Perineum Tab, How t...
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Perineum Tab, How to Make Pleasurable?

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so the perineum tab is supposed to press the perineum and somehow it will become pleasurable. But If I touch and press it now with finger. It doesn't feel anything. So in what circumstances that perineum could become pleasurable?

How to make it pleasurable?

What if the perineum tab missed the point in my perineum point? Because most of my session, the perineum tab is doing nothing.

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The p-tab is primarily a pivot. It allows the tip of the device to move more decisively against the prostate.

The secondary effect is that there is a bundle of nerves in that area on the perineum which can become sensitive to pressure.

As with anything to do with novel stimulation (eg. prostate, nipple, perineum) the brain/body takes time to learn to be receptive to something that's not been stimulated before.

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Not to mention that it can take time for your body can grow accustomed to the toy to the point that the P-tab rests where it should.  I believed for a year that the P-tab wasn't hitting the right spot, I was wrong.

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Make sure it doesn’t get wet with lube, for minimum slipping. The perineum is a convex and it is better for it to rest on top, not to the side where it can be less pleasurable or even irritating.

To find pleasure in that area, perhaps try discovering it without your toy. Get aroused without touching your penis. Then gently search for sensations with your fingers. Try light caresses as well as deeper massages. See if you can feel pressure on your prostate by pressing certain areas. If you have a partner, get aroused with them. Spread your legs and have them play with just your perineum for a while (and do something special for them in exchange). Try the same thing while erect and masturbating. Try it on your back. On all fours. In the shower... It is important to get to know every part of the body intimately, and to direct one’s focus to unlock the subtle sensations that are to be gleaned. There are very few who feel incredible sensations the first time, be it for nipples, perineum, prostate, or any body part, and for the rest it takes exploration and re-wiring.

I am far along on my journey, and personally, with no toy, this zone is very pleasureful when it comes to rubbing/massage, especially when very aroused with what could be described as blue balls. With a toy, the zone actually is less pleasureful BUT all I have to do is place a finger on it and it sends me into orgasms. For example, I will place a finger on either side of the ptab and massage. Or I will massage when using the njoy wand, which lacks a ptab. Long before I knew about prostate play I would have girlfriends rub my perineum while I came. Try that. It’s good fun. 

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In my experience, the p-tab will do its work when the time is right.

My expectation was that the p-tab would fuck in-and-out... press on a certain spot and go to town on it. But the best sensations I've had from that area was from the p-tab just sliding around subtly... forward and back, left and right... not in and out.

But it only seems to be reactive like this when my prostate is already engaged. Then it seems like there are two sensations happening at once. One high up in my rectal canal, and another on the perineum... and they both seem to work together, sending electrical arcs of pleasure across some unknown space.

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