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Been using the Aneros for a long time (>10 years)  and have got to a point where I can orgasm hands free but it's wet. It's great and I feel like I'm making progress but I still think I'm chasing a traditional orgasm approach. I seem to get to a point where there's lots of thrashing of hips and muscles are quaking but it never feels like I'm drawing the aneros in automatically. Actually I tend to prefer to push the toy out and it all feels really nice (I can also go toyless here and it feels like the toy is still in there). However, either way I'm not really relaxed but am turned on. Can anyone provide tips about on what I can try next in terms of how to approach sessions?

Any tips would be welcome


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Maybe you should try doing things differently. Do you always use the same position? Have you tried doggy?

Try subduing the twitching movements and keep massaging the spot. See what happens. Breathe deeply.

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The way it works for me (or my paradigm, if you prefer), is that I have to balance relaxation with arousal, I really need both. Too much arousal not backed with relaxation ends in orgasm with ejaculation, too much relaxation and I forget my prostate and just zone out in a meditation state.  I think you may need to play with that balance, I don't know if you use audios, videos, how aroused you are at the start, how much time you need to ramp-up... That's the kind of thinking I would use to approach this. 

Ggringo, Ggringo and Ggringo reacted
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Thanks for the advise it give me a few things on my next session.

It's clear to me that this is not coming naturally especially after so many years trying. If I lie there and contract or do nothing I normally just end up falling asleep with no pleasure experiences at all. Currently, I do seem to be in a mode of becoming aroused almost immediately and twitching straight away. Things become more pleasable in waves if I try holding the toy in or push it out along with lots of nipple stimulation and the twitching/thrusting increases. Interestedly, the nipple stimulation will alter the thrusts depending on which way a stroke them. I use a VR headset to watch porn or some meditation app. Things take a good hour to really come to life (and currently it takes 2hours to orgasm). I can relax and hold the toy in a pleasurable position and everyingthing feels really nice to the point of moaning but no matter what I do it subsides or ends up in a wet orgrasm. To be fair this is great and well worth the experience but I would really like to try to get to dry orgasms (I have had one previously).

Not sure what else to add but any other things to try based on this information would be great.

Thanks to those who replied, everytime someone answers it has really helped push things along

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Posted by: @monkeyrj

However, either way I'm not really relaxed but am turned on. Can anyone provide tips about on what I can try next in terms of how to approach sessions?

Since you are a veteran user you may remember @darwin 's post relax, relax, RELAX, this might be a good time to re-read that post to understand the importance of relaxing.

Posted by: @monkeyrj

To be fair this is great and well worth the experience but I would really like to try to get to dry orgasms (I have had one previously).

You might find some ideas for avoiding ejaculations in these threads -> How to avoid ejaculation?, How to avoid handsfree wet orgasms , Avoiding ejaculation during orgasm? , Hands free ejaculation being an obstacle & Cumming while lying face down.

Good Vibes to You!

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If you keep ending up at HFWO. You may be flexing too hard,and possibly in the wrong place.Try to visualise flexing just above the anus in the perineum area.Play around with different variations.

When things get good,more often than not,going harder is counter productive. Try to just keep doing what your doing and build a nice rhythm.

Don’t forget to breathe. I’d stick with the mediation. I’d also try 21 days with no porn at all. Just use your imagination,it’s very possible you might level up.

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Thanks for all the advise. I think there is a key with the relaxation and possible over stimulation with porn. I certainly get the tension aspect in the build up to orgasm and I certainly do tense my core muscles up. I tried to "deep breath" through this in my last session and the build up was intensifying. The one question I do have is on what a happening during all this. When I insert the toy I immediately get spasms that manifest as hip thrusts. These produce pleasure which tends to increase more if I relax or slightly push out the toy. Contracting the PC muscles as suggested above is OK but not as nice. What I'm trying to understand what people are doing to "move" the toy. Is it hip thrusts, large/small muscles quakes or PC muscles contractions? This may seem obvious to most people but I get the most impact when lay on my back with my hips shaking not through contraction. However, when I orgasm the PC muscles are banging away really hard at the toy.


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Posted by: @monkeyrj

possible over stimulation with porn

Not necessarily,but focusing on porn may mean your not focusing on your prostate,and missing out on what’s going on.

Posted by: @monkeyrj

These produce pleasure which tends to increase more if I relax or slightly push out the toy. Contracting the PC muscles as suggested above is OK but not as nice.

Follow what feels good,‘pushing’ the toy may just be what a contraction feels like to you. I would say do what feels good,maybe don’t do what feels just ok so much. You say when your push the pleasure builds,then follow and keep letting it build,this is the time to relax,not thinking about orgasm,just let whatever happens happen.


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I'm looking for a bit of advise regarding a session I had last night.

As per the top of this mail I have been using the aneros for quite a while. Progress has been good recently with HFWOs and using the advise here turned these into mini dry O's (at least that's what I believe).

My sessions are pretty kinetic with hip bucking, clamping, muscles shaking etc. However, in last night'session everything became calm with sligth prostate pressure but no movement and then suddenly my whole body was buzzing and warm. The sensation was extremely pleasurable and I would say almost "out of body". However, whilst I tried to maintain this (maybe 30 seconds or so) my mind snapped back to reality. There was then some very serious clamping and another all over body experience.

Would someone say this describes progress or even the start of a super O?


Thanks in Advance

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Yeah, this sounds like what my body was doing the session before a super O. I was feeling really good, and it almost felt like one. I was getting a warm feeling in my stomach. I would say you are probably a session or two away hopefully.


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@monkeyrj I think this is describing a super-o,except you didn’t fully let go and allow it to continue. Don’t think about it to much,just try to let go next time and ride the wave for as long as it lasts. Excellent progress mate,you are right there in the thick of it!  🙂


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Posted by: @monkeyrj

Would someone say this describes progress or even the start of a super O?

I agree with @Helghast, I think you were experiencing a Super-O (see definition). It's important to not overthink this phenomenon or be looking for or expecting some sensation/condition you have formulated in your mind. Super-O's manifest in many forms and yours will vary from orgasm to orgasm as no two are ever alike, similar yes maybe, but not the same. Congratulations you are already in the 'O'zone.

Good Vibes to You!

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