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I just received my Peridise today and tried it for the first time. I was met with a constant worry that it would slip inside and I'd have to head to the ER. Is this is a groundless fear?

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Posted by: @itsmemario

I was met with a constant worry that it would slip inside and I'd have to head to the ER. Is this is a groundless fear?

While I haven't read of any reports of the Peridise ever being drawn inside a user's rectum since this product was introduced many years ago, I can appreciate your concern. There is a simple solution. Drill a small hole in the base and attach a lanyard. It took my about 5 minutes to accomplish this simple security leash as shown in this photograph. If it ever were to be drawn in, you'd have a ready made retrieval method, no Emergency Room trip required.

Good Vibes to You!

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Also consider that for the base to go inside you, your anal sphincters would have to be very relaxed so your anal opening gets large enough for the base to slip inside, AND you would have to be pulling hard to suck it in. I don't believe that it's possible to do both at the same time (pushing AND pulling), and just like @rumel, I never heard about anyone ever having an issue with the Peridise. 

The only situation I could imagine it being drawn in is going from something pretty big that leaves you dilated and switching straight to the Peridise (like having anal sex or using a big plug). If you intend to do this, then @rumel's idea is a very good one. You may want to do it anyway, as being stressed about a possible issue will prevent you from relaxing and enjoying your toy, and you can easily remove the lanyard later on if you end up being comfortable using the toy "as is".

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