Progasm ice vs Trid...
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Progasm ice vs Trident max

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Hi. To anyone who has both of these, which gave the better prostate massage (more pressure, precum, or orgasm.
Thanks for your help

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Posted by: @dkelban

Hi. To anyone who has both of these, which gave the better prostate massage (more pressure, precum, or orgasm.
Thanks for your help

I do have both of those models and my response probably won't satisfy your query. It is nearly impossible for anyone to give you a definitive answer to your question as to what constitutes "...the better prostate massage..." Every man will have a unique interaction with any particular Aneros model, at best we can provide some general guidance as to the action of particular models but it is the individual who makes their own determination as to which model is 'better'. Almost seven years ago I authored the thread The Best Aneros model is... and my comments in that thread still apply.

Specifically, in regards to your question, IMHO, the Progasm ICE provides slightly more prostate pressure than the Maximus Trident, this may be interpreted positively or negatively depending on your personal sensitivity. Since I produce almost no precum, regardless of Aneros model, that aspect is moot for me. For me, it is slightly easier to reach orgasm with the MaximusTrident, probably because it is just a bit more comfortable due to a slightly less girthy anal neck.

IMHO, the specific Aneros model employed matters less than the mental attitude you bring into your Anerosession.

Good Vibes to You!

newjoytoy, Faith-Manages, newjoytoy and 3 people reacted
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@rumel: thanks


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@dkelban  I have both models you mentioned.  I have had "dud" session and amazing sessions with both models.  The difference?  My level of relaxation and level of arousal determine how good the session will be.  I have learned to "listen" to my body and will wait for up to a week before I am ready.  It usually takes three or four days to feel ready for the next session.

Ggringo, Ggringo and Ggringo reacted
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I have both of these models. It's hard to choose between the two but if pressed I would go with the Progasm Ice.

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@darkbond: thanks


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I like them both very well, but if I had to choose one to be stranded on an island with, the Ice wins that round hands down.

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