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Penis, NOT!

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I just read this thread for the first time and was blown away. What wonderful advice....for everyone. At one point you say that the guys who get results right away are at the same time blessed and cursed. I completely agree. Truthfully I would lean a bit more towards the cursed side however. The journey for me has been so rewarding. Through my efforts with my aneros I have learned so much about my body and about myself as a man. I believe that anyone who gets 'there' too quickly is robbed of the journey of self discovery that is so rewarding.

Wonderful needs to continue to get I'm doing my part!

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In reading a lot of the old and new threads in the forum, it's starting to slowly sink in that patience and hard work pays more dividends than instant gratification When starting on such journey, all newbies are disappointed when nothing happens in their first sessions. Some are more frustrated than others and feel compelled to write about it in the forum even if the Wiki and thousands of other posts warned you about leaving expectations at the door.

For me, not having reached the Dry-O and Super-O levels yet, during my sessions, I often find myself 'looking' for twitches or sensations in my penis instead of widening the radar to other vital parts of the area. I guess, not knowing any other orgasmic feeling than the traditional-O I experienced since I was a young pup makes my mind focus in the wrong direction. I read about it, I understand it and I try hard but the brains steers me in the direction where success is plentiful and rewarding. I have come to realise that my brain is not my ally in the so called rewiring process. It is hard work to challenge your mind in not controlling the events at hand and this is part of what defines 'hard work will one day pay greater dividends'.

Don't get me wrong, in my whole 6 months of back door play and Aneros sessions, I feel I have made great strides in discovering parts of my body I never knew existed both from a physical and sensation point of view. I feel better, I get up less in the middle of the night, I have strong erections (from almost non existent) and etc. For me, at my stage, I have no 'dud' sessions.

In my last few sessions, I decided to pay less attention to penile sensations and more at what my Helyx Syn is doing to my prostate and I feel that more progress is eminent. Today, I read the initial post from Cockadoodle; It is very well written and for sure should be read by all newbies. (thank you Karvek1959 for bringing it up). It might or might not work for everyone but any newbie should have the choice to try some of the recipes that provided success to valued members. I certainly have tried many suggestions from the group and have new feelings as a result. Do not stop sharing your stories!

Thank you Cockadoodle, well written and thank you Rumel for your wisdom and guidance.

Happy journey to all newbies.


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If this post is not pinned at the top. I will be bumping it every so often. This is like GOLD to any beginners guide to using the aneros. Great job and way of writing it so we can all understand.


As much as we say it though cockadoodle, some people still have to be constantly reminded.

Affirmative! And therefore another bump and another STANDING OVATION on this heavenly worded post of wisdom by @Cockadoodle, thanks a lot!

Btw, I like my erections, mostly long and diamond hard, but even only companions of my blissful sessions and far behind the overwhelming new sensations.

Only reading over your initial post and internalizing your thesis, @Cockadoodle, just sent me into half an hour of Aless bliss and I just give in to new involuntaries, OMG!

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I'm not sure if this post will end up as a "sticky" on the board, or be trashed with the not-so-important, but I have to write it anyway. This is directed at all of us, but specifically to answer what I have come to realize is an oft-repeated and disquieting trend I see in many posts.

In many posts, and I am taking an intuitive leap here, especially from new members of the community, I have seen too many comments such as: "I didn't get any erection" or "I don't feel a thing" or "I've tried and tried" or words to that effect. Yes?

Too many new users seem to think you should be able to insert your Aneros and BAM! Orgasm city. Massive erection! No-hands orgasm. Nah...not gonna happen, at least not most of the time.

Well pardon me if I go metaphysical on you, but I am compelled to write and to remind you, especially you newer guys, the Aneros experience is NOT about your penis!

As men, we have been inundated, ruined if you will, by a focus on our "package". Pornography, video, porn sites, discussions of "does size matter", masturbation, intercourse, traditional orgasm, etc., all focused on one thing: Your Dick! It's no wonder that when one comes to discover yet another means to orgasm, men naturally think of it in relation to their penis! It's natural, but, in my humble opinion, it's at least. So, for what it's worth, you need a new paradigm. You need a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or assumptions.

Let me start by relating the oft-told story of Vince Lombardi. Every year, with a new batch of rookies to the NFL, Vince would hold up a ball. He would say, "gentlemen, this is a football." It was his way of reminding them that his was an approach that stressed the basics. In baseball terms, it isn't about home runs, it's about strikeouts, singles and doubles.

The reason I'm saying this is simple. The Aneros experience is just experience, a journey, a marathon. And you can't expect to enjoy all the fruits of experience without some of the disappointment of failures along the way. Just because you pick up a golf club doesn't mean you're Tiger Woods...just because you're driving a car doesn't make you Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

The Aneros experience seeks to get men where women have been able to go for centuries. Women have always know that orgasm is not an event. It's a state of being! And for us, the Aneros experience offers us the same thing...but you have to remember that it's NOT about your Penis. In fact, leave the damn thing alone when you're working on your Aneros experience. It'll still be there the next time you want to use it for other stuff!

As you know, we even have music to go with these things. Why? To help you to free yourself from your fixation on your penis, and the mental garbage mentioned earlier, and to help move you closer to a new state of being...a new self-realization...a different level of consciousness. Believe me, it's worth the work and the wait.

So guys, remember, your Aneros session CAN result a nice full erection, but it's a BONUS not the end in itself. In fact, as many can attest, many wonderful sessions with an Aneros will be had with the limpest of dicks. No erection, no seminal discharge. But dry orgasm...coming over and over and over and over....with no erection. It's not about your penis. It'll come along for the ride at times, and it's very pleasant when it does, but don't make it about that.

Nope, boys. In my humble opinion, the Aneros experience, i.e. state of mind, is about a new self-reality. I have found that almost no two Aneros sessions where I achieve Super O's is the same. There is always a different build up, more or less time, greater or lesser intensity....oh, no, your first Super O is only the beginning of the trip, not the end. It is the beginning of a new state of being for yourself, and perhaps for your partner...but don't rush it. Oh, and remember, some days your prostate just won't cooperate. Learn early to recognize when it ain't working, and pull the "plug". Tomorrow is another day.

Lucky, or cursed, is the man who has early success. I have seen many instances of people who succeed quickly, without paying their dues, learning the process, getting in tune with their bodies, who fail later on for lack of experience. With your Aneros, experience with your own body, with how you use it, how it works for you, changing models if necessary, all work to broaden your horizons and help you realize the new state of self-realization that comes with your new toy.

Embrace the challenge. Many are the guys in this community, including me, who initially thought they might never reach the awakening of their prostate...especially after many, many years of inactivity. It took me months. But little by little, P-waves, moments of pleasure, sometime after several frustrating hours of working at it...but eventually, I learned, I grew, and I experienced the altered state that the Aneros experience can deliver. Anything worth having is worth working for.'s not about your penis, boys. The sooner you learn that and relax, relax, relax, the sooner you'll be on your way.

Great post. I agree!

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Wow, wasn't planning on having a session tonight but I believe this inspired me! Very insightful indeed!

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Thank you for this guide. I think a good place to start is with the ideas that everything you know about the penis, think the opposite or get rid of it entirely. Easier said than done. I catch myself almost every time working toward the results. As an example, while I can trigger involuntaries with some repeatability, this actually could become a trap because the success of this is reinforcing the effort equals result.

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A lot of good advice in the original post, I agree. I just make a conscious decision to have two basic types of orgasms i.e. penile vs prostate and discipline myself not to let the one start entangling with the other. After 33 years of traditional penis-based orgasms it feels healthy to discover a whole new realm of pleasure and refocus away from the penis, which can only be a more balanced thing, I feel. Getting older means one cannot automatically rely on the excitation of the penis anyway, so why keep on pushing (or pulling!) it?

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Yes, it's not about your penis. One thing that I have found that gets your mind off of your penis is to lock you dick in a CHASTITY CAGE. The best type of cage for this purpose is the plastic or silicone type that completely encases your dick to the point where is no penal stimulation of at all. A metal cage will work but that type does not isolate you dick as well as the plastic or silicone types. The isolation created by the cage causes you to focus on the wonderful sensations going on in you anal canal and postate. The cage taking your dick out of the equation, along with listening to new wave electronic music puts me in a relaxed state where I can focus on my what's going on in my ass and prostate. I go for hours. Wonderful sensations build and then subside. I rest for several minutes and trying not to contract, but they seen to start all over again on their own no matter how hard I try not to contract and then the sensations build again. These events keep building, subsiding and restarting over and over again until I get tired or sore. When that happens I reluctantly have to remove the device from my ass. There's a feeling of emptiness. It's as if I NEED something in my ass. If it were possible I'd wear one of my Aneros tools constantly. It just feels so damn good when you walk around with the device, Maximus, Mgx or Peridise, doing it's magic in your anal canal and on your prostate.

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I tried to have a hands-free O with Aneros and dildos, etc. for 10 years. 10. YEARS. Never really "felt" like I had an orgasm during that time while using prostate stimulators. Then my wife was using a glass gspot dildo that I had already had for several years and got me close one night, and I had to take over and grabbed it and just pushed it like an inch deeper in me and BLAMMO there it was! It was like a 5 second disco in our bedroom, the whole world changed around me, lights, pulsation, it was like a rave for a few seconds, it was surreal and strange and beautiful and magical and subliminal and right there in my face. Next time I was alone I knew I could have a prostate O without having to really try so hard.

That was it: it was that I was TRYING to have a prostate O hands free for years to no avail because I was TRYING. Once I realized that I didn't have to try, that it happens and I know what it feels like, I didn't care to try anymore. I just laid down, put the MGX in, and no less than 5 minutes later I was having a serious Pspot O. Then a few minutes later, another, and after about 4 more sessions I had so many different kinds of Os all different strengths and durations, I wondered "where is the super O?" Then I had one, and it was one I didn't know could be so powerful and so vacant in strength at the same time. My super Os have immense build ups, and then it's like washing over me with a superior calm. Just like I don't have to breathe at all, its so peaceful and wonderful. The toy is moving in me, my heart is beating, I'm totally there, but it's not like this "pounding and the toy is fucking the shit out of me and I'm cuuummmming!!!" feeling. I have Os like that, but they aren't my super Os. So strange.

That's my point: prostate orgasms are all so different that I think early Aneros users imagine that they are going to have something that transcends the normal penile orgasm/ejaculation. That's what I did. I did it every day for years and years. I just assumed that I'd get an erection out of control as the toy moved on its own inside me and then something otherworldly in intensity would happen--something that I knew I had never felt before--and then my cock would be spewing cum and I would be groveling in mad delight. I've never had that. But others have!!! Or in between. Like penises, or faces, or whatever, every man is different and unique. Therefore, each man's orgasms are unique, and their prostate anatomy is a little different, and their prostate orgasms (or potential for them) is unique, too.

I haven't read the OP's post before, and it's superb. It echoes what I've read on this forum for 10 years. It is evocative of the numerous PMs and forum advice I have given. It sounds like what we strive to tell our "young grasshoppers" out there when they venture into the world of unlimited male orgasms. It is so strange, new and different when we first try it. Whether it is a major O machine after the first 5 minutes of first use, or it takes years before the first prostate O happens, it's strangeness is certainly something all of us Aneros users can agree on. The first time I saw Aneros was in 2004, when only the SGX and MGX were offered for sale. I said "wait, something I can put in my ass and have not only extremely more powerful traditional orgasm/ejaculation, but hands-free prostate orgasms?? No fucking way! I gotta try!" But, it wasn't so simple. But it IS so simple!

I guess what I really wanted to say through this long post (sorry y'all!) is that instead of TRYING to have a prostate O, beginners should just be concerned with WAITING to have one. Wait for it, don't try. It will happen. Just let it. And don't expect the "world to quake" like women who read passion novels thought their first sexual encounter would feel like. When you read those accounts, women say "the earth did not move" but they say "something moved!" Treat Aneros use in the beginning like that.

Something is moving.
Now, let it move you.

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