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Personal Greatest Experience With Aneros

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So this past weekend I had an experience with my girlfriend and Aneros that was so far beyond anything I had ever imagined possible, and its now created a new "Gold Standard" for us.

I thought I had acheived the highest of all highs with my aneros. I got to the multiple dry-o/super-o experience a couple of times. I haven't been able to achieve that level of success in a month or 2 though. So thinking I'd gone as high as you can, I was a little discouraged and disappointed...

Usher in a new era.

Quick version, I was extremely hungover from a wedding. Horrible, not wanting to get up and do anything, much less have sex... I couldn't physically without throwing up. Was in a bad place but was oddly horny. Really cruel trick the gods were playing on me. I told my girl and she said, "well, let's give it a try. Should we put in our toys?" Now because I was horny I was mentally trying to experience an aless session with some degree of success. I hesitated thinking I might be super dehydrated and that could possibly cause some issues with the aneros but I decided to give it a try. We both inserted our Aneros and off we went.

Everything started off looking like it was gonna be all for naught but when she started kissing all over my body the toy went to work. I quickly experienced 2 small dry-o's (with the second being stronger than the first) and then I pulled her up over me and slid my cock inside her. This is when things REALLY got good. During the actual sex I was still in control of my prostate pleasures. I was able to flex the PC muscle and start generating not only penile pleasure but internal prostate pleasure as well. This made my cock swell up so much so that my girlfriend was going nuts especially with her Aneros in place. She barely moved. Muscles shaking almost as if she herself was locked in pleasure.

I had 3 insanely intense prostate orgasms before I pulled out and finished off with a MOTHER LOAD of an orgasm that I can't even describe. I was uncontrollably loud, almost to the point of a scream. It was a stronger orgasm than I even remember from my first time ever masturbating. It was so so so unbelievably intense.

This was always my goal from the start of my Aneros journey. If it gets better from here, God help me.

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@ELS78 I am green with envy typing out this reply to your post. I am happy for you and hope someday I can experience what you experienced in intercourse.

I take it that you are a young dude.

Regardless of your age, what you described is where just about all of us men would like to go. Thanks for sharing a zenith moment in your love life and aneros life. Which toy did you use for this episode of sex???

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@ELS78 I’d love for you to elaborate a little more on the toy your girlfriend was using. I too am green with envy! I’ve tried to get my wife interested but no luck as of yet. I bought her the Aneros Evi which she used for 10 minutes and showed no interest. If you are willing i’d love to know what toy your girlfriend uses (only assuming it was Evi) and how/when it is incorporated when you are having sex. Looking forward to your reply!!

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@ELS78, you're an amazing writer, really able to paint a scene, thanks for sharing your vivid and quite arousing report. Be thankful for your fortune. I wish you both many more alike sessions.

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After all these years of posting here I can think of at least a dozen posts that I started as: "this was my best one ever" or my "most memorable one ever". Don't get me wrong ...I am not being critical of this inquiry. I would just edit it to say: some of the greatest sessions. I have had a lot of amazing sessions. There has been one common denominator in all of them. My best ones usually involved my wife either virtually of viscerally. The few that stand out for me are: the first time I had an aless super o while I was penetrating her vagina and the times I have MMOed with aneros while she sucked my nipples (these have been some really long sessions). A few weeks ago I had been writing erotica all afternoon which led to us making out before dinner. I was so turned on that I did an aless with my erection lodged in between her thighs as we kissed face to face. That orgasm went almost 90 minutes and produced an absurd amount of precum.

Several times over the last dozen or so years I have said this session was the best one to date ..... that pattern continues to this day.

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@Turnrow - thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked my story! This session was my ultimate goal of getting the aneros in the first place. Experience multiple orgasms in one session with my girl. I turned 40 this past March. About 2 weeks before my birthday I bought my first Aneros, helix trident. For this specific time, I used the peridise. It comes in a 2 pack with one being a bit larger than the other. I used the smaller one, my girlfriend used the larger one.

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@jekyll&hyde - we both used one of the 2 pack that you get when you order the peridise. She used the bigger one and I used the smaller one.

So I'll get a bit personal here. I started my journey because my sex drive was noticably lower and my girlfriend's as any woman in her later 30s was getting higher. Wanting her to be satisfied I was looking for ways to healthily increase my sex drive. Came across an article talking about prostate massage and reading comments on it heard for the first time how men can achieve a similar orgasm to the female orgasm without ever touching the penis. Obviously, this interested me greatly. I was/can be very vanilla in that I'm open to new experiences but never really chased them or explored them.

I used my Aneros for about 2 weeks before I told my girlfriend about it. I felt so guilty that I was hiding something I just sat her down and told her what I was doing and why. Ultimately, I wanted her to be happy with me not just today but also going forward for however long our lives intersect. Knowing my personality, she was floored at the lengths I had gone to in an effort to spark my inner freak. I won't go into detail but I tried a lot of things even pills that made me sick.

As soon as she understood why I was shoving something up my ass, she was instantly supportive and gave me time with it to get comfortable. This was the turning point for everything for me. I was able to relax and try to enjoy. One I had some success she and I would talk about it and she said "holy hell now I'm jealous! Do they work for women too!?" I told her that not having a prostate may hinder that but I'd do some research and see what I can find. I found a used in here who spoke of an experience talking to her husband on the phone who was in the military. She described a moment that I read to my girlfriend and that sold her that she wanted to try it. Well the first 2 times she put it in, she said it didn't do anything for her. On her 3rd attempt she said she felt something but it wasn't much but she said that she'd gotten better than she'd ever gotten while masturbating.

Now, a couple of months later, we still like to have anerosless sex but when we wanna take it to the next level, the aneros always come out.

Her first time climaxing with the anseros inserted changed everything. She came from me breathing hot breath on her vagina while I touched and kissed her all over. When I inserted my cock, her whole body locked up and she stopped responding to anything I said. She went to another place. When it was all over, all she could say was "I don't even understand how that works... But holy hell!"

It took some practice for me to be able to differentiate muscles while having intercourse with Aneros and I'm not saying I have it mastered but when I do... Oh man, I can't even imagine...

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@SOwithoutAneros - thank you and I hope you and anyone else trying to achieve the same results really do get to experience it. It's not only a magical exoerexper but it's brought us exponentially closer together.

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@gnawdol - I appreciate the input. I use these posts to give myself a place where I can reflect on my experiences and I title them in a way that is true to what I'm feeling at the time. It's kinda fun to go back and read and watch your progression.

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@ELS78 Bro. Thanks for taking time to answer and explain to us men how you got to where you are. I think most married men/anerosans dream of doing just what you are doing in sex with your sweetie.

I know for myself, my use of the aneros toys is to jumpstart and awaken my prostate for better erections in intercourse following the lead of many men, even you, who state that aneros use makes a dramatic impact on both their potency and sex drive.

All the best to you, man, and I hope you keep posting.

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@ELS78 I love what you and your lady are doing! I actually use Aneros on my wife quite a bit. Of course they are cleaned to the maximum 😉 I use them like a dildo on her, vaginally. They do the most amazing things to her G-spot, it's insane. The Eupho is really really cool, it seems to do a lot, she asks for it deep with that one. The Progasm Jr. you wouldn't think would be that great, but here's what it does. It goes in, it's so silky smooth. Then the P-tab kind of anchors next to her clit and the K-tab anchors right at/almost in her anus. This drove her the F wild first time! And the toy just stays there it doesn't really move. But her vaginal canal is moving around, the tissue kind of moves in and out on its own so the toy slightly moves and her vagina is responding and it kind of fucks her by staying almost completely still. But it's a damn wild ride for her the whole time! Oh she likes the Helix too, bigger head on that one but the angle sets her off. The peridise are fun too, they don't stay in on their own as well.

What's really amazing is pushing the toy into her and then hands off. Some toys slowly rotate all on their own, and they come out about half way and then get sucked in quite fast and hard. And during her orgasms you can see the response in the toy as it moves around and reacts to the vaginal contractions. (If you're really into the vulva like I am, you will be in absolute awe the whole time and think about it all the time!)

If you upgrade anytime els78, your partner will thank you. She's already into this stuff and using one! Next step is something that stimulates the prostate more intensely, because if it stimulates our prostate really well, you can be sure it will do amazing things to her g-spot. I know first hand! (She knows too!)

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I know first hand! (She knows too!)

Thanks for that vivid description. Drool. Some guys have all the luck, enviable!

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@ELS78 @techpump I’m happy to hear that there are other woman wich use aneros. (There are seldom other women who post here so I feel like a freak sneaking around here all alone with you guys). We use the pair of peridise. And I promise to test the other ones vaginally as soon as possible. (I’m not very fond of sex toys for me, what turns me on is to se my better half enjoy what we are doing together or what I do for him).

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@ELS78 @techpump I’m happy to hear that there are other woman wich use aneros. (There are seldom other women who post here so I feel like a freak sneaking around here all alone with you guys). We use the pair of peridise. And I promise to test the other ones vaginally as soon as possible. (I’m not very fond of sex toys for me, what turns me on is to se my better half enjoy what we are doing together or what I do for him).

My wife isn't into so much solo play with insertable toys. She prefers vibes for her clit. When I'm with her, toys that go in her are more fun for her and she gets off easier and often. You and your lover should be together when you try the Peridise vaginally. They are small and subtle but you should like them just fine! Have fun 🙂

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