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Out of body

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I thought I would ask you guys about your "out of body" body experiences and how far you've actually been able to go. That could be a bit difficult to explain I know!

i ask because during some sessions with my helix I can reach a state of mind where I feel like I'm floating away further and further with each contraction but to a point where I my mind gets panicked and I sort of wake up out of orgasm.

That probably makes no sense but I'm wondering if anyone has had the same experience as me and if you've managed to get past the stage of panic and how far you've gone. Also any tips to help me would be appreciated 🙂

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Oh wow, this brings back memories. Back around 1990 [long before aneros] I had picked up the ESO book, read it and started experimenting. Had some 9 hour sessions. I would have mini dry orgasms, climbing the ladder ever higher, floating similar to what you described ... I never panicked though. I'd sometimes get up to pee, but I'd be able to return to it. A few times my roommate checked in on me 🙂 good thing I always wear underwear [briefs and an undershirt usually] during a session. If you are worried you might go to long and miss something important, you could set an alarm. I was a grad student at the time. I'd be finished mid-terms, exams, or papers then on a weekend treat myself 🙂 talk about a way to de-stress!

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I have the same. Totally makes sense to
me. Last time I was in this floating orgasmic state I tried to put these different level orgasms (both physical and mental) into a pyramid of sorts, or a circle of pleasure (the orgasms re-circle).

Level 1: Relaxation
Level 2: Noise Elimination
Level 3: Auto Contractions
Level 4: Prostate P-Waves
Level 5: Dry-O
Level 6: Floating, Loss of Direction
Level 7: Whole Body Waves
Level 8: Mental-Orgasm
Level 9: Loss of Time and Space
Level 10: Physical Super Orgasm
Level 11: Mental Super Orgasm
Level 12: Complete Out of Body Experience

Last level for me (Level 12) is the feeing of ultimate trance, almost godlike. Close to heaven if such ever existed. Pleasure is fully in my mind, it is unbelievable, and I have no sense of physical body.

Level X: Combined Level 10 and Level 11 Super Os at the same time - this is the the most stimulating type of orgasm. It activates all physical and mental outlets. Only had it once. I think it requires to keep up the physical contractions whilst allowing thyself to drift into trance.

It is hard to define this well as I haven't had a session for a while sadly. At the time of having these I came up with more complex, more beautiful definitions

Levels 1-12 is my ultimate session, happens every 5 sessions or so. Sometimes requires help (weed). Not always. I only have a session about once a month. So it is rare

Most often I go 1-4. Sometimes 1-8

Level X is great, but might have been a red herring. So I don't count on it happening again.

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Wow thanks for the replies. Well I've definitely experienced levels 1-10 so it's exciting to know I can still reach higher levels. It makes sense now, my panic sets in as I am building up to level 11, I think I feel my mind starts to loose control and that's what I'm afraid of. I will try to relax a bit more, reassure myself that I'm safe and I will come back into the room (if you know what I mean)

what decice are are you using to get to these levels? I'm very sure there is more to discover for me with classic helix Ive had for a few years, but I have also just ordered my 2nd device, a progasm ice for something a bit different. Can't wait to give it a go!

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I think I feel my mind starts to loose control and that's what I'm afraid of. I will try to relax a bit more, reassure myself that I'm safe and I will come back into the room (if you know what I mean)

I can relate. I know it sounds old but the answer is (as always): give in, let go and surrender. The thing is, the fear can get quite strong and surrendering might feel like certain death awaits you. Surrender anyway (Spoiler: you won't die). Super-O's have an emotional dimension and can dig out old memories or traumas. Such an emotional release (and relief) can end up in a full blown catharsis: crying/sobing, laughting/giggling...

Surrendering can also be a huge turn on - you might feel like a total slut but that's fine. The amount of lust and arousal you can draw from surrender is mind boggling. I'd say it's the female counterpart to the male agressive "I want to bury my dick in it"-feeling. You know, when you are losing your mind to lust and you couldn't tell if the sex is consensual anymore in that very moment (because you are so high you don't care anymore). A few times in my life, I was quite shocked when I came back to my senses. Like returning from the Hulk to Bruce Banner and thinking: thank god I checked that she was in the mood ahead of time. Sry, I digressed... 🙁

So yeah, the slutty female counterpart of Hulk McRapeface, that's what surrender can lead to.

Cheers, Unfug

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... my panic sets in as I am building up ... I feel my mind starts to loose control and that's what I'm afraid of.

Over on the KSMO Forum they have termed this phenomenon "Terror at the Gates" ! @Unfug 's advice to "...give in, let go and surrender." is well reasoned as discussed in the thread "Just Let Go !". The control your ego thinks it has over your body is illusory at best so why not just let your body lead you into bliss?
Good Vibes to You !

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Give in, let go and surrender is good advice. I am not the one to confidently define what to do, as I am rarely successful beyond my Level 8, and sometimes only Level 4. It seems the right amount of arousal (not too much), the setting, the breathing, the relaxation, maybe even music or sound can help jump easier from one level to the other.

What worked for me before:

-Relax your whole body first - this will help later
-Take your time, don't rush and don't stress
-Device is not important, try anerosless
-Learn to 'dive deeper' mentally
-Give in, let go, surrender

To 'dive deeper' mentally, you can imagine falling deeper into the bedding, losing control, giving up, floating out, but don't force it. Allow your mind to do it seemlessly, naturally, almost like falling asleep

Cheat codes that worked for some people sometimes: loosing muscle control (exhaustion by strong contractions) that later contributes to greater relaxation and not feeling the device at all, KSMO, binaural beats, hypnosis, quiet music, cannabis, even sleep

The key, I am starting to think, is to enjoy and be grateful for each session, rather than aim for something and then be dissapointed. After all, even at levels 1-4 - it is still pretty fun. Better than a lot of material things in life, when put into perspective

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Interesting thing also, is that my session could have several repeats going 1-4, then 1-4, then 4-8, then 8-12, and 8-12 again. That is just fantastic when that happens. If I get up, then it could restart

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Early in my Aneros experience I found the supernatural/spiritual state through "split sessions" Those that start in the morning, then are interrupted by several hours of routine physical or mental work. When the anal session desire (butt buzz or 'ass-horniness') begins to build I would return to a resumption of the earlier session sometimes restarted with the help of some meditation and a return to the Aneros tool I'd relinquished earlier.

The dream setting for this second session was usually a dark sky where I could view myself much like a stone statue on a stationary pedestal with a cool flow of air downward from my head to my feet.

My wife at the time was a lucid-dream devotee and encouraged me to build a dream journal so that I could later recall these experiencies. Usually, upon awakening, I found it impossible to capture more than one or two words. She taught me to reconstruct those into a meditative path for my next 'split session' dream attempt.

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I believe I've had up to Level 12 in my previous use of Aneros about a year-and-a-half ago. Since then, I have concentrated mostly on SR, male chastity and therapeutic prostate massage. I don't know if I'm ready for more "terror at the gate" and like @UKguy I will probably be very apprehensive to take-on anything above a Level 8 now. Some of those Super-O's (Levels 8-12) can be really intense. Having traveled down that road before, I may be ready to just remember the experience and not re-live it!

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Back in my pre-aneros experimentation in the early 1990s, I could get up to level 9. Probably couldn't do that today - couldn't take the time, couldn't shut myself off from responsibilities. But wow, for a stressed out grad student back then, did it ever relieve the stress - and afterwards I could really concentrate.

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Thanks UKguy for bringing this up.....I have 2 OBE' but honestly it could be more. I have so many higher states with the aneros or the aneros with weed. Thanks UKguy for bringing this up and thanks also to Doncejankius for your scale.......I have been to your level X but I look at chakras more then physical or mental, makes no difference, I enjoyed your scale. I am in the do nothing A-less group.....deep meditation and complete relaxation ( I am just learning them both ) and I can relax away a super'O and stay at a constant level of bliss.....walking in the Garden of Eden is what I call it

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Thanks UKguy for this thread and thanks Doncejankius for your scale. I have had a few OBE's, they all fall in the WTF category but were positive experiences. I am do nothing guy and with meditation and deep relaxation I can get myself to a place that I call walking in the Garden of Eden.....a place of peace, love and tranquility

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Ive had an OOB, I had purchased a new Helix and that night it was my first Aneros session
I was standing when I inserted the device and
BOOM it happened I felt as if I was fainting
several seconds into that I felt as if I had stepped out of my body and started to float off
to some where and
swoosh I was back to my senses. It really felt unusual, but deep down
it felt good.

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@doncejankius Thank you for the scale. 


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@frekansdavtamj ...and thanks to you for bumping this thread! Very interesting read, it puts some of the higher level experiences in perspective. Highly recommended! 


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@doncejankius 's scale gives a concise map of where Aneros will lead. The progression starting with relaxation makes the next levels to seem achievable, as the build from one to the next. For myself, I often get from 1 to 4. I've gotten to 5 in three sessions, twice outside of a session with no device. Recently I had a 5 in my sleep while dreaming.

Posted by: @doncejankius

Level 1: Relaxation
Level 2: Noise Elimination
Level 3: Auto Contractions
Level 4: Prostate P-Waves
Level 5: Dry-O
Level 6: Floating, Loss of Direction
Level 7: Whole Body Waves
Level 8: Mental-Orgasm
Level 9: Loss of Time and Space
Level 10: Physical Super Orgasm
Level 11: Mental Super Orgasm
Level 12: Complete Out of Body Experience

For me this might be the best advice of all:

Posted by: @doncejankius

Relax your whole body first - this will help later
-Take your time, don't rush and don't stress
-Device is not important, try anerosless
-Learn to 'dive deeper' mentally
-Give in, let go, surrender


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While the 1-12 scale presented above is interesting and sounds nice, it is only that user’s unique experience. I don’t think anyone should expect to have the same linear experience as that person. It is like the milestones, which aren’t linear and of which not everyone experiences every single one. I guess I don’t want new users to read it and think that that linear path is the one to higher pleasure and out of body experiences, because it is only one of infinite paths.  

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@divine_o Good call. I might be older, but I am new. The length of my journey has been the last 14 months. This isn't the first time I've commented on the forum where I've made a simplistic assumption based on something I've read that someone who is further along has pointed out is not universal or may not even make sense. This makes me feel foolish and I'll probably do it again. Even though I've made the progress that I have, it may take me longer to get further than I think. I don't mean to mislead anyone, but might be misleading myself.

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Yeah that scale is not the most important thing in the thread, are there really 12 steps in that exact order, not in my experience, the order can vary, you could reach a Super-O around Level 5 and everything cascades so quickly that the rest doesn't matter. Some levels might last only a moment.

As a general observation/theory: 

Getting to know how you react as an individual is a lot more important, building your own scale can help to a certain degree. In a way the more you think about it, the more... I don't know, some more analytical people will have to overthink this stuff until they hit a wall so high and thick they understand they need to backtrack, if you can skip that part you'll save some time, but is it possible or do you have to see for yourself, that's not clear to me. At some point things stop "making sense" and there's nothing left to solve, so you just let go.

But I guess some of us think they can solve this thing, me included, the more you try to beat the system, the harder this particular system gets. 

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Posted by: @zentai

I guess some of us think they can solve this thing, me included, the more you try to beat the system, the harder this particular system gets.

I just have to chuckle when I read various posters definitive 'solutions' to solving the mystery of obtaining Super-O's. This process/journey, we on this forum are on, is notable for the number of paradoxes we encounter. As I have repeatedly said there are no rules, there are no guaranteed formulas nor are there any definitive steps one will go through on their own personal journey. The best we can do is share that which has worked and not worked in our own experiences. From those reports we can see some commonalities for our successes but should always be aware of the exceptions which fall seemingly far outside the commonalities.

Good Vibes to You!

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ah, if you relate to the system, great. I didn’t mean to veto your own experience!

I personally don’t relate to it, and wanted to just say that it isn’t the only system that exists. As Rumel stated above, there are posts that claim to hold the keys to pleasure, and these posts actually just describe the keys that particular person’s pleasure.  Sometimes we have things in common with another poster and sometimes we don’t, so I wanted to point out to those chasing pleasure to not hold this list as a sole truth.

The list above seems very rigid (even for one person).  Anything and everything is possible. I think any of the proposed numbers can be combined in any order. And of course there are many other numbers to add, but because experience is infinite, its classification is necessarily broad and thus vague.




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It would be interesting to do an inventory of all or much of the 'keys to pleasure' posts to find parallels within, as a way to better help guys reaching orgasm.


I do love total out of body orgasms--it's been awhile since my last one, but I'm sure that I'm latched onto the pressures/stresses of this moment in time and that's keeping me from letting go. Letting go is an important element we've repeated for a long time, so that makes sense.

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I am trying to make out of body or astral travelling experience for long time regardless of my aneros experience. I had thought that I should not to concentrate to my all physical senses of my body for an astral travelling before I read this topic. I have not still reached to Level 9-10 and more. During my aneros experiences I concentrate to my inner senses. On the other hand, I would be rather completely senseless for astral travalling. I am glad to these two experiences would be at the same time. I will try to do it as soon as possible. Please, let me know some tips for it.

Good vibes and Good Levels to you.     



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Oh wow this thread was still going this year!

I lost my old login info, but it is amazing to read the most recent posts here.

Definitely agree that the scale maybe personal or superficial and does not necessarily have to work in a rational and linear way.

It is not meant to inhibit or diminish anyone else’s experiences.

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For me, after several months of dull or limiting sessions in my Aneros journey, I have almost stopped having them. Then, I suddenly and unexpectedly reached new heights in the last seven days. It started with finding out that I may be alone for several days and nights that inspired me to prepare mentally and physically for potentially long sessions that would allow me to relax and re-discover pleasure, and continue my journey. I was getting very excited about that. Whilst that didn’t transpire, I held back and decided not to orgasm in a traditional way. What followed was completely unbelievable, phenomenal and blew my mind completely.

Day 1 - On day 1, my partner went to bed early. He didn’t know that I was holding out, so I decided to just lay next to him and slip in a generic massager that was closest to me. I didn’t experience any overwhelming sensations, but it was pleasant. This increased my arousal further and I wanted more.

Day 2 - During the next morning when I was alone in the room, I inserted that same generic toy and just laid in bed on my side whilst my body started to produce some incredible pleasurable feelings. The session lasted over an hour and I was hooked. I remained very aroused, but had my day planned out being with people. However, in the evening, I really wanted to bottom for my partner (I usually top). When I bottom, it is pleasant, but I have never experienced any significant physical sensations. I think this time I was ready both physically and mentally for something to happen and I went for it. When we finally had sex, it unexpectedly lasted over 40mins as he couldn’t cum. But then, this actually resulted in something stupefying. For the first time ever in my life, after all this time, as I was riding and he was getting frustrated, I felt an orgasm approaching. I kept going and had two consecutive shivering and shaking dry anal orgasms, that blew my mind completely. I could have continued perhaps, but he came and we were done. Afterwards I just laid there and couldn’t believe what was happening. My body was still lightly shivering with pleasure. Obviously, he was also very happy with himself. I decided not to ejaculate and keep going.

Day 3 - I remained very aroused, browsing forums, perusing erotic materials and just generally thinking about prostate pleasure and what else I could do to keep it going.

Day 4 - With even more arousal building, I decided that I wanted another good night of sex. I rode my partner again, it was good but not as good as the previous time. I was still satisfied and so was he.

Day 5 - Day away with friends, I took a break.

Day 6 - I was not working today and booked a day use hotel to have some time with my Aneros. My partner was at work but our housemate was home, so I wouldn’t have been completely alone. I packed my Aneros MGX, Progasm, generic toy, NJoy wand, coconut oil and went for it. Felt strange as I’ve never booked a hotel before just for an Aneros session. But I was in for an incredible treat. I closed the curtains, inserted my MGX and laid still. It took a while to kick in but I started feeling p-waves, followed by beautiful dry Os and a light flutter of melting away into the mattress that I have forgotten about from previous years. I switched to my second toy and my dry Os intensified, alongside body melting and mind altering pleasure. When I finally inserted the Progasm, I didn’t have to relax anew, I rubbed my nipples and dry Os just came to me on demand. I milked myself a little at the end just to alleviate some tension. In the end, I counted that I spent nearly 5 hours in an orgasmic state, one way or another. I came back home and my partner wanted to keep fucking me (this only happened once before I our relationship) so I was only happy to oblige, it was great, I almost came again from the sensation.

Day 7. I felt very naughty because I quietly booked a day off from work and a second hotel day away in the city. This time I packed only my MGX and Progasm and bought a relatively normal sized smooth suction cup massager as a way to try more riding at the end. I wasn’t very positive anything will happen anymore. I thought my body and my prostate will be exhausted and I will end up just watching TV or reading, and having a relaxing day off. But it was even more incredible, I inserted my MGX and after an hour I finally reached that transcendent state when time stops. I could keep going in that state until about 3 hours in. Combined with this I finally had true superOs where time is melting and I have calm waves orgasms combined with super strong physical prostate orgasms. After four hours I stopped and tried my suction cup toy. It was difficult to find the right position but I ended up having a couple of intense miniOs with some release with it that were really superb. At home, my partner was still thrilled that I was holding out and fucked me a little again then slowly and finally brought me to an powerful SuperT ejaculatory orgasm all over myself.

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