What are your most frequently said phrases/words during prostate stimulation? During Super O ? (Verbal or in thought)
I want to add some to my vocabulary.
Grunts, groans, and moans are usually all I can manage but one time I was in the midst of a Super O and was taken by the sight of my penis chilling there. I uttered "my cock" in a breathy low tone.
A lot of 'oh fuck', 'ooooh yes, theres the spot', 'fuck yes', 'holy shit', ' yes! right there', grunts, and moans.
Same as logik.
And also a lot of "thank you!"
As many above, lots of moaning, sighing, panting and a lot of "yessssssss"
I want to add some to my vocabulary.
You probably won't need to add anything to what your body/mind will dish out during the magic moment.
My turn . One of the phrases I think/whisper the most during the session is: "Go little ass , sucks this aneros".
During Super O I have a habit of whispering: "Where I am what's going on". Obviously it's a moment of madness. (laughs)
Another phrase I always use: "That's what you like is not little ass".
It's a little vulgar but it's the reality. Lol
I also have a lot of low moans. Many of the phrases you said too. Thanks for the answers
I am an atheist but in bed for some reason I really seem to love god...
Yes! Harder! Right there! Omg! Omfg! Fuck me! To name a few lol
My first one was “I accept” and that along with the phrases in Hypnaerosession like “Sliding deeper” helped.
Nowadays I sound an awful lot like @Helghast , especially saying “Fuck yeah! Fuck me!” hahah
I am an atheist but in bed for some reason I really seem to love god...
Too funny !