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Origin of your user name ?

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I think it might be fun to share this. Some names give a lot of clues, some are pretty cryptic. Here's my origin story :

Once upon a time, I was shopping for toys online and got in the "free shipping with x dollars purchase" situation where I had to find a 15$ widget to add. That's when I found a cheap white zentai suit with a crotch zipper. So I said to myself, hmmm whole body stimulation during sessions, plus this will add some warmth while being more or less naked.

I had underestimated the logistics of getting in and out of this thing with the zipper at the back, and operating said zipper with gloves on, but I found a way and had a couple nice sessions, the passive stimulation was nice. Then one time, things were getting intense, my head started to spin and I felt nauseous, but it went away after a couple minutes. Right after that session, I realized that in an emergency, there was no way I'd be able to remove this thing in time.

Knowing that I wouldn't ever again be able to relax completely with it on, I decided to modify it, then discovered that the thing was so cheap that a seam was already coming apart, meaning more work. I never got to it, and since then, the zentai suit sits in a drawer, empty, and mocking me. 

So where does your username come from ?

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Posted by: @zentai

So where does your username come from ?

Mine is derived from an anagram of my real name initials.

Good Vibes to You!

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It's a phrase from my favorite Sci-fi show.

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I wore a fu manchu mustache when I was a teenager and my friends nicknamed me Gringo. Extra G is my first name initial.

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There is no meaning to the name I chose. I didn't join the forum for six months because I couldn't figure out a name that had meaning or significance. It's a little embarrassing admitting this, but my user name is derived by letter sequences from the left side and right side of the keyboard.

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That's a very nice thread you started @Zentai! 🙂

It's really interesting to hear these stories and gain more insight on the people here, their way of thinking, perception of the world and their character overall... in a good way. Sometimes I daydream, that we all could meet in a place, shake hands and share some friendly hugs - we the people who accompanied and cared for each other for so many years... just once.

My user name is a literal german word which means something along the lines of shenanigans, monkey business or horseplay. I chose it, because for registrating here I used an email adress dedicated for accounts were I wouldn't mind about spam which was rainer-unfug@...

Which is a pun in german. What kind of pun? Glad you asked!

Rainer is a german first name (not so common anymore, kind of outdated, young folks got cooler names nowadays) spoken just like reiner, a flexion of rein which simply means pure, clear or absolute. So Rainer Unfug roughly translates to pure monkey business or absolute bs. Which is kind of a fitting name for a mailbox collecting mostly spam...

So long story short, I just chose the Unfug part as the username, because it's hard to come up with a cool punchy name in a hurry.

Bonus Fact: I got so used to the name, that I started to use it in other places too, earning me a lot of ad hominem attacks, because forists often think I'm a troll.

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@zentai Hahahhaaha I couldn’t think of a quirky prostate journey name. However,2nd November 2004,a video game was released for ps2 called killzone.Basically a shoot em up,where the good guys on a futuristic planet must defend an invasion from a brutal alien military called The Helghast. Stormtrooper types with gas masks,red glowing eyes,and lots of guns. A few weeks back,I was xmas shopping for my kids,I saw the the latest game in the saga for ps4, and had a moment of nostalgia. I also gained a berating from the wife when I suggested buying it for our son. The name just came back to me when I was creating my account. What can I say,it was my favourite game of all time lol.

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I have been doing penis enlargement exercises for about 5 years now. So, about a year ago, I decided to join the PEGym forum and I needed a username. At the time, my penis was approaching 7” in bone-pressed erect length. One day, Guns n Roses “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” came into my head. As I was thinking about my penis length, the lyrics just came to me ,

”Knock, knock, knocking’ on 7’s Door!” It became my username over at PEGym and I simply brought it over to Aneros.

Then, I was thinking about my avatar for this site and I was thinking that the Aneros brings you to a doorway of pleasure and found an image to depict that.

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Fun thread.

Divine oblivion seemed befitting to my hedonistic ways (hedonism is the closest thing I have to a religion) and my desire to slip into other realities, oblivious to the rest. But mainly I saw a box to fill with words and wrote the first thing that came to mind that sounded nice. My partner drew my avatar based on my lips. When the server changed I had to change my handle because the old one didn’t work. Divine O seemed to be a fine compromise.

I always thought @rumel might be a lemur, perched in a tree in meditation on some island in the Indian Ocean.

SOwithoutAneros, charlie5, Faith-Manages and 15 people reacted
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Super fun reading all you guys' stories. I got the idea from @gulliver-plus explaining his username's origin in the diploma scam thread, so thanks to him for the inspiration!

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Posted by: @zentai

Super fun reading all you guys' stories. I got the idea from @gulliver-plus explaining his username's origin in the diploma scam thread, so thanks to him for the inspiration!

I did?! I have not realized until now. @zentai you are very kind! Thank you very much!

It is indeed a fun and enlightening thread to read. I enjoy learning fellow members' stories.

The "origin" of my username is indeed the "Gulliver" book that I read when I was a little boy.

No longer a boy, I realized if you reconfigure some episodes and eroticize them, this book could in fact be one of possible "tourguide(s)" on Aneros journey. I made my breakthourgh by realizing that I need to "welcome" Aneros into my man-chamber, and just, as many members already said, let go. Or, as @zentai said, letting the mini-me(s) work on me. (Although NO "tight-up" necessary, and I am not a sadist, either.) The famous book of "Gulliver" is in fact XXX-rated literature!

But why "Plus"? This is another story. When I joined the forum, there was a Taiwanese movie called "The Great Buddha + " Yes, with + as "plus"  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Buddha%2B and the Rotten Tamato gave this movie 89% rating https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_great_buddha

I found the name of the movie funny and witty. It is a critical comedy and it is now available on Amazon Prime. It is worth watching!

The "Plus" is also used in "LGBTQA++++++++++++" for human sexuality should NOT be classified by oversimplied labels or categories. I do NOT like the LGBTQA label at all! But I love the "+++++" part.

In order to RE-join the forum (due to tons of troubles of the (in)famous 2019 "migration," I have to create a new email for the purpose of this forum. Because the nature of my job, I need anonymity.

So, this leads to another "issue" of our society which is still rather uncomfortable to discuss male sexuality and prostate health openly. As some already said, there should be some social occasions for people to meet openly and discuss the methods and approaches of male prostate massage and pleasure openly. In my opinion, prostate health & pleasure should be taught to high school boys so they can be happier men and better lovers. It is just like learning how to swim or play ball better. Obviously such a proposal would scare some conservative people to death...or half death...

That is why so many members still maintain their anonymity. And as a consequnce of such a culture of our time, so many intersting avatars and usernames!

Nothing wrong with anonymity! Anonymity in this case encourages honest discussions. The discussions on this forum are real and helpful! I do learn A LOT from members' honest discussions and experiences so I could enjoy my "mini-me within Gulliver" journey.

So, THANK YOU So Much! the Members of this Forum, for teaching me something I missed in my high school years!

And the biggest lesson I learned from you guys: Listening to My BODY without any preconception!

Happy Holidays!


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Thank you I'm having a session right now and stopped to check here and you had just posted and it felt so good reading this I'm flying really high right now. This is the most spontaneous thing I have ever written in my life. Thank you.


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Posted by: @zentai


Thank you I'm having a session right now and stopped to check here and you had just posted and it felt so good reading this I'm flying really high right now. This is the most spontaneous thing I have ever written in my life. Thank you.


@zentai WOW! Writing while Riding Mile High...You are truly "spontaneously" blessed!

That is really some skill I need to learn!  Enjoy the Ride!

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@7sdoor does pegym really work? Asking for a friend..


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Posted by: @helghast

@7sdoor does pegym really work? Asking for a friend..



I say it does! I have been doing it for about 5 years and I will say that it takes a lot of patience and time to figure out a good routine and frequency...much like learning how to ride an Aneros. The exercises are fun and pleasurable...it’s a little bit addicting. I have a Bathmate penis pump and I do jelqs and stretches in the shower.

I certainly don’t claim to be an expert or a big gainer yet, but I have made some modest gains. 

My measurements at the start, 6.5” bone-pressed erect length, 5” non bone-pressed erect length, 4.5” erect girth

Current measurements, 7.125” (+0.625”) bone-pressed, 5.625” (+0.625”) non bone-pressed, 4.625” (+0.125”) erect girth

I believe that PE (penis enlargement) can be very complimentary with Aneros use. It strengthens your PC muscles, helps you focus on your arousal, and the erection quality gained from prostate massage can definitely help promote penis growth. You can tell your friend that I am a believer...haha!


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@7sdoor what sort of exercises do you do? I’m intrigued.


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My name is just one I use around in a few other places. Think metal work and machinery from days gone past. Hat tip to Cincinnati Ohio.

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I have a theory that using my bidet daily for 9 months before getting an Aneros helped kickstart the prostate rewiring process, and get me accustomed to sensations and ready to find pleasure there. My Helix Trident brought me to my first Super-O too, so with the water I thought of Poseidon's [Helix] Trident and I adopted my name.

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@poseidon that's pretty clever! Almost like a superhero origin story, minus the radioactive bidet water giving your butt super(-O) powers. Or did it?

Mine was more, "Anything Aneros related I could use? Yeah, that dumb suit." Image search, not even the right color, bah will do. Done in 60 seconds hehe. 

Edit : Fluoride!!!! That's the key! Wait there's fluoride in bath water too, back to the lab...


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Sometimes when I meditate (and by sometimes I mean around once every three years or so) I suddenly see a pelican.  Not really in my 'mind's eye' but in full high definition.  It always startles me out of my trance, and I hope someday I can stay with it and learn more.

It's always mystified me.  When I see them at the beach, they always command my attention.  Total ungainly clutzes on land, but so graceful once in the air!

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@Zentai after one of my first sessions, I kept my Helix in my ass and got into a warm bath. Rode one or two satisfying mini-Os and truly became liquid.

@seekingpelican I've also experienced feeling all the textures of the sunrays and wind of the beach hitting me from all angles after having a Super-O, so there's definitely been a few aquatic elements in my sessions. (After sundown, in a dark apartment, on a yoga mat too) If Zentai's theory is correct, there's got to be more than fluoride in my water haha

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I'm a compulsive name-changer, but I think I've found one I like because it embodies a lot of the way this journey makes me feel. Names actually matter to me lol.. I don't know why. Not that anyone cares though, but yea- organism_x: it stimulates my imagination when I see the name, and reminds me of what I am. Also, amazing how close it is to the word orgasm. No cool story for my name, just thought I'd post anyway

previous names: Lakesky, blacklotus

This post was modified 4 years ago by organism_x

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In 2008 when I created my account, I was on a completely unrelated forum with this username.  It was a forum where I had two accounts - one to post and one to lurk.  None of the members knew of my lurking account.  

Since I was really unsure about Aneros (I think I was a member here about a month before buying a model), I didn't want to run the risk of someone putting two and two together with the other usernames I would actively use.

Since then that other forum no longer exists.  I did though registered on another forum with this same username the other day.  The staff strictly stated that we should use a username that we don't use often.

I guess it has come in handy here and there.  🙂

As more the meaning of "Nat"...  It is completely random...

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I used to be known as "Cracker" on here.  My last name is Graham, and I used to be called "Graham Cracker" in younger days, so that is where "Cracker" came from.  Then, about a year ago, I decided I wanted to be more authentic in my life and on this forum. So I started using "grahamsh", which, of course, is my last name and first and middle initials.

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@regal13, are you from Cincinnati?  I am from Dayton!


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I love to Fist woman. I know many people seem shocked when they find out i love to stick things up my bum and find out i am straight but any straight male who bashes anal play has never tried it. 

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