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B Mayfield
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To All,

Although this forum has always been apolitical since it's beginning, it occurs to me that the outcome of the current election cycle may have far ranging effects upon us all. For instance, whoever the next president turns out to be, there is no question that he will be responsible for tilting the balance in the Supreme Court one way or another. Make no mistake about it, issues of our personal freedom and privacy are at stake.

I was struck recently by the attitude of a relative who was disenchanted with the choices of candidates and stated that he would probably not vote. While this is certainly anyone's right, it's sad that someone would so cavalierly discard a privilege that so many have fought and died for. Beyond this, the idea of not voting or abstaining IS actually a choice of one candidate over the other whether one recognizes it or not. The fact is that one party has traditionally benefitted the most from the low voter turnout of the other party. So in essence, not voting at all may have unintended consequences. It's something to be aware of.

I know this may seem off topic..but it really concerns us all.

Whatever your political affiliation is......don't forget to VOTE !

BF Mayfield

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Although its not my place toi say what is right or wrong in this world. All i can say is, the current system (presidents, prime ministers and all the other lizards in power) just isnt working. IMO it dosent matter who you vote for, since you are exching one illusion for another. we need a new type of system which works for the people, not against the people.

I have always prided myself on being "Partialy telepathic", but the aneros has helped me see even more that these so called "world leaders" do not have our best interests at heart.

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I have to agree with 'BF Mayfield' here about the need for the populace to vote in a democratic society. If we don’t vote, we abdicate our power to others to make decisions in our stead and often contrary to our own best interests. Regardless of your political persuasion, I urge you to exercise this unique privilege in the ongoing experiment called democracy. The more people who care enough to make informed decisions about their leaders and the issues , the stronger our democracy becomes. It may be an inefficient system but it is better than being dictated to by a powerful few or ruled by religious zealots.
Your vote counts, but not unless you exercise it!
As Mr. Mayfield said : “Whatever your political affiliation is......don't forget to VOTE !”

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I agree with Brian and Rumel completely!

I sent for my absentee ballot two months ago! (a quick and easy way not to stand
in lines at the pole!)

I too have friends and Family that use the "tweedle dumb and tweedle dee" analogy
as a reason to not use their constitutional right to vote! I have talked to them long
and hard to get them to see the light!

I have certain issues, that made it an easy choice for me and as soon as my ballot
is in my hand, I know who I will vote for! (I know . . . neither are perfect, but
I will vote for the man or woman that will support the most important of my
core views on life and living here in this free and diverse country!

Off my box now!

Later, Hlaser99

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I bumped this post from 8 years ago because I thought it relevant to @yankeecowboy 's post today. I am not particularly in favor of making political topics a basis of thread discussions in this Forum, however, I am a believer in our First Amendment's right to free speech. If @yankeecowboy wishes to express his heartfelt beliefs here, it is not my place to pass judgement on granting permission. Good Vibes to You !

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Dear friends,

I have no desire to politicize this forum, but to say that here in the USA, never was a national election as important as this one. Thus is the importance of performance this duty of American citizenship.

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Thank you for those words. Deeply and heartfelt appreciation. I kept my statement brief and by no means wish to bash anyone's beliefs in either candidate. In faCT I don't loom at the candidates anyway. I look at the philosophy and world view of the people who rally around them. And I choose to support the people who's philosophy coincides with mine. That is that. What I was most hopeful for back in the primary was for one candidate to speak up about an amendment to term limitations for Congress and senate. And now seeing the supreme court cannot be unbiased they should too. The purpose for a lifetime position was so they could not be politically swayed. That didn't work out. My hope ever since I started paying attention to politics back in August 2001 was that after reading common sense. Somebody could step forward and push for this. But nobody on either side would dare. They all love their power and position. I would love to see them all be mandated an 8 and out. That is all I have to say. If anyone is disgusted with the choices because of the candidates then look past them to the people.
What a time we live in! 🙂

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Dear friends,

I have no desire to politicize this forum, but to say that here in the USA, never was a national election as important as this one. Thus is the importance of performance this duty of American citizenship.

Bold above.
My question is: Why?

Surely every election is as important as this one?

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@lonewolf8, I have sent you a PM.

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Rather than not voting, consider voting for the Libertarian Johnson. Libertarians are pro personal choice, and this sends a message to the outdated duopoly parties that we have alternatives.

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