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Progress has ceased....what am I doing wrong?

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I have been using an Aneros sgx for about 3 months now regularly evey other night for an hour to 2 hours at a time. I seemed to be making progress however the past week or two nothing has come from my sessions. I have been refraining from masturbation and keeping it to once maybe twice a week. i try to get aroused beforehand in a session looking at porn or some hot women. I do this for 20-30 minutes beforehand. During a session I usually try to breathe, watch or listen to porn, and play with nipples occasionally. The closest I came to feeling anything was about 2 weeks ago and it was what felt like some very light mini o's that came and went. Since that session I've had nothing happen

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Hard to say exactly, as you are in the "rewiring" phase, - meaning your brain is becoming aware of these new parts of you and building connections. Be aware of the problems with porn. See the website 'Your Brain On Porn'. Too much stimulation and too frequent sessions may work against you. You have to go into sessions relaxed, and not so goal driven, but in a more peaceful, serene, exploratory mode. You have to be aware of those small vibrations, but not clamp down to hard. It starts as subtle feedback, and builds on itself per cycle. You can try fish oil, dark chocolate, etc as I mentioned on my post "Massive Spontaneous...". You should try different positions, - the best I've found is on my back with a small, flat pillow, under my lower back providing some curvature of lower spine, while supporting it. Lay with your feet flat on the soles, and your knees bent, or with your legs propped up in front of you on a short object. Don't let the Aneros press against the ground. The pillow should keep it just a bit above the floor. I usually lay my head and neck on a small travel pillow, the kind which are round with the center portion opened so it can fit over the neck. Probably you should also limit your session time to 30 min to an hour although I remember some of my early sessions lasting 4 hours. I think I felt something, but couldn't figure out how to get to orgasm. Eventually I would get there, and get stimulated. So play that part by ear. Make sure you are healthy, and not over tired when you do sessions.

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I think too many sessions per week may be detrimental. I have been using that position lying on my back. I will have to try the fish oil to see if that helps

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@aneros_user113188,I gain the impression that you are placing expectations on the outcome of each session. This will surely work against your progress. Viewing porn and "trying to get aroused beforehand" is probably also counter-productive.
IMO, your sessions don't seem to be excessively long although, as @Oh! suggests, I guess you could try reducing the length of each session. Better still might be to cut the number of sessions from every other night to not more than three sessions each week.
Just accept whatever pleasure you can from each session and try not to concentrate on whether or not you are making progress. (I'm not sure how you would measure that anyway)!
Just remember that, for many on this journey, progress may seem hesitant and uneven. I can certainly attest to that. It believe took me the best part of two years before I was confident that I had experienced an AO.
Enjoy the journey!

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