Peridise for Women
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Peridise for Women

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While I an the proud owner of three Aneros, I am considering the new Peridise as well. Having practiced Tantra for several years as well as having rewired myself from useing the Aneros, I am able to have multiples without ejaculation. However, through the rewiring process I was able to harness the energy found in my nipples. Don't get me wrong, I love genital stimulation but it is so localized. Another benefit of rewiring is that other parts of my body can now provide intense pleasure.

Not long ago I was getting a very nice sensual massage (no genital stimulation) and as she was working on my inner thighs, chest and especially abdomen, I had a series of mini O's. Another time the same thing happened and I lightly stimulated my nipples and had several O's and on my last one I ejaculated (no cock stimulation).

Now for my question!!! Can women rewire thmselves by using the Peridise? I REALLY REALLY REALLY want my wife to experience what I am. I am in the process of teaching her about g-spot stimulation and ejaculation. She is enjoying that alot. She is a little hesitant about anal play but I think she might change her mind if she tried the Peridise.

Is the process the same as far as the contractions go? Also, when she breast fed years ago it was very painful and now she is not big on nipple play 🙁 Does the Peridise help to make that conection in women like in men and can women get the same pleasure waves without clitoral or vaginal stimulation?

Any feedback would be soooooooo appreciated.

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Although I haven't had the Peridise do much for me yet, I'm also hoping it will rewire me in some way eventually. I do know that every time I've used it the experience has felt different and the last time I used it I was really able to isolate my anal muscles separate from my pelvic muscles. (And then I fell asleep lol. Just a bit too relaxed.)

Hubby stimulates my G-Spot quite well, but he normally only does it during oral sex; not sure we've ever tried him concentrating solely on that, maybe we'll try that this weekend. One thing I will be eternally grateful to him for is waking up my breasts. My neck and my feet are extremely sensitive but my nipples had almost no feeling in them at all for most of my life; when we got back together he started being much rougher with them and actually suckling them hard and gradually they "woke up". I have the most outrageous feelings when he does this, not an orgasm-unless he's stimulating me down there as well-but more of a "heartgasm", a feeling that builds and builds in my chest until I think I'm going to explode from the pleasure. I remain extraordinarily sensitive for about 24 hours or so, even my own arm brushing them gives me a shiver, and then it subsides. Maybe doing this in reverse-being extremely gentle with your wife's and only stimulating them for 30 seconds or how ever long she will tolerate it at first-would help her enjoy it more. I would assume that if I can ever get the Peridise to work for me and hubby is stimulating my breasts at the same time the earth is going to move. 😉

Anal sex is something we both enjoy, not too often, it's more of a special treat or something we do if we get really worked up. (In fact, I requested we do this on Mother's Day. We made love both having the Peridise inserted, then he removed mine and replaced it with himself. I was hoping either one of us would get more out of the experience by using the Peridise, but except for him usually being harder with it in it didn't seem to add much to it. Maybe next time.) I feel comfortable having anal sex with him because he constanty worries about whether I'm okay, going slowly and making sure we are both well lubed; the first thing he always says when we're done is "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?", which he never has. The Peridise is so small that I can't see anyone not being comfortable having it inside, even the largest size, it might very well be a good starting point.

It doesn't seem like there's enough information yet about women and the Peridise to be able to say if it will reliably "rewire" us, but logically why wouldn't it? Best of luck with your wife, and like everyone says here, enjoy the journey. 😀

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Moving this up so maybe more folks will answer. Seems like a good question to be explored.

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Hey Tantricguy and buttercup!

First I want to say thanks to buttercup for going in to details about her experience and thanks to Tantricguy for bringing a good topic. 🙂

I will say upfront that I am not big expert on female sexuality. There are some things I do know and will try to share about females wet and dry "O"s .

First of all - wet "O" is one of the way females can go in to long lasting orgasm with ejaculation there is technique, I did not invent it I learned and almost every female falls in love with it. Here is a link to a movie where fella describes it and shows how to use it.

Above method can as you say rewire you to be able to go on with dry multiples. Rewiring process itself is a change of how you look at an orgasm. You will notice in your life you had one orgasm that felt good, another felt like world was shaking and you might have had an orgasm that you though was just out of control and lasted more than you ever believed possible.
The reason for this is not because orgasms are just different, but because you were in a different mental state. Both females and males can have orgasms invoked by their mind and then body responds, I can do it and I described how in another topic.
So your mental state is what really causes these orgasms to appear and ultimately you can orgasm by stimulating your nose(or any other part of your body) if you want to.

It is also best to practice multiples on your own so that you get a grip of how to get there. Patience is the key, this experience can come fast but can take some time.

Also, buttercup are you sure that you need to separate those muscles? I think it would work much better for a female if you have contractions going in pelvic region.

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Hi BoP! No, I'm not sure I need to separate the muscles, but it was interesting to me to be able to. I've done Kegels since I was a teenager so I knew how to tighten the entire area; being able to do 2 areas one at a time may help tighten both areas better, something I need after having 2 kids, lol.

Thanks for the link, I'll (we'll) have to watch it when the kids aren't in the room as they are now.

B Mayfield
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"Rewiring" is a term that I coined some time ago to describe the transformation from the traditional (ejaculatory) orgasm to the non-ejaculatory (Super O) type. These changes occur both on a physical (neural) and mental (psychological) levels. There is no question, that any Aneros (including the Peridise) can play a role in this, but as BoP has so eloquently described, it is only a part of the process. It all begins by having the intention of approaching an orgasm differently.

As many have said, it IS possible to discover this kind of orgasm without the Aneros. The main benefit of the Aneros is that it lowers the bar for attaining it by generating a potent form of stimulation that is distinct from anything out of the traditional model.

Traditional orgasms rely heavily on penile stimulation, varying intensity and duration to trigger the physiological process of ejaculation with a simultaneous orgasm. Generating and amplifying arousal are the keys to building a Super Orgasm. The advantage of the non-ejaculatory path is that one may use many different kinds of stimulation for this process; anal, rectal, prostate, penile, and nipple stimulation ...all of the obvious erogenous zones are fair game. In addition to these, many more possibilities exist. Virtually any area of the body that responds to tactile stimulation is worthy of exploration. Learning to perceive, amplify and channel the sensation that results from this stimulation to generate higher levels of arousal is what the Super O is all about.

With respect to reprogramming nipples, I suggested a method some years ago that involved coupling stimuli to make nipples responsive. At one time I was in a relationship with a lady whose nipples had never been responsive to begin with, in fact, she was "turned off" by this kind of stimulation. What I did was to pair clitoral stimulation, which she was intensely aroused by, with nipple stimulation...(she routinely climaxed from manual stimulation of her clitoris.) Over a period of six weeks or so using my mouth on her nipples and my hand on her clitoris she came to enjoy nipple stimulation immensely.

I should mention that I started VERY slowly, focusing my attention on the areas surrounding her nipples first, progressing to her areolas over time. It was several weeks before my tongue made it's way directly onto her nipples. At all times the stimulation was of very subtle intensity topside......and again was coupled with clitoral stimulation. Eventually we got to a point to where I was actually able to bring on orgasms for her with nipple stimulation alone!

By the way, be open to your partner having a nipple preference. I do myself, for some reason my left nipple if far more sensitive than the right. It also seems more connected to my second chakra. I've been told that the left side of the body is sometimes known (in energetic terms) as the receiving side, perhaps this plays a role. Whatever the case may be, be on the lookout for this.

Check it out!

BF Mayfield

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Brian, do you ever find that which nipple responds the best changes for you? Most of the time I am more responsive in the one, but sometimes the other one is the one that feels the best and I never know how it's going to work out. They each do have very definite separate responses, and it's the stimulation of both that builds up the explosive feeling for me.

Also, in regards to erogenous zones, my feet are extremely responsive if enough time is taken with them; unfortunately hubby has only truly concentrated on them once, although you'd think the powerfulness of my response would have been enough to encourage him to do it again. He does however concentrate on my neck and ears, which work equally as well. When I was a child I couldn't stand to have another child whisper in my ear because it gave me the shivers and it still does. 😆

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Hi buttercup, Tantricguy, BoP, B Mayfield!

What a great thread! Thanks BoP for the video. Mrs. a and I have been doing some massage, particularly her treating my mangled back, and we will be doing more soon as the weather warms. BoP, your discussions in your threads/replies about the erotic-body/mind and mental triggering are so important. I would like to hear more specifics from your experience.

As I have posted elsewhere previously, we began our explorations about a year and half ago focused on her prostate (G-spot) and ejaculatory-O potential and have had great success with a slower, gentler, more gradual stimulation and build-up. Resulting in copious volumes of the amazing fluid, the "flowing waters of the goddess". We are no longer young and in a hurry... I do appreciate the video and the techniques and their interrelationships.

Clearly many things are possible, following different paths in our journeys, as is often said here. But this is also a layered mapping of shared journey journals and the patterns in the overlays of common ground as well as the range of route options is so interesting and invigorating.

Tantricguy, yours and your wife's, situation is quite similar to ours in some key ways, just as buttercup and hubby are a gender reversal mirror image in several ways too. It is so wonderful to able to share and map at this level of detail, trust and joy! Thanks again Brian for setting such a high standard!

Tantricguy, can you describe the elements of Tantra in your partnered practice. We too are contemplating testing and exploring with the Peridise set. Let's all keep in touch as we continue exploring the couples mutual practices. All the best to all.


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Just to clarify, when I refer to being "responsive" I'm really talking about awakening the nipples as an erogenous zone, so that one is capable of experiencing pleasure from their stimulation. No doubt there are individuals that can perceive sensation in their nipples, but the sensation may not present itself as a sexual one to may even be irritating. (The lady that I mentioned was a case in point).

To answer your question, with the lady above, she was much like you, eventually both of her nipples responded and she seemed to be orgasmic with both and yes, at times it would seem that one was more attuned than the other.

In my own case....I'm a lefty no question about it. My left nipple is a total joy button at this point, referring sensations directly to my prostate. I had no less than 12 orgasms last night just from stimulating my left nipple with my finger tip.

The millennias old practices of Acupuncture and Acupressure testify to the validity of the concept of the feet being a major energetic center in the body. It is also an extremely powerful erogenous zone, one over-looked by most people these days. While foot and toe stimulation was raised to the level of absurdity with cartoon depictions of "foot fetishists" some years ago, foot stimulation can actually be a very potent source of erotic stimulation within the context of an evolving and open sexual relationship. When I was first introduced to this, I was struck immediately with the intensity of the sensation and the way in which it seemed to fire straight up my legs and into my crotch! ( goes straight into my prostate)

I wrote about this some years ago and didn't have many "takers" at the time here in the forum (the same was true of nipple stimulation but that has since changed!). Hopefully others will explore and discover the many delights of "pedal" pleasures as well.

Buttercup, if you enjoy this, might I suggest that you simply ask for it. As an alternative, you might consider reciprocating with your partner, and see if you can turn him on with it. The chances are that he will be impressed with the magnitude of the sensations that are possible using this technique and that he will see the light. If things seem to go well with it, you might also add a slow but feather-light touch of your fingers tips on the inside of his calves moving toward the inside of his thighs (always repeating the stroke from the foot back and forth). This will accentuate the energetic flow upwards and if he's like me, he should have an erection in short order! If he'll certainly know that you've hit pay dirt!

By the way, if you find that he's is ticklish, try using broader methods...taking several toes in your mouth at once and holding them there, allowing him to become accustomed to the moist warmth of your mouth for a while prior to more pointed stimulation with your tongue. Oh....almost forgot, fingers are GREAT too and often a nice prelude before sinking down to the lower extremities.



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Hi Brian,

Very nice icon!

Is Rumel giving classes?


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Forgive me if I already asked the question. I want to find out if any of the women out there have used the Peridise like we use the other Aneros syimulators. I am interested in my wife and I both inserting the Peridise and just relaxing and waiting for involuntaries. Can women get the anal involuntary contractions too? I was hoping for us to both avoid genital stim and just focus on the involuntaries or enjoy nipple stim as a way to rewire. I'm just curious if women have done this and if so tell us about it.

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Forgive me if I already asked the question. I want to find out if any of the women out there have used the Peridise like we use the other Aneros syimulators. I am interested in my wife and I both inserting the Peridise and just relaxing and waiting for . Can women get the anal involuntary contractions too? I was hoping for us to both avoid genital stim and just focus on the involuntaries or enjoy nipple stim as a way to rewire. I'm just curious if women have done this and if so tell us about it.

Involuntary contractions are result of muscle being stressed little bit for a period of time, same as when you are lifting something you can have your muscles shake, what we do here though is use gentle tension and after time it begins to contract. It's they way muscles work so yes both females and males have it.

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The video appears to be very educational, but I haven't had a chance to try anything I've learned yet. Unfortunately, the link to the video no longer works.

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The video appears to be very educational, but I haven't had a chance to try anything I've learned yet. Unfortunately, the link to the video no longer works.

What happened to the link to the video? I was planning on watching it but it shows error when you click on it. Anyone else have a suggestion?

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The video has been on you porn for some time
if I have done it right this link should work.

Sorry this link is for a different video that has already been posted on another thread,
but I'm sure I have seen this one somewhere else, if I find it I'll let you know.

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The video has been on you porn for some time
if I have done it right this link should work.

Sorry this link is for a different video that has already been posted on another thread,
but I'm sure I have seen this one somewhere else, if I find it I'll let you know.

Yea, that is the video in another thread. I think I have found it @

If that is the same one, let me know. I did not see the other one, but this one is good.

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Yes that is the right one, but your one is only 5mins long the original is over 36mins long,
he gives a long talk at the beginning and at the end, and the massage is nice and slow in the build up.
I have the full version saved on my hard disc in windows media player.
