleasure, orgasmic pleasure, orgasmic bliss, blissful orgasmic ecstasy and out of a sudden and out of nowhere a superO will crush over you. But if you PUSH things you might overlook all the little progresses needed to get the most out of your new tool. As a quite tall man, I can tell, your Syn isn't too short, you are only acting a bit short-sightedly as many beginners. Take you time, avoid expectations, savor slowly every little new sensation and let go! Good vibes! Mart

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One of my favorite prostate massagers is the diminutive HIH 950. If you saw it, you would think "No Way!" But I have had many great sessions with it. I agree with both @rumel and @SOwithoutAneros to relax, take your time and don't have expectations. As @SOwithoutAneros has put so well: "Your prostate will notice the tool and will discover the benefit of this intruder." Your sessions can't help but profit from whatever 'tool' you choose! Good luck to you!

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I think that the syn isnt right for some, im req-wired and i find that the syn doesnt always do it for me, in fact it rarely works at all. The HIH 950, depsite overwhelming negative reposnse from those that use it barr two of us here, works every time amazingly. So yes, body types do vary, somtimes quite drastically.

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@Newbie_10, before you are going to buy in a rush any other suggested Aneros product, I'd recommend some patience. Succes is no accident and the Helix is not by chance the highly recommended tool for beginners. An overhasty change of your player might be more distractive than helpful. He deserves a second chance, 😉

Owing myself a whole bunch, ...

Nexus G-Rider, Progasm Ice, Helix Syn, Eupho Syn, Tempo -
By their intruding length and their "noses", Progasm & Eupho seem to stay ahead from the pack.

(The white lines are all of exactly the same length.)

... who am I to hold you back from buying another one?
But as I can tell, none of them is "too short" to stimulate my prostate, being more than 6 ft tall.
If you like, you can find some of my experiences with that pack following the links to my blog.

Good vibes to you and all the patience it needs! 🙂

P.S. To use the appropiate amount of lube too can have more impact on your session than the attributes of your Aneros tool.

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